Documents Show Knew We Were Dealing With And Lied To The World. April 16 – Hour 1


We now know the story the protestors blocked hospitals was false.


Protests erupt outside Capitol over Beshear’s handling of pandemic, disrupting briefing

Replay: Vehicle protests at Michigan Capitol over Gov. Whitmer stay home order

Bombshell: Documents Show China Knew About Coronavirus Human-to-Human Transmission While Denying It to the World

WHO Chief Said In February Coronavirus Could Be ‘Controlled Easily’ And Praised Xi Jinping’s ‘Personal Leadership’

Bloomberg Colluded w/China to Suppress Story

Dem Powerbroker David Brock’s Group Got $100K Gift of Chinese Internet Firm’s Stock

Trump Warns That He Might Adjourn Both House and Senate Amid Pandemic

Ruling in 1947 affirming the President’s authority to do this

Half Of American Workers Would Rather Work From Home Forever


Daily Show Prep: Monday, April 27

Hour 1

Michigan Legislature Bucks Gov. Whitmer, Votes To Repeal Emergency Powers

Michigan legislator who praised Trump says Gov. Whitmer behind retaliatory move to censure her

FDA Approves Home COVID-19 Test, Is Overseeing 72 Trials of Treatments

University: Research Team Developed ‘Breakthrough Technology’ That Could Block Coronavirus From Infecting Human Cells


The Cuomos’ Coronavirus Health Blog Suggests Bathing In Clorox Bleach And Using A ‘Body Charger’

Mike Flynn, Who Trump Says He May Pardon, Files Court Documents With Evidence He Was ‘Deliberately Set Up’ By FBI

Hour 2

Dr. Deborah Birx Comes To President’s Defense, Accuses Media Of Being ‘Slicey And Dicey’ Over Trump’s Disinfectant Comments

‘We’re Missing The Bigger Pieces’: Dr. Birx Scolds Media For Focusing On Trump Flubs Over Coronavirus Data

Trump Ends Daily Coronavirus Briefings After Media Clashes: ‘Not Worth The Time And Effort’

Birx Shuts Down Reporter Trump Called ‘Third-Rate.’ Then Trump Jumps In.

The media is just lazy.

New York Times Attacks Fox News On COVID-19 With Bogus Timeline. Author’s Tweet Comes Back To Bite Her.

Again, the press are rewriting their own history.

TECH TYRANNY: Twitter Suspends Account and YouTube Removes Video of Biotech Company that Created COVID-19 Treatment Using UV Light in Lungs

Hour 3

CNN ‘Larry King’ episode featuring Biden accuser’s mother disappears from Google Play catalog

Three Potential Biden Running Mates Appeared On Sunday Shows. None Were Asked About Sex Assault Allegations.

16 Reasons Why I Believe Joe Biden Sexually Assaulted Tara Reade

Biden to Hold ‘Virtual Women’s Town Hall’ After Tara Reade’s Claims are Bolstered by New Evidence

Media Claims Calls To Poison Control Have Increased Due To Trump’s ‘Disinfectant’ Comments. That’s Not True.

South Korea Detects ‘Unusual Increase’ in North Korean Air, Artillery Operations


Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, April 22

Hour 1

COVID-19 Was Killing Americans Earlier Than We Previously Thought

Coronavirus Kills More Americans in One Month Than the Flu Kills in One Year

Hour 2

Listeners say they’ve never heard of .

California Announces If Crisis Hits, They Have A Point System To Decide Who Survives

FLASHBACK: HHS Says Elderly and Disabled Pandemic Patients Have Equal Rights

WATCH: YouTube CEO: We’ll Remove Any Content That Goes Against WHO Recommendations

Donald Trump: I’ve Ordered Navy to Destroy Iranian Ships if Provoked

Devin Nunes: ‘Obama’s dossier’ a subject of criminal referral to Justice Department

Hour 3

China Falsely Blames U.S. For Multiple Pandemics: Americans ‘All Commend China’

Tucker Unpacks Connections Between Comcast’s Theme Park Deal In China And Favorable Coverage

Update: Gretchen Whitmer Cancels Coronavirus Contract Awarded to Democrat Political Consultant

Ocasio-Cortez Falsely Claims: Republicans Chose To Make Americans Unemployed

White House Hot Mic Catches NYT Photog Joking (?) with Fox’s John Roberts: ‘We’ve All Been Vaccinated Around Here’


Daily Show Prep: Thursday, April 16

Hour 1

Protests erupt outside Capitol over Beshear’s handling of pandemic, disrupting briefing

Replay: Vehicle protests at Michigan Capitol over Gov. Whitmer stay home order

Bombshell: Documents Show China Knew About Coronavirus Human-to-Human Transmission While Denying It to the World

WHO Chief Said In February Coronavirus Could Be ‘Controlled Easily’ And Praised Xi Jinping’s ‘Personal Leadership’

STUDY: CNN Airs Least of Coronavirus Briefings, Network Skips 7 Hours Over Past Two Weeks

Bloomberg Colluded w/China to Suppress Story

Dem Powerbroker David Brock’s Group Got $100K Gift of Chinese Internet Firm’s Stock

Trump Warns That He Might Adjourn Both House and Senate Amid Pandemic

Ruling in 1947 affirming the President’s authority to do this

Half Of American Workers Would Rather Work From Home Forever

Hour 3

State Democrats quickly disown Vernon Jones For Endorsing President Trump

Trump Says U.S. Investigating Whether Virus Came From Wuhan Lab

President Trump unveils phased approach to reopening economy