Thursday, March 29 – Hour 2

FBI agent charged with leaking classified documents to the media.

reveals vehicles they will be making in Mishawaka, IN.

Hollywood actresses want New York to eliminate tipping of restaurant workers, workers tell them to shut up and mind their business.

Finally! fires .

Positive Stories The Media Is Refusing To Cover – Podcast

Ben Carson Finds Massive Fraud At HUD – Daily Wire

“The total amounts of errors corrected in ‘s notes and consolidated financial statements were $516.4 billion and $3.4 billion, respectively,” the auditors wrote.

Manufacturing Employment on the Rise in ‘Right to Work’ Indiana

As became America’s 23rd Right to Work state in early 2012, just a little more than five years ago, many proponents like then-Congressman Mike Pence (now the U.S. Vice President) contended the new law

President Trump is Dramatically Cutting US Trade Deficit to China – Justin Holcomb

The deficit fell to $43.6 billion, 9.6 percent below January’s deficit of $48.2 billion, while on Chinese goods fell by $8.6 billion.  The overall trade deficit with narrowed in February to $23 billion, 26.6 percent below the January total.

China Open to Dropping Import Ban on American Beef

12,392,000: U.S. Manufacturing Jobs Reach Highest Level in 8 Years

That is the greatest number of people employed in manufacturing in the United States since January 2009—the month that President Barack was inaugurated

153,000,000 Americans Employed in March, Setting 2nd Straight Record

The number of employed Americans increased 472,000 to 153,000,000 in March, setting a second straight monthly record; and the number of unemployed persons dropped by 326,000 to 7.2 million.

Monday, April 10 – Hour 1 Podcast

Neil Gorsuch Sworn In As Supreme Court Justice | The Daily Caller

was sworn in as the 113th justice of the Monday, taking the seat that was once occupied by Justice Antonin Scalia nearly 14 months after his death.

Doctor Dragged From United Plane After Computer “Solves” Overbooking Problem | Zero Hedge

A man was violently dragged off of a flight Sunday evening after it was apparently overbooked, according to passengers who were on the plane.

Classic @United overbook #flight3411 and decided to force random passengers off the plane. Here’s how they did it:

Daily Wire

“The total amounts of errors corrected in ‘s notes and consolidated financial statements were $516.4 billion and $3.4 billion, respectively,” the auditors wrote.

Manufacturing Employment on the Rise in ‘Right to Work’ Indiana

As became America’s 23rd Right to Work state in early 2012, just a little more than five years ago, many proponents like then-Congressman Mike Pence (now the U.S. Vice President) contended the new law

President Trump is Dramatically Cutting US Trade Deficit to China – Justin Holcomb

The deficit fell to $43.6 billion, 9.6 percent below January’s deficit of $48.2 billion, while on Chinese goods fell by $8.6 billion.  The overall trade deficit with narrowed in February to $23 billion, 26.6 percent below the January total.

China Open to Dropping Import Ban on American Beef

12,392,000: U.S. Manufacturing Jobs Reach Highest Level in 8 Years

That is the greatest number of people employed in manufacturing in the United States since January 2009—the month that President Barack was inaugurated

153,000,000 Americans Employed in March, Setting 2nd Straight Record

The number of employed Americans increased 472,000 to 153,000,000 in March, setting a second straight monthly record; and the number of unemployed persons dropped by 326,000 to 7.2 million.

So My Name Came Up In An Article At The Atlantic

I just can’t seem to escape the job while I’m on vacation.

A listener pointed out that a recent article on The Atlantic mentioned me by name. It’s an article full of tribalism and confirmation bias that laments the tribalism and confirmation bias of those who disagree with .

Yes, that’s St Joseph County Councilman Mark Telloyan.

Why not, it’s Friday, I’ll respond.

So much straw man fallacy in this piece mixed with ignorance of the current , and what happened in . It’s an article about confirmation bias without acknowledging both sides are infected by it. I won’t bother you with all of the facts, but stick to the general paragraph where my name came up and Elkhart, IN.

1) The economy isn’t good. There aren’t many financial and economic experts that think it is. Is it better than 8 years ago? Yes. It got to this point slower than at any other point in history, and is currently anemic at best. The main reason for such a slow recovery is that the government didn’t get out of our way.

2) American’s ignorance of economics, taxes and finances continues to be staggering. Fundamentally ignorant media writing inaccurate articles about it is perpetuating the problem. It’s one of the reasons I help produce Wise Money Radio.

3) You can’t ignore the vast changes in local governments swinging to business and tax friendly officials that has happened in the past 8 years. Those changes are far more responsible for positive economic improvements than the federal government. The Democrats have lost 1030 seats since Obama became president. That doesn’t happen if the President’s policies are successful. The American people like Obama personally, but hate his policies.

4) As for Elkhart, lots of people who have never heard of Elkhart, want to credit Obama for what happened here. Big problem with that assertion … it’s nonsense. Nearly every local leader, and the industry (which is essentially solely responsible for the positive turnaround) say Obama’s policies had nothing to do with it.

Obama’s legacy in Elkhart is giving tens of millions of dollars in government grants for green , and electric car manufacturing that never materialized. None of those projects benefitted Elkhart, and they cost the taxpayer millions.

Ball State economist Michael Hicks has also pointed out that Obama was trying to force Elkhart’s economy away from manufacturing even as it was becoming more dependent upon it, and manufacturing is exactly why Elkhart is doing well now. The pro-manufacturing candidate just won the presidency.

The RV industry also sells a ton of product in Canada. Obama doesn’t get credit for Canadians buying RVs.

I should also point out Republican led Elkhart County is where most of this progress is happening, not in Democrat controlled Elkhart city. The recent defeat of the former Democratic mayor illustrates this point.

Darth Moore in his Pri Fighter

Furthermore, Elkhart is well aware they are in another RV bubble, and that it will burst. They are trying to diversify economically because the progress made these past few years is too volatile.

5) The left and the right keep fighting over vacation time. Did my listener say they approved of ‘s ‘vacation’ or was that just straw man? You do realize a lot of people who don’t like Obama weren’t thrilled with Bush either right? If not, it’s because you are a tribalist, and assume everyone else is a tribalist also. This notion that if you don’t like Obama, you must have loved Bush is nonsense. Tribalism is killing this country.

Considering has said he won’t live at the White House full-time, I can’t wait to see the ‘vacation’ trackers the liberal media will incessantly report on.

It’s more about dollars than time off. Fact is, Obama has spent over $90 million on vacations alone. It’s an unprecedented amount. Many taxpayers see this as a waste of money. Especially considering funding and budgetary issues. They aren’t wrong, but $90 million is a small drop in the bucket. It just illustrates a cavalier attitude, and lack of good stewardship of our money.

Bush spent over 500 days at his homes mostly working, not galavanting around exclusive resorts, and shopping at great taxpayer expense. If you are away from DC, and not on an official diplomatic trip, people log it as a vacation when if frequently isn’t. It’s media spin, pure and simple.

No president gets to unplug from the job on any trip. Criticism of Bush’s time at home as ‘vacation’ was utterly ridiculous and intellectually dishonest. Criticism of Obama time away from DC tends to be as well. It’s the fashion in which he does it, and the refusal to interrupt his vacations that irks people.

6) Every president should attend the annual Army/Navy game. It should be tradition in my opinion. Bringing up H. W. Bush to take a dig at someone is pretty petty confirmation bias itself. Did my listener say that they liked Bush Sr.’s decision to not attend the game, or did the author of this article just decide they wanted another man made of straw?

7) Yes Obama started wearing the flag pin after taking considerable public shaming as a result of him not wearing one. Let’s not pretend this was anything other than it was … a calculated political move because Obama was taking a likability hit for not wearing one. Criticism of Obama refusing to wear the pin doesn’t evaporate because he was pressured by the public into wearing one.

I also don’t think it should be an issue. Certainly not the issue many have made it out to be. It’s just a pin, and many believe it violates the Flag Code. As I’ve said before, if I were running for office I’d likely wear a Gadsden Flag pin instead.

8) The sheer amount of winning Trump is doing right now on economic issues is unprecedented. Trump has had a hand in Carrier, Boeing, Lockheed, Ford, GM, Sprint, OneWeb, and SoftBank just to name a few. And yes, Trump’s meeting with SoftBank directly affected the Sprint and OneWeb deals according to those two companies. Liberals are spinning that story to claim Trump is lying.

I can not remember the last time a president-elect has put in this much effort, been this involved, and had this much impact. The fact is that Trump is showing his supporters that he’s here to work. Not throw celebrity parties every Thursday at the White House.