Ok, Let’s , July 20 – 2


Black Rifle Coffee Calls Its Customers ‘Racist’ After Being Funded by Liberal ‘Venture Capitalist’, Says Pro-Trump Covfefe Coffee

Sterling Partners donate to Democrats, not Republicans

Project Veritas Has Leaked Video from Hasbro Corporation CRT Training Features Indoctrination Chief Telling Parents That Their Children Are Racist as Early as Three Months Old

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Wednesday, June 28 – 3 Podcast


Trump EPA to Dump ‘WOTUS’; Frees 247 Million Acres of Farmland – Breitbart

Environmental Protection Agency () announced , to the delight of rural America, that the administration is moving to rescind the Obama era’s “Waters of the United States” () regulatory rule.

‘Covfefe’ License Plates Banned in Georgia – Christine Rousselle

People got license plates–except Georgia, where it’s apparently been banned as a prohibited term for vanity plates, along with things like racial slurs, “KKK,” and sexual references. Interestingly enough, variations of “covfefe,” such as “c0vfefe” and “c0vf3f3,” are also banned.

Under investigation: Bernie Sanders doesn’t want to talk about it [VIDEO] – Red Alert Politics

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-V) ducked questions from a Fox reporter regarding the ‘s into his wife, and instead pivoted to talk about healthcare.

Video: Bernie Really, Really Doesn’t Want to Talk About That FBI Investigation – Guy Benson

Appearing on CNN last night, an agitated Sanders deflected and distorted when asked about the situation by anchor Erin Burnett.  He laughs derisively when the subject is first broached, interrupts the question, refuses to answer it (twice), then claims this was all cooked up by a Trump supporter to “attack” his wife — which he calls “pathetic.”

Democrats Accuse Republicans of Mass Murder – Reason.com

So the Democrats, opposing Donald Trump in the 2016 election partly out of what they claimed was concern about his incivility and coarseness, are now pursuing a debate about health care legislation in Washington by characterizing the Republicans who disagree with them about policy details as mass murderers.

Listen up: Gun ‘silencers’ are as loud as rock concerts (and have very practical uses) – Red Alert Politics

This should dispel the myth of a “silencer,” unless you think that a rock concert is silent.


Fake : ‘ Is Not for ‘I Stand Up’


‘s late night tweet where he typed ‘‘ caused media frenzy to make news of nothing. ‘s Twitter. No one uses proper grammar on Twitter. Naturally, this led people to try and find out where ‘word’ came from. Was it just a simple typo? A coded message? An inside joke? I had a listener say it came from Family Guy, but I haven’t been able to confirm that.

Today I saw some posts that said covfefe is actually cov fe’fe, and is Arabic. I thought at first that it was strange it took so long for that to be discovered. So, to verify the claim, I went to Google Translate to confirm. Here’s what I got:

Well, then.

So why the Arabic?

People thought it had to do with the bombing in Kabul. But the Afghans don’t speak Arabic, they are Persian for the most . I suppose Trump would be like most Americans and mix that up.

I, like many of you, pushed my doubts aside to assume Google Translate was able to … well … translate.


Listeners pointed out The Daily Beast was debunking the translation.

Daily Beast:

Turns out the translation is wrong.

“This is insane,” Yale University Islam scholar and Arabic speaker Andrew March told The Daily Beast. “Why would they think this?”

a few hours, even the same r/the_donald post was amended to answer that question.

“Yeah if you follow the link to google translate, it first transliterated the English word into an approximate Arabic phrase “sof fuqof”, sof simple the future tense “I will”, and “fa qaaf fa” meaning stand up,” wrote user MantananForTrump.

“Since cuvfefe has no glottal “qaaf” sound in it, this is merely a mistake of Google Translate’s original transliteration and it doesn’t mean what the English phrase says at the bottom.”

I’ve confirmed this in a few other places as well. Google was wrong, period.

Normal people can forgive others for the mistake given that a common translation tool made an error. Liberals are trying to turn this into a ‘conspiracy by the alt-right.’ Whatever that means.

Yeah, some people have egg on their face. Even me. There is no conspiracy or legitimate outrage warranted here. Google messed up. People believed Google. Frankly, we should know better by now given Google’s history. Turning an honest mistake into some sort of conspiracy theory is intellectually dishonest, and juvenile. The only lesson to be learned here is that Google cannot be trusted.