Wednesday, Nov. 1 – Hour 2 Podcast


Lost sailors’ story doesn’t add up, experts say | New York Post

The said Monday that the two women who were lost at sea for five months had an aboard their that was never activated.

FLASHBACK: Women stranded at sea for months rescued by Navy | New York Post

Two months into their trip, well after they were scheduled to arrive in , the women began making distress calls, but there were no vessels close and they were too far out to sea for the signals to be detected on land.

Drive-Bys and Democrats Shield Terrorist, Blame the Truck! | The Rush Limbaugh Show

KRISTOF: This is incredibly complicated and there is no silver bullet. If anything, it’s like silver buckshot. We can do more with intelligence. We can do more with trying to limit the access people have to weapons, including trucks.

A police officer from the University of Nevada — Colin Kaepernick‘s alma mater — dressed as the former NFL quarterback for and leftists are up in arms about it.

America Loves Republican Governors | The Daily Caller

The top ten most popular governors are all Republicans, according to polling data released Tuesday.