Daily Show Prep: Monday, February 3

Hour 1

Lindsey Graham: Senate Intelligence Committee will call Ukraine whistleblower

BREAKING: Rush Limbaugh Announces He Has Advanced Lung Cancer


Hour 2

CPAC takes action against Mitt Romney after voting for new witnesses, evidence in Trump trial

Judicial Watch Requests Ethics Investigation of Whether Rep. Ilhan Omar Improperly Used Campaign Funds

John Kerry overheard discussing possible 2020 bid amid concern of ‘Sanders taking down the Democratic Party’

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention


Hour 3

announces he has

Rochester city council member charged with multiple child sex crimes

Bloomberg Super Bowl Ad Cites Dubious Data

I just threw up in my mouth’: President Trump’s Super Bowl ad featuring Alice Johnson is not going over well with blue-checks


BUSTED: Mike Bloomberg is using footage of illegal immigrants in cages from 2014 to bash President Trump


Brexit Finally Completed And Brits Have Their Country Back

European Parliament Votes For Brexit Deal, The Final Rubber Stamp Before Britain Leaving Bloc Friday

EU Vice President Orders British Flags Removed From Parliament After Rousing Farage Brexit Speech

HISTORIC: Arab States Welcome Trump’s Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan

Joe Biden: My VP Pick Needs To Be Able To Be President ‘Because I’m An Old Guy’

Tom Elliott@tomselliott

.@JoeBiden: “Whomever I pick” for VP, must “be capable of being president, because I’m an old guy — no I’m serious!”

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