Tuesday, May 30 – Hour 3 Podcast


Indiana police departments want drones. There’s just one big problem.

‘s two largest departments both want ; one for crowd surveillance at major gatherings Downtown, the other to monitor traffic at events such as the Indiana State Fair.

FAKE NEWS: WaPo Made-Up Kushner’s Request for ‘Permanent Back Channel’ Communication with Russia

During the meeting wherein the asserted that proposed a secure line between the administration and , it was actually the Russians who proposed it, a source close to Kushner informed Fox .

Jared Kushner didn’t suggest Russian communications channel in meeting, source says | Fox News

During the meeting the Russians broached the idea of using a secure line between the Trump administration and Russia, not Kushner, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News. That follows a recent report from The Washington Post alleging that Kushner wanted to develop a secure, private line with Russia.

WIKILEAKS: Obama Transition Team Initiated ‘Confidential Policy Consultations’ with Foreign Actors in Nov. 2008

The liberal mainstream media excitedly reported on Jared Kushner’s attempt to establish a secret channel of communication with Russia before the president took office.

Thursday, May 25 – Hour 2 Podcast


Interview Norm Robertson from ExpressPros.com

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Montana Assault Witness Changes Story, Says No Neck Grab | LifeZette

A reporter who was a firsthand witness to an incident late Wednesday involving GOP candidate Greg Gianforte and a reporter for the Guardian now admits she may have misstated some details of her initial story.

Biggest Day For Facebook News Was Buzzfeed’s Fake Dossier | The Daily Caller

The most viewed story on in the past year is the uncorroborated BuzzFeed piece on the dossier alleging that President Donald engaged in illicit activities, including kinky sexual acts with Russian prostitutes, according to an Axios report.

FAKE : Still Peddling False Narrative On Jeff Sessions


When you are a US Senator, you will meet with foreign ambassadors regularly as a normal part of your job. A single term in the Senate could have hundreds of meetings with foreign ambassadors. Again, it is part of their job.

A long debunked narrative that somehow violated protocol, was hiding meetings, or broke the law (as some asserted) is still alive and well and .


CNN used the two already reported meetings between Sessions and Russian Sergei Kislyac as the basis for a story on the Attorney General.

Sessions did not mention the meetings, which took place as part of Sessions’ official duties as a United States Senator, on his SF-86, the disclosure form for those applying for “top secret” clearance. This fact was, by CNN’s own account, freely volunteered by the Justice Department.

DOJ spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores told CNN that Sessions did not list any of the dozens of ambassadors he met over years of being a senator.

This is completely . Politicians and government bureaucrats from both parties defended Sessions on this baseless accusation.

I discussed it in detail on my show back in March when the story broke. I also carried Sessions’ press conference live on my show.

Monday, May 22 – Hour 3 Podcast


Fake News: Ivanka Is Not Engaged In Pay-To-Play Scheme – The Burning Truth

Journalists and pundits spread on Twitter Sunday that was engaged in with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

CNN Fudges Data To Cast Fox News In A Poor Light [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Mic Picks Up Trump, Netanyahu Discussing Mutual Disdain for the Press

President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin and his wife Sara Netanyahu were overheard discussing their shared disdain for the media shortly after Trump arrived in Tel Aviv, Israel on Monday.


Ebay accused of failing its sellers as fraudulent buyers manipulate the system | Money | The Guardian

“We couldn’t open it until we had signed for it,” says Rose. “On the label it said two items were inside. When we had signed and opened it up we found the cheaper £540 sword badly damaged because of poor packaging, and a brick. The other £1,400 sword, for which he had been trying to barter, was not there.”

Humans May Have Accidentally Created a Radiation Shield Around Earth | Hackaday

Overall, this seems like an accidental, but potentially positive effect of human activity – the barrier protects the Earth from potentially harmful .