CNN Pundits Party It Up With In Now-Deleted Photo Via @dailycaller

It’s been long known that Avenatti and are friends. It’s assumed this photo was taken at Lemon’s home. Lemon has also gone REALLY easy on Avenatti during interviews. Especially considering Lemon’s criticism of President for threatening libel suits for lies the media prints about him while letting the same actions by Avenatti slide.

The MSM also interviewed Avenatti 147 times in just 10 weeks.

Looks like a party

The wife of a CNN commentator accidentally exposed the network’s bias in a now-deleted tweet that showed anchors and pundits partying with Stormy Daniel’s lawyer Michael Avenatti.

Juanita Scarlett, who is married to CNN political commentator Errol Louis, posted a photo of Avenatti with Louis, CNN anchor Don Lemon, and CNN commentator Margaret Hoover.

The caption read, “Thrilled to have met @MichaelAvenatti at the Sag Harbor soiree of my second favorite favorite on-air journalist @donlemon @errollous @MargaretHoover.”

Source: CNN Pundits Party It Up With Michael Avenatti In Now-Deleted Photo Via @dailycaller

Watch ‘s Sexually Harass Don Lemon

If had made a similar comment to , the entire modern would be up in arms. Yet, our misandrist society allows men to be victimized while the whole # movement and Women’s March crowd stay silent. Kind of like they do with women who are real victims of oppression.

It’s bad enough Don Lemon had to endure this demeaning sexualized comment, but from a white woman no less!

CNN Brooke Baldwin Says Don Lemon Balls | The Daily Caller

‘s Brooke Baldwin made a joke about her balls being bigger than Don Lemon’s Sunday during CNN’s coverage of New Year’s Eve.

Daily : Monday, July 18

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