Daily Show Prep: Monday, Feb. 19

Daily : , Feb. 19


Nolte: Doomed CNN Forced to ‘Dramatically’ Slash Anchor Salaries

Masked ‘Recovering Journo’ Shaming United for Plane Air Quality ACCIDENTALLY Funniest Post of the Day

The Atlantic Claims Rich People Leave Their Curtains Open to Torment the Poors ANNND Twitter Has Thoughts

Teen car wash worker has lemonade hurled at her, retaliates by spraying pressure hose at rude customer in viral video

Hour 2

The NYPD Has a ‘Dance’ Team and the Dancing COVID Nurses Would Like a Word

Biden admin reportedly doubling down on gas car crackdown

The Boom in Battery Metals for EVs Is Turning to Bust

Shutdown of Indiana oil refinery impacts gas prices with a 21 cent increase from last month

Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, Meant To Counter China, Prompted Explosion in Chinese Battery Imports




Hour 3

The Internet Was Made for Nikki Haley’s Hilariously Unfortunate Wording in Her ’12 Fellas’ Post

Jill Biden gives SOTU invite to Texas woman who went to great lengths to kill her disabled unborn child

Kansas Man Speaks Out After He Was Wrongly Accused Of Being Suspected KC Parade Shooter: ‘I Just Want To Clear My Name’

Complete PARODY: Mollie Hemingway Calls NYT OUT for Praising Fani Willis’ DRESS (That Was on BACKWARD)

WOW: Victor Davis Hanson Rattles Off List of Biden’s Lies (Just in the Past WEEK)

Daily Show Prep: Tues, January 9

Daily : Tues, January 9


‘Go Bloo:’ Kellogg’s celebrates U of M championship with limited edition cereal box

Epps, accused of being FBI informant on J6, sentenced to one year probation

Defense Sec Austin was being treated for complications from prostate cancer, Walter Reed hospital

Media Outlets Bury Revelation That Epstein Accuser Retracted Trump Allegations

Tithe with

Hour 2

Judge dismisses Notre Dame professor’s defamation lawsuit against student newspaper

Appeals Court Hits ‘Off’ Switch on Biden’s Dishwasher, Washing Machine Regulations

The 4 Reasons a Staggering 38% of Companies Say They’re Likely to Have Layoffs in 2024, Survey Shows

DOJ Allows Biden-Tied Firm to Register as Foreign Agent 8-Yrs Late, in Contrast to Manafort

Hour 3

‘A Stain On Our Society’: Record Number Of Police Shot In 2023, Report Finds

Chinese Firm Deletes Website After Communist, Military Ties Exposed

Report: The Biden admin DRAMATICALLY lowered standards related to immigrants from China, reduced number of questions asked from 40 to 5

eviscerates for selling .

White House Report Card: Losing on most issues, Biden targets MAGA in reelection

Daily Show Prep: Thurs, July 27

Daily : Thurs, July 27


Report: Fox Forces Jason Aldean to Remove BLM Riot Footage from ‘Try That In a Small Town’ Music Video

Tucker Still on Payroll at Fox, Reveals Real Reason for Ouster


Bud Light Parent Company Axes Hundreds of Marketing and Corporate Employees as Self-Inflicted Woes Continue

Philly Plans to Host FatCon Event to Embrace ‘Body Positivity,’ Challenge ‘Fatphobia’

Starbucks Hired Eric Holder To Conduct a ‘Civil Rights Audit.’ The Policies He Blessed Got the Coffee Maker Sued.

Black Prof. Who Wrote Fla.’s Anti-Woke Curriculum Debunks Kamala’s Lies

Hour 2

: Chaffee member

Hunter Biden’s Legal Team Is ‘Fuming,’ Personally Attacks Judge for Exposing the Plea Deal

Hunter Biden Admits in Court He Made $664K from CEFC China Energy, Contradicting Joe Biden’s Claims

Hour 3

Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Says ‘Biden Crime Family’ Has Targeted Him For Years

Take Your Mitt Off My Senate: Utah Mayor Primaries Romney

Drivers In The Southwest Are Learning Electric Cars Don’t Like It Hot

Experts Say Decades of Recycling Hype Has Backfired Dramatically

Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, April 5

Daily : , April 5



Is that really all there is to the Trump indictment? How pathetic


Republicans lay the groundwork for 2025 indictments


Horowitz: Talk or action? 7 actions Trump supporters should promote to stop politically targeted prosecutions

Hour 2

Indiana bill banning gender-affirming care signed into law


NPR labeled ‘state-affiliated media’ on Twitter, same as Russia’s RT and China’s Xinhua

WMU Professor Accuses University of Retaliation Over His Renouncing His Gay Identification

Chicago mayoral election results: Brandon Johnson elected next mayor as Paul Vallas concedes

New Chicago Mayor Could Spur “Mass Exodus” of Police, Union Says

Cash App Creator and Tech Executive Bob Lee Fatally Stabbed in San Francisco

Majority Of Walmart Stores Will Be Automated Within The Next Three Years

Hour 3

House Republicans claim Biden team knew of classified docs earlier than admitted

Redefining Heroes & Villains

Redefining Heroes & Villains

Originally Published On 17, 2009

On 9/11 this year I was filling in for Alan Stock on KXNT’s Morning Source. I usually tell the story of someone was a victim of the terrorist attacks, but the morning drive format doesn’t permit me such a segment. This year I would have to come up with something new to convey the importance of those events on our society. As always, I was hoping for a teachable moment. But what to say?

I did the first couple of hours of the program with normal morning drive topics and waited for most of my audience to be awake before I addressed the day’s anniversary. I had several ideas about what I was going to say in my head, but none of them seemed to satisfy me. Sometimes in radio, you do your best when you haven’t prepared at all, and your worst when you have.

For most of my relevant life, I’ve lived by a few different credos. The most important of which is …

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.

Edmund Burke

It’s served me well over the years, and I knew it wouldn’t fail me now.

As I discussed the events of that day, and how evil succeeded, I had an epiphany. Evil did succeed that day … because good men did nothing. Not because bad men allowed it to happen, or because we were caught off guard. It happened because good men did nothing.

Society teaches us that there is good and bad people, that’s it. A zealous few try to preach that a grey middle ground exists. It doesn’t. Society has been too narrow in its teachings of right and wrong, good and bad. Furthermore, they’ve been too generous with bestowing the title of hero. So what is a hero? What is a villain for that matter?

Time to open my trusty dictionary. I know my president says I shouldn’t, but I just can’t help myself. Before I found the definitions I was looking for I pondered, how could the dictionary possibly define such abstract concepts as hero and villain? You see, heroes and villains are not the same as good and bad. They are their own entities. Good people are rarely heroes, and bad people don’t always rise to the level of villain. I just can’t bring myself to call a petty thief a villain, I’m sorry. Heel maybe, but not villain. When I was in the Army I was called both, frequently. I was no villain, and could easily dismiss such nonsense. When I was called a hero I became very uncomfortable. I believed I was a good doing an important job, but I’d done nothing that warranted my being called a hero. I didn’t deserve such praise.

Society says I’m a hero for just that reason, that I don’t see myself as such or seek praise. In fact, society has many definitions of what a hero is. It’s not that society has perverted yet another word’s definition as it so frequently does. It’s that hero really is too abstract to properly define for all circumstances. So is its counterpart.

So what is a hero, and what is a villain? Some say a hero is someone who does a dangerous job to help others. Most hero-heaping is bestowed upon the military, police, and firefighters. Can you really be called a hero based on your in a dangerous field, and accepting risk? Can it really be that easy? I suppose this could be one of those ‘I’ll know it when I see it’ moments, but doesn’t the word hero deserve more than that?

All arbitrary definitions society may have don’t mean a thing. Only the wisdom contained in my dictionary matters.


1 a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with strength or ability b : an illustrious warrior c : a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d : one that shows great courage

2 a : the principal character in a literary or dramatic work b : the central figure in an event, period, or movement

3 plural usually heros : submarine 2

4 : an object of extreme admiration and devotion

Wow … how very vague of you Webster’s.

Really, the two definitions that apply are “one that shows great courage” and “an object of extreme admiration and devotion.”

Do they seem a bit watered down to you too? Great courage is no doubt a trait of the hero, but a person can show courage without it to the level of heroism. I do that when I do any electrical work in the house, and I’m afraid I didn’t cut the right breaker. Extreme admiration and devotion seem to fit society’s behavior towards a hero perfectly. Can that mean anyone they admire, or are devoted to is now a hero? Seems weak to me.

The dictionary is just as vague for villain.


1 : an uncouth person : boor

2 : a deliberate scoundrel or criminal

3 : a character in a story or play who opposes the hero

4 : one blamed for a particular evil or difficulty

Come on! Work with me !

Common are not worthy of the title villain, uncouth means strange and clumsy, and what is a “particular evil?” The only thing that fits is that they are the ones who oppose the hero. So to be able to properly define villain, I must properly define hero. A task so tough Webster’s Dictionary can’t do it with any conviction.

Therefore, I submit to you that a hero is defined as a good person who acts. A good person who does something. Most often to prevent the success of evil. That is a hero! A good person who acts, most often to prevent the success of evil.

As I discussed 9/11 that morning this concept of what a hero is was so clear. Only people who spring into action on behalf of good with little regard for themselves are called heroes. That became my message that morning. I asked my audience if they were merely ‘good’ or if they were ‘heroes.’ Were they going to be good people who did something, or were they going to allow evil to succeed?

Speaking of evil. What about defining a villain? That’s the beauty of defining a hero. We now have the definition of the villain as well. A villain is someone who acts, in opposition to the hero, in order to ensure the success of evil.

With that, I leave you with some parting questions. Are you good or bad? Are you a hero or villain? Will you allow evil to succeed, or will you be that good person who does something?