Top 10 distorted of the week | The Knife Media

This week’s Top 10 include references to sports strategies, games, “shenanigans” and a “quest.” There were also references to strong reactions of “heads exploding” and “boiling over.”  

1. MSNBC Asks Sarah Sanders About Roseanne — Her Response Will Make Heads Explode

On its homepage, The Daily Caller added the “make heads explode” reference. On the actual article, the headline was data-based: “MSNBC Asks Sarah Sanders About Roseanne — She Responds.”
Note: This headline appeared on The Daily Caller’s homepage.


2. Rudy gives up the game! (Giuliani: Mueller probe is no longer legitimate)

The headline suggests Giuliani revealed a plan that was meant to be kept secret. This may have happened, but it’s not apparent from the interview transcript: the interviewer referred to Giuliani’s “intentional strategy” to “undermine” the Mueller investigation and Giuliani said, “I couldn’t do it if I didn’t have the material” from Mueller’s team.
Note: This headline appeared on the HuffPost homepage.


3. HOW TRUMP FORCED A PUNT: NFL owners caved to president, changed anthem rules, Kaepernick case depositions reveal

Saying “forced a punt” and that NFL owners “caved” is dramatic and subjective. The president may have influenced the decision, but at what point do NFL owners’ actions constitute them “caving” to him?
Note: This headline appeared on Fox News’ homepage.

Source: Top 10 distorted headlines of the week | The Knife Media