Daily Prep: Tuesday, June 14

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/breaking-orlando-terrorists-wife-knew-what-he-was-planning/” target=”_blank”]


[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/breaking-police-source-says-disney-warned-fbi-terrorist-was-casing-disney/” target=”_blank”]


Obama Opposed Life-Saving Police Armaments

Florida Gun Store Owner Schools Media on How Buying a Gun Works in Press Conference

“I just hope that you do some truthful reporting and get to facts and stay focused, at least for the incident and say your prayers for the victims. It is horrific and we all feel that same pain.”

[contentcards url=”http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/06/disgusting-democrats-interrupt-walk-moment-silence-pulse-club-massacre-victims-video/” target=”_blank”]


Could Congress Have Stopped Omar Mateen From Getting His Guns?

Yet while lawmakers argued that legislation would prevent future massacres, they had no definitive answer for whether it would have stopped the killing Orlando, or whether the had simply let Mateen slip through its screening procedures.

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/tom-brokaw-is-a-monumental-idiot/” target=”_blank”]


Hour 2

Suit: Car’s automatically unlocking doors led to day of terror

“design flaw” that caused the doors of a SUV to unlock when the vehicle was placed in park led to the carjacking, kidnapping, and sexual assault of a woman, and to the subsequent -and-run murders of a mother and her three children, a alleges.

Chick Fil A Did WHAT After Gay Club Shooting? Why Isn’t This Viral? ⋆ Dc Gazette

Then, instead of making a single dime, they crated the product of their labor to the One Blood donation center. The food and drinks were handed , free of charge, to all the people had lined up to donate blood.

Hour 3

Orlando updates.

SURPRISE! London’s New Muslim Mayor Bans Sexy Women in Advertisements

, ‘s first mayor, announced Monday that “body shaming” advertisements will no longer be allowed in ‘s public transport.


Bob Costas, Pasty Guy Offended By Word Native ‘t Offended By

, a PC libtard, reared his ugly smugness on Sunday.  He decided to school everyone who isn’t offended by the ‘ on why they are wrong … including Native Americans.

After starting off telling everyone that the vast majority of Native Americans aren’t offended by the name ‘Redskins’ (and they aren’t), he went on to say that their opinion doesn’t matter, and that ‘Redskins’ is actually highly .  Apparently, Costas thinks Native Americans are dumb and naive that they need him to protect their fragile psyche.  So he’s stepping up to be offended for them.

The only survey done on the subject that specifically asked Native Americans how they felt showed 90% didn’t think the name ‘Redskins’ was offensive.  As I illustrated recently, everyone except Native Americans are offended by this name.  Most notably, pasty do-gooders like Costas.

I’ve also pointed out that in my many discussions on this topic, Native Americans believe that people like Costas are attempting to erase Native Americans from our , and they think it’s motivated by racial discrimination.

It’s hard to argue against the that people like Costas are against Native Americans when he goes on national television and tells them that they are wrong for not being offended by something that only they have the authority to decide is offensive.

Black (not so funny) comedian W. Kamau Bell recently said that white people ‘can’t say what’s racist or not’ when it comes to blacks being offended.  Ok, if that’s the case, then , blacks, asians, etc. say what’s racist or not when it comes to Native Americans. So … up about it.

Costas’ logic to support his argument was to make the point that if we go back in time (that would be the 1600’s btw), ‘Redskin’ was a derogatory term used to describe Native Americans.

So what?

Hoosier was a derogatory term used to describe people from Indiana, and now we wear that moniker with pride.  Retard and retarded are perfectly legitimate mechanical terms that society foolishly decided was offensive only recently.  Can we go back to just 10 years ago and reclaim retard’s legitimate definition like Costas is suggesting with Redskin?

How about if we reclaim the definition of faggot and fag while we are at it.  It originally had nothing to do with homosexuals, and isn’t used primarily to disparage them now anyway.  Yet we can’t call someone a fag without being accused of being a homophobe.  Even though the word is rarely used to describe homosexuals.

explained all of this perfectly:



The professionally offended are destroying our society, culture, and language while stoking bigotry where none . It’s time to hold their feet to the fire.



Mofo Politics has a petition to demand Costas change his offensive name.



Should Be Allowed To They Want Based On Appearance? – Podcast

A coffee business is getting heat from the feds because they hire young attractive girls, but shouldn’t a business be able to hire the employees they want?


[powerpress url=”http://theburningtruth.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/mnc_2012-05-25T10_18_01-07_00.mp3″]

We recently did a video on this topic as well.

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