Fair GAME! Seb Gorka uses Jerry Nadler and ‘s past against certain immigrants to SLAM Dems and it’s PERFECT

As Twitchy reported earlier, Democrats Jerry Nadler and Dick Durbin went after Sebastian Gorka as an immigrant in a way to threaten him for his political views. In other words, they were all but telling him to … wait for it … GO BACK TO HIS OWN COUNTRY.

Gotta love the hypocrisy, right?

Seb responded as only he can:

From The Hill:

Rep. (D-N.Y.) is asking the White House to hand President Trump aide ‘s immigration paperwork over to the House Judiciary Committee.

In a letter addressed to Trump, Nadler cites a report in The Forward, an American Jewish outlet, linking Gorka to a far-right group in Hungary, saying that the judiciary panel needs to “be assured that he did not enter this country under false pretenses.”

“If Sebastian Gorka is indeed a member of this organization, as high-ranking leaders of the organization claim he is, he would have been required to disclose this information on his immigration application, and on his application to be a naturalized U.S. citizen,” the letter reads.

“Failing to do so, he may have been withholding important material facts about his background from the United States, in violation of the law.”

Sebastian Gorka was also told to “Go home! Go home!” by CNN contributor and Magazine White House correspondent Brian Karem. This was after Karem said Trump supporters were eager for ‘demonic possession’ and he invited Gorka to fight. That was Friday, July 12. Trump’s ‘go home’ tweet happened just two days later.

I read numerous stories about the Karem/Gorka incident and most MSM sources did not publish the “Go home! Go home!” part. They simply pretended it didn’t happen. No outrage, no condemnation of a MSM reporter behaving like a Jr. High School brat. Nothing. Why? Because Gorka is pro-Trump and it’s ok to be a xenophobic bigot towards Trump supporters.

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The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters