Daily Show Prep: Monday, July 31

Daily : , July 31


Deadly Pathogens Were Being Kept in Illegal US Lab, Test Animals Found to Have Disturbing Genetic Alteration

Officials bust illegal lab containing 20 infectious agents, hundreds of lab mice

Mysterious Chinese COVID Lab Uncovered in City of Reedley CA

Not good: Chinese laboratory found in old warehouse in California. They were experimenting with coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis, and herpes.


Act of War? China Injects Malicious Malware in Critical Military Infrastructure, Goes Undetected For Almost a Year

A 46,000-year-old worm found in Siberian permafrost was brought back to life, and started having babies

Hour 2

A Notre Dame professor sues a student publication over its coverage of her abortion-rights work

We Will Not Be Silenced

People Magazine Acknowledges Navy Biden After Getting The ‘OK’ Signal From Joe

NBC’s Alexander: It’s ‘On-Brand’ for Biden ‘to Acknowledge His Entire Family’

REVEALED: Facebook Felt “Pressure” From “Outraged” Biden White House To Remove Posts

Hour 3

FBI Engages in Warrantless Surveillance Again – This Time Over Legal Gun Sales on Facebook


REPORT: Not One 8th Grader at LeBron James’ I Promise School Has Passed State Math Test in 3 Years

Supreme Court temporarily blocks ‘ghost gun’ ruling by federal judge

Devon Archer tells Congress Burisma pressured Hunter Biden to deal with Ukrainian prosecutor

Daily Show Prep: Tues, July 11

Daily : Tues, July 11


Zelenskyy outraged after Biden rejects Ukraine’s NATO membership: ‘unprecedented and absurd’

How many Russians have died in Ukraine? Data shows what Moscow hides


Bishop for Church of England Says Lord’s Prayer is Problematic

Lucas Miles talks exposing threat of ‘woke culture’ in churches, misusing Jesus for propaganda

“Just unfathomable”: Disney World is “just about empty” during summer vacation season

Hour 2

Wired magazine says owning a home security camera “increases the possibility of racial profiling,” you racist

Next target of environmentalists: Your tires and brakes

Young woman says TikTok brainwashed her into becoming transgender and she is now de-transitioning

Report: YMCA bans 16-year-old girl, kicks her off swim team for objecting to naked men in women’s locker room

Hour 3

New Report: More Biden Censorship of US Social Media in Collusion With Ukrainian Spy Agency

Indianapolis City-County Council votes to pass controversial gun ordinance

They passed an ordinance that violates and Constitutions and they will get and dollars to defend an illegal ordinance and they will lose.

FLASHBACK: Banning gun sales to young American adults under 21 is unconstitutional, judge rules

FLASHBACK: Federal court says restrictions on handgun sales to people under 21 are unconstitutional

Daily Show Prep: Wed, May 10

Daily : Wed, 10


Elon Musk Asks Don Lemon To Consider Doing A Twitter-Based Show

The CBC comes crawling back to Twitter

In Major Reversal, Biden Resurrects Trump Border Policy Ahead Of Title 42 Repeal

Juicy details of charges against George Santos have been released and yeah, he may be in trouble

Hour 2

Oversight Committee: Biden Family Business Received over $10 Million from Romania, China for Unknown Work

Former CIA Official Drafted Hunter Biden Laptop Letter to Give Biden Campaign a ‘Talking Point:’ Emails

Biden’s White House spox implicated in effort to discredit Hunter Biden laptop: email

At I discussed this on the air, did not have single on homepage the revelations.

Hour 3

Manhattan Jury Rejects Trump Rape Allegation, Awards Accuser $5M


Fake scientific papers are alarmingly common

Daily Show Prep: Monday, May 8

Daily : , 8


Megyn Kelly Exposes Fox Exec. Behind Tucker Carlson’s Leaks

Tucker Carlson Given Job Offer with Salary Up to 3 Times More than He Was Making at Fox News

Tucker Carlson Reportedly Preparing to Unleash on Fox News: He Will Not Be Silenced

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Twitter sleuths find MSNBC gun-grabbing Allen shooting eye witness and well well well, whad’ya know

SUV driver plows into crowd outside a Texas migrant and homeless shelter – killing at least seven and injuring 11 others: Charged with reckless driving

FDA Approves First Pill Containing Human Feces

Hour 2

Proud Boys Found Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy

Berkeley Prof. Sorry for Being a ‘White Person Who Incorrectly Identified as Native’

Report: DeSantis to Skip Exploratory Committee and Announce Campaign

Hour 3


“Consider a , even if it’s not” – accused of assisting Ukraine with censorship

Save the male chicks

Jan. 6 rioter in pink beret identified after ex spotted her in a viral FBI tweet

devoted over 2 years to tracking this , and she’s not even accused of any acts of . feds can’t can’t have looking all adorable at a riot.

Daily Show Prep: Friday, May 5

Daily : , 5


Title 42 Countdown: 700,000 Migrants in Mexico Waiting to Rush U.S. Border

ATF overstated job tasks to overpay workers, $20M wasted on overpayments, US Special Counsel

: Teshka

IRS’s ‘Non-Partisan’ Pick to Study Tax System Isn’t So Non-Partisan

Legislative Wrap-up and what lies ahead

Hours 2 & 3

Interview: Senator Jonathan Lindsey

Horse Farm Under Investigation by MDARD After Hosting Gotion Rally; State Reps Call for Investigation

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky announces departure

Flynn v U.S. – The USG Want’s Change of Venue