Daily Show Prep: Monday, January 27

Hour 1

Media mangle and mishandle details of Kobe Bryant’s death

TMZ scolded by police for breaking news of Kobe Bryant’s death before family could be notified

Blooper: Pete Buttigieg Remembers Basketball Player Kobe Bryant for Playing ‘on the Field’

Almost as bad as my accidentally saying Kobe O’Bryant

Kobe Bryant’s Helicopter Flew Despite Heavy Fog

Bolton, publishers deny coordinating book leak with NYT

BREAKING: Senator Hawley Drafts Motions To Subpoena Bidens, Schiff, Whistleblower

Source: Alexander Vindman’s Brother, Yevgeny, Clears Publications by NSC Officials


Hour 2

Crystal Geyser Water Pleads Guilty to Dumping Arsenic into California’s Ecosystem

CDC Monitoring 110 People in 26 States for Coronavirus

Pete Buttigieg Wants to Convert Iowa Trump Voters After Calling Them Racists

Pete Buttigieg: No Room for Democrat Pro-Life Women in Our Party

Feminists Melt Down Over ‘Sexist’ KFC Ad That Suggests Boys Like Boobs

Feminist writer complains that men who refuse to date ‘woke’ women contribute to the radicalization of terrorists


Hour 3

and media coverage

Friendly reminder: Capitalism is the greatest thing to ever happen to human beings (excluding the divine)

A global tipping point: Half the world is now middle class or wealthier

Early voting is underway in Michigan’s presidential primary

FBI Reviewing Allegations that Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother


Daily Show Prep: Thursday, January 23

Hour 1

Chief Justice Roberts Admonishes Both Legal Teams After Nadler Accuses GOP Senators of Treachery and Voting Against US in Trump Impeachment Trial

Impeachment backfire? Key GOP senator ‘offended’ by Nadler charge, as trial tests patience and stamina

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don’t you want our evidence on Democrats?

Seattle Residents Can Cast Vote Via Smartphone in Local Election


Hour 2

Trump To Make History At March For Life

Trump administration releases rule to restrict ‘birth tourism’

School bus service changes coming to South Bend

Judge in South Bend Police Tapes case taking more time to decide on release

Threat of contaminated tap water across US ‘dramatically underestimated,’ scientists warn

Standoff: U.S. troops block Russian forces from capturing Syrian oil field

Senior Democratic Staffer: ‘We Do Not Care About Anti-Semitism’

UK Parliament Passes EU Withdrawal Bill, Paving Way for Brexit on January 31

British economy will grow faster than eurozone rivals, says IMF


Hour 3


55% say media are ‘corrupt’ and ‘exaggerate’ news

Nolte: Hillary Complains There Are Not Enough Democrats in the News Media


Mexican Security Forces Corral Migrants After Hundreds Enter From Guatemala


Daily Show Prep: Monday, January 20

Hour 1






Watch African-American Gun Owners Completely Destroy the Left’s Latest ‘White Supremacist’ Narrative

Puerto Rico residents outraged after discovering warehouse full of unused aid from Hurricane Maria

CNBC Touts Democrat Contenders Outraising Trump In 2016 – But No Single Candidate Has Outraised Him

Liberal Media Forced to Concede: Trump Was Right About Puerto Rico’s Government


Hour 2


Pollak: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Saw America as the Solution, Not the Problem

First They Came for the Guns, Now Cali Considering Ban on Gas-Powered Lawn Tools

Friendly reminder has a failing .

HOA evicting orphaned teenager who moved in with his grandparents after both his parents died


Hour 3

Rally Updates

WATCH: Trump Kicks Off Impeachment Week By Reminding Democrats What They’ve Said In The Past About Impeachment

Supreme Court agrees to hear Electoral College cases that could forever change presidential elections

Indiana house passes bill that would wipe out two local assessor offices


Lefty Site Pushes Bizarre Claim Didn’t Die From Concentration Camp

Liberal viral outlet pushed the bizarre claim that Holocaust victim did not “die [from] a concentration camp.”

In a Tuesday tweet, NowThis posted video of members of the far-left criticizing President ‘s executive order combating anti-Semitism and comparing Trump’s handling of the border crisis to . “We’re seeing people die at the border from lack of medical care,” said Becca Lewis, a senior at George Washington University. “That’s how Anne Frank died. She didn’t die in a concentration camp, she died of .”

Lefty News Site Pushes Bizarre Claim Anne Frank Didn't Die From Concentration Camp


As phrased, Lewis’s claim that Frank didn’t die “in” a concentration camp is simply false; witnesses say the famous diarist and her sister Margot died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen death camp. The subtitles provided by NowThis changed Lewis’s claim to say that Frank did not die “[from] a concentration camp.”


But the altered claim is also rejected by Holocaust historians, who draw no distinction between the victims actively murdered by gas chambers or firing squad and those who died from disease. The Holocaust Memorial Museum notes that typhus victims died of “deliberate neglect” as part of “the German policy to cause the deaths of large numbers of through over-crowded, squalid living conditions and a lack of reasonable medical care.”


Click here to view original web page at freebeacon.com

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, January 16

Hour 1

GOP senator says Dems running for president must recuse themselves from impeachment trial

Pelosi Pulls A Schiff, Deliberately Misquotes Trump-Zelensky Call on House Floor

CNN nixes Mike Pence-Wolf Blitzer Israel interview, citing impeachment

Iran Claims It Arrested Source of Damning Ukrainian Plane Video

New Video Shows Two Iranian Missiles Hit Ukrainian Plane

Iranian Military Now Claims US ‘Cyberattack’ Brought Down Passenger Plane

Joe Biden Isn’t Using Hunter’s Name Anymore, Has New Way Of Referring To Him

Entire Russian Government Resigns As Putin Moves To Extend His Rule. Pelosi’s Daughter Takes Trump Jab.

New CDC Report Highlights the Risks of Black-Market THC Vapes


Hour 2

Which of these 2020 Democrats agrees with you most?

Arizona Democrat to get treatment for alcohol dependence after suffering fall

Facing Intense Backlash, Northam Praises NRA Members. NRA Levels Him In Response.

Tortoise Believed Extinct For 100 Years Reemerge In Galápagos

Kangaroo Island Mayor says Barack Obama ‘Wrong’ On Blaming Climate Change For Bushfires

Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook


Hour 3

Trump Administration Illegally Withheld Aid From Ukraine, GAO Finds

Flashback: Ukrainian Officials Speak Out — Say Schiff’s Surprise Witness Lev Parnas Is COMPLETE LIAR About Meeting with Zelensky and They Didn’t Believe His Words on Trump

Man At Center Of New Ukraine Allegations: Democrats Have ‘Their Panties In A Bunch’ Over ‘Colorful’ Jokes On WhatsApp

South Bend Police Dept. reconsiders ban on beards

STUDY: Women Like Men With Beards Over Guys Who Are Clean Shaven

Michael Flynn Moves to Withdraw Guilty Plea

NO SWIMMING! ‘We Build The Wall Inc.’ Constructs FIRST EVER Border Wall On Rio Grande River