Fake : Have Not Refused Visit


I’ve seen this repeated countless times today on social media from verified, and unverified accounts alike.

A tweet claiming that the champion would refuse to meet with President Donald at the went viral Tuesday, despite presenting zero evidence.


The problem is, no one knows where the story originates from. Who’s the source?

KPIX 5 got a press release from the Warriors saying that they hadn’t even received an invite yet.


Monday, June 12 – Hour 1 Podcast


Nurses Sue Over Hostage, Rape Incident at Illinois Hospital

Four are suing a , the county he works for, and the company that provides security for a hospital in Illinois after a prison escaped while being treated, causing mayhem — including raping a nurse — before being shot and killed by police.

Pelosi Keeps Confusing George W. Bush With Donald Trump

House Minority Leader Nancy (D., Calif.) has confused President Donald  with former President George W. at least four times since Trump took office in January.

Threes Brewing, Brooklyn company, to release ‘Gender Neutral’ beer prior to NYC Pride March – Washington Times

Brooklyn-based Threes Brewing plans on capitalizing on thirsty members of the LGBT community this month with the June 22 release of a new lager called “Gender Neutral.” The flavor will debut at a “Human Rights are Gender Neutral” party in celebration of the city’s Pride Week.

More Footage of CNN’s Staged Protest at the London Bridge :: Grabien News

Narrator Claire Jordan walks viewers through the scene before filmed the ‘protest’


Fake : ‘s ‘‘ Got It Wrong Again


Former FBI Director will testify before Congress today. Yesterday, we got his prepared statement that he will read.

His statement completely contradicted reports by from ‘‘ that Comey was going to refute in his . He will not.

CNN has now issued a correction.

What makes CNN’s reporting is that they reported their story as if it were irrefutable fact. They had no documented proof of such accusations, but chose to not add disclaimers during their reporting.

The CNN story was put together by four CNN journalists: Gloria Borger, Eric Lichtblau, Jake Tapper and Brian Rokus.

Borger said this on CNN Tuesday:

“Comey is going to dispute the president on this point if he’s asked about it by senators, and we have to assume that he will be,” said Borger, the network’s chief political analyst. “He will say he never assured Donald Trump that he was not under investigation, that that would have been improper for him to do so.”

has still failed to correct their story on this same issue at the time this post was written.

The only way for CNN, ABC, and others to be vindicated is if Comey’s prepared statement is a lie.

CNN and other outlets have been increasingly reliant upon anonymous sources over the past few years. Nearly all of their ‘scandal’ reporting on President Trump has been from anonymous sources. Those scandals, so far, have all been refuted, debunked, or lack any real evidence.

In journalism, anonymous sources are notoriously unreliable. Any journalist or reporter who says otherwise is seriously lacking in credibility. If they don’t provide documented proof, or physical evidence, they should not be considered solid sources. It has always been that way with real journalism. Modern major media has abandoned this basic journalistic standard in favor of grade school rumors. Unfortunately, people’s confirmation bias steers them to believe unsubstantiated hearsay.


Fake : Stages Photo, And All Use The Shot


After the terrorist attacks this last weekend, the media was doing everything they could to not make radical Islam the bad guy that it is.

got caught staging a shot of Muslim protesters standing in solidarity with London terror victims.

Here’s the video:

As you can clearly see, the shot is staged and choreographed. It … is … undeniable. This is a big no no in news reporting.

CNN denies they staged what you just saw them stage:

Whether or not the demonstrators were there is beside the point. The shot was staged to look like more were there than there were, and no context was given.

But wait! There’s more!

They guy who took the video says CNN swapped the officers out based on their race.

Here’s the AP using the shot as well.


Fake : Lies About Comments To Megyn Kelly


When sat down with newcomer , NBC lied about his comments on social media.

Hmm … Reuters says Putin denied it.

So did CNBC.

This is the relevant part of the article NBC was referring to:

Asked whether “you have something damaging on our president?” Putin — who once worked as a KGB recruiter — replied: “Well, this is just another load of nonsense. Where would we get this information from?”

“Why, did we have some special relationship with him?” Putin asked. “We didn’t have any relationship at all. There was a time when he used to come to Moscow. But you know, I never met with him. We have a lot of Americans who visit us.”

The well-known spin master then attempted to turn the tables.

“Right now, I think we have representatives from a hundred American companies that have come to Russia,” Putin said. “Do you think we’re gathering compromising information on all of them right now or something? Have you all lost your senses over there?”

Yep, pretty solid denial by Putin. NBC News flat out lied.

They were forced to correct themselves: