Cubans Finally Rise Up – , July 12 – 1


VIDEO: Cubans wave American flag, chant ‘Liberty!’ in mass protests against communist dictatorship

DOJ Retracts Claim It Seized ‘Fully Constructed’ Lego Set From Accused Capitol Rioter


Amazing New Medical Breakthroughs Giving Cancer Patients Newfound Hope

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Thursday, 6

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, May 6


Senator defends bill after Holcomb’s veto: Unelected officials shouldn’t be able to close businesses, churches

: Gretchen Whitmer Used Private Jet Borrowed From Billionaires To To During COVID Crisis

Hour 2

Disabled white farmer sues Biden admin over ‘racist’ COVID relief

South Carolina State Votes To Add Firing Squad To Execution Methods

Hour 3

Johns Hopkins tells not to buy the ‘fearmongering’ that the media and experts are selling as the COVID-19 threat wanes

‘Don’t Vaccinate the Young and Healthy’: Swedish Doctors Pen Open Letter Against Blanket Inoculation

Is Your ‘Woke ‘ High Enough to Keep You From Being Denied by Major Corporations?


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Thursday, April 8

Hour 1

Fact-Checking Biden’s Latest Gun Control Press Conference

Biden say ‘ATF’ correctly

AG Merrick Garland explains that a stabilizing brace ‘effectively turns a pistol into a short-barreled rifle,’ which is ‘still concealable’ (and people have questions)

CBS Shifts 60 Minutes DeSantis Piece Narrative to Lack of Access for Minorities

Hour 2

The TODAY show admits COVID-19 ‘experts’ are ‘scratching their heads’ over why cases are dropping in states like Texas

‘Absolutely spectacular’: Masked public health officials get THE from restaurant and OMG YAAAAAAS (watch)

Lee Zeldin Announces Campaign To Unseat Andrew Cuomo, ‘Losing Is Not An Option!’

Un-Canceled: SF School Board Formally Rescinds Move To Rename Schools After Lincoln, Washington, Feinstein

Alert: Pine trees are now racist

‘Senseless, Irrational, Cowardice Bulls***’: High School Track Coach Fired After Refusing To Make His Team Wear Masks

Hour 3

In honor of CBP’s newly released migrant surge data, Daily Caller circles back to Jen Psaki’s BS characterization of the crisis

Remember that thing about “kids in cages”?

Group Trying To Convince Asians That America Is Oppressive Has Ties To Chinese State

‘Terminated, Effective Immediately:’ 2 NYC Doormen Who Failed To Act During Brutal Attack On -Year-Old Asian Have Been Fired

While Obama Made Millions off the Presidency, New Report Says Donald Trump Than $1.1 Billion

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