Wednesday, May 25 – Hour 3 Podcast

John Banzhaf: Smokers Should Lose Custody Of Their Children | The Daily Caller

Attendees were instructed how to inject parental smoking in proceedings and how to deny to parents who smoke. Banzhaf explained several cases where parents lost custody of their kids because they smoked.

Clinton email use broke federal rules: inspector’s report

The 78-page analysis, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, says ignored clear directives. She never sought approval to conduct government business over private , and never demonstrated the server or the Blackberry she used while in office “met minimum information security requirements.”

DePaul University, We Want Our Money Back – Breitbart

The event was shut down after activists stormed the stage and issued threats of violence. Black Lives Matters protesters, who grabbed the microphone out the interviewer’s hands and threatened to physically assault Yiannopoulos, were left free to ruin the event after security refused to intervene.

Stoned sheep went on ‘psychotic rampage’ after eating cannabis | Daily Mail Online

Stoned sheep have allegedly gone on a ‘psychotic rampage’ and are causing havoc after eating cannabis plants which were dumped in a quiet village.

North Carolina Schools Consider Ban on Skinny Jeans

A school system is proposing a ban on and other tight leggings in order to stop “bullying.”

Should Government Be Able To Force Medical Treatment On People? – Podcast


This issue is increasingly becoming popular.

A in has ruled that a hospital can get of an girl in order to force her to undergo chemotherapy treatment for her cancer against her parents’ wishes.

The beliefs and convictions of the parents can’t outweigh the rights of the state to protect the child, the court said. It also ordered that the guardian should be appointed right away.

Callers are always passionate about this issue.