Daily Show Prep: Wed., Oct. 19

Daily : Wed., . 19


A Parallel, Conservative Economy Is Emerging To Compete With ‘Corporations That Hate You’



Hour 2

This is the worst year for stock and bond investors since 1969—here’s what to do with your money

‘A Win For Taxpayers’: Biden To Pay Nearly Three Times More Than Trump Would Have To Refill Strategic Oil Reserves

Top NIH director admits Boston lab that created new COVID strain did NOT clear research with agency… and only learned of details on DailyMail.com

City to give nearly $3 million to South Bend Chocolate Co. founder for dinosaur museum

EXCLUSIVE: Ex-nanny tells how smitten Olivia Wilde broke up with devastated Jason Sudeikis just weeks after she began filming Don’t Worry Darling with Harry Styles in Palm Springs

… Olivia Wilde is piece of shit cheated, , engaged a massive public relations smearing , and now she’s busted.

‘Very Liberal’ Voters Most Likely To Believe Jewish Americans Have ‘Too Much Power’: POLL

Hour 3

The White House is debating whether or not we should spray toxic gas into the atmosphere to fight climate change. For real.



Daily Show Prep: Thurs, Sept. 15

Daily : Thurs, Sept. 15







Says guy Guam over because were many on .

This is idiot wins reelection with 80% of the vote consistently.

Daily : Friday, July 29

[contentcards url=”http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/videos/2016-07-29/supercut-dnc-day-4-in-3-minutes” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/07/28/rnc-hillary-clinton-plagiarism-alert-in-her-convention-speech/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/police-confirm-we-were-barred-appearing-uniform-dnc-convention-floor” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/07/dnc-used-scripted-chants-noise-machines-light-tricks-drown-bernie-protesters/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://deadline.com/2016/07/donald-trump-speech-ratings-beat-hillary-clinton-rnc-dnc-1201795035/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://madworldnews.com/donut-shop-owner-warning/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/28/state-employee-fired-after-facebook-post-about-black-lives-matter/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.oregonlive.com/today/index.ssf/2016/07/north_korea_us_has_crossed_red.html” target=”_blank”]


Show : Tues, . 27

FBI launches probe of violent arrest of black South Carolina student | Reuters

Federal authorities said on Tuesday they will investigate a white deputy’s arrest of a black high South Carolina, after video showed him slamming the teenager to the ground and dragging her across a classroom.

‘Black Lives Matter’ is FREAKING out over THIS VIDEO, but is it really POLICE BRUTALITY? » The Right Scoop –

The Black Lives Matter group is freaking out over a new video that emerged showing an altercation between an officer and a student. BLMers are saying that the officer is “brutally assaulting a peaceful student.”

VIDEO: Altercation between SC student, school resource officer

a disruptive student refused to after a teacher asked her to. An administrator was called to the room, and also asked the student to leave, Lott said, and she refused again. Finally, the school resource officer came to the room. Lott said the officer forcibly removed the student and she resisted arrest.

This restaurant owner started a fight with vegans online and it escalated quickly. | So That Happened | Someecards

The White Moose Café seems like a completely normal eatery in Dublin serving a mixture of vegetables and meats (like bacon, which the WHO just tragically announced causes cancer). The White Moose is owned by a named Paul Stenson. Apparently, back in August, the staff had a run-in with a vegan customer who was perturbed to find few dishes on the menu that worked for her chosen diet. Stenson posted the short rant below about calling ahead to restaurants if you wish to be accommodated:

Best Donuts in All 50 States – Dough, Donut Bar, Doughnut Vault, Pink Box Doughnuts

Michigan Sweetwater’s Donut Mill

BUSTED: Republican Trey Gowdy Caught Using Private Email Server |

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Republicans across the country have been obsessing over former Secretary of State and current Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s use of a private during her time, determined to use it to find some evidence of negligence or wrongdoing that could be used to frame her and derail her presidential ambitions. Ignoring the fact that no classified information was found within the emails and that there were no regulations the use of the private server at the time, Republicans have turned the very existence of the email server into a talking point, using it a launching point for all sorts of outlandish allegations which have no basis in fact.

Watch Media Liberals Parrot THE EXACT SAME WORDS ABOUT HILLARY (VIDEO) – Progressives Today

It looks like everyone who works in liberal media got the exact same talking points about the Hillary Clinton campaign because they’re all repeating the line over and over.

Remember The CEO Who Started Paying His Employees $70,000 Starting Salary A Year? Well The Company Is #KillingIt

Revenue is growing at twice the it was before Chief Executive Dan Price made his announcement this spring, according to a report on Inc.com. Profits have doubled. Customer retention is up, despite some who left because they disagreed with the decision or feared service would suffer. (Price said he’d make up the extra cost by cutting his own $1.1 million pay.)

Um … yeah … I don’t think so.

FLASHBACK: Remember the Seattle CEO Who Raised All Salaries to $70K, Here’s What Happened Next…

Dan Price, 31, tells the New York Times that things have gotten so bad he’s been forced to rent out his house.

“I’m working as hard as I ever worked to make it work,” he told the Times in a video that shows him sitting on a plastic bucket in the garage of his house. “I’m renting out my house right now to try and make ends meet myself.”

481 Things Other Than Bacon That The WHO Says Cause Cancer | The Daily Caller

‘s a small sample of some of the potentially hazardous agents listed by WHO.

VIDEO=> MSNBC Crank: Be “Super” Careful About Saying “Hard Worker” Because It Demeans Slaves – The Gateway Pundit

MSNC host Melissa Harris Perry warned her guests to be careful about saying “” because it demeans slaves.

Budget Deal Robs $150 Billion from Social Security

The budget deal reached last night attempts to stave off depletion of the Disability Insurance (DI) trust fund at the end of 2016 by “reallocating” about $150 billion over the next three years from the Social Security Trust Fund to the Disability Insurance Trust Fund.

Paul Ryan on Obama-Boehner Budget Deal: ‘This Is Not the Way to Do the People’s Business’

“This is not the way to do the people’s business,”

Students Who Do NOTHING Now Get C Grades | The Daily Caller

Officials in a public school district about 50 miles north of San Francisco have found a new and exciting way to coddle kids. Under a new policy, students will be able to earn passing grades with scores of just 20 percent — and a solid C for doing absolutely nothing at all.

Obama administration targets Hobby Lobby founders for prosecution

These tablets, like the other 40,000 or so ancient artifacts owned by the Green family, were destined for the Museum of the Bible, the giant new museum funded by the Greens, slated to open in Washington, D.C., in 2017. Both the seizure of the cuneiform tablets and the subsequent federal investigation were confirmed to us by Cary Summers, the president of the Museum of the Bible.