Daily Show Prep: , 4


Dems introduced HR1 nationalizing elections, a bill to destroy the USA

H.R. 1: For the People Act of 2021

Making Every Election Like 2020
H.R.1 mandates harvesting and limits voter verification.

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Hour 2

Microsoft and Friends Want to Destroy Online Privacy


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Elkhart schools to ask voters for property tax hike to bring in $15 million per year

Hour 3

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Below The Radar – HR 880 Amend the Consumer Product Safety Act

H.R.880 – Firearm Safety Act of 2021

Biden’s ‘commonsense’ gun law reforms make no sense

Death rates from coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States as of March 4, 2021, by state


Daily Show Prep: Monday, Feb. 22


Analysis: Twitter’s crowdsourced fact-checking experiment reveals problems

FAA to order Boeing 777 inspections after engine disintegrated over Denver in harrowing flight

A Democrat Lost By Six Votes, Now The U.S. House May Throw Out Election Results To Let Her Win

WHISTLEBLOWER: Coca-Cola Forces Employees to Complete Online Training Telling Them to “Try to be Less White” (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Disney+ gives ‘The Muppet Show’ an ‘offensive content’ disclaimer before select episodes

Hour 2

Jim Banks: Coronavirus Bill Loaded with ‘Special Interest Pork,’ Liberal Goodies



Footballer to Stop Taking Knee, Brands BLM ‘Marxist Group’ Pushing ‘Racial Unrest’

UConn Student Body Accuses Its Hispanic President of Supporting ‘White Supremacy’ for Protecting Police Funds


Vaccines can be stored in normal freezers: Pfizer says

Kind of interesting that this wasn’t known before now, isn’t ?

Studies: People Who Have Already Had COVID Don’t Need the Same Vaccine Regimen

Hour 3

Voters NOW believe Joe Biden is a ‘puppet’ of the far-left

Texas Deaths May Be Due In Part to Biden’s Garbage Climate Change Executive Order and Related Actions

Joe Biden Once Claimed He Was Arrested at Capitol for Trespassing, Sitting in Senate Presiding Officer’s Chair

WOW! Australian Media Runs Segment on Joe Biden’s Dementia! — Something the Poisonous US Media Still Lies About

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Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, Feb. 17 – We Will Miss Rush


Rush Limbaugh, conservative talk radio pioneer, dead at 70


Media Fact-Checkers Twist Themselves In Knots Defending Biden’s Town Hall Disaster

WATCH: Larry Kudlow SCORCHES VP Harris Lie on Trump Vaccine Rollout in Fox Business Show Debut

W.H.O. Defends China from Accusations of Hiding Coronavirus Data


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Hour 2



Researcher: Pentagon Admits Testing Wreckage From UFOs

Hour 3

Honoring Rush Limbaugh

Florida Restaurant’s Sign Goes Viral: ‘Face Diapers Not Required’




Daily Show Prep: Friday, Feb. 12




3 Things Missing from the House Impeachment Managers’ Case

John Daniel Davidson points in The Federalist to a fundamental weakness in the Democrats’ case against Trump

You’re responsible enough, Donald

Democrats claim Michigan protests, kidnapping plot were Trump’s rehearsal for Capitol riot

Just one big problem …

‘White Supremacist’ Suspect In Michigan Kidnapping Plot Is Actually A Trump-Hating Anarchist

So ‘s irrelevant since he only called for peace one ? Well, he called for violence zero times so …

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Jonathan Turley: The Single Exchange That Reflects Glaring Hole in Impeachment Case

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Hour 2

Open Lines

Hour 3

Trump’s Efforts to Fight Sex Trafficking Made ‘Incredible Impact’: SHAREtogether Founder

Gina Carano To Produce And Star In Upcoming Film For The Daily Wire

‘This is a bombshell’: AP reports that more than 9,000 coronavirus patients in New York were released into nursing homes

Biden Is President…So Now Cuomo Aides Confess They Cooked the Books on NY’s COVID Deaths

Top NY Republicans Seek to Oust Cuomo, Other State Officials After Bombshell Nursing Home Report

Elise Stefanik Calls on Biden to Investigate Cuomo After Bombshell Revelation on COVID Nursing Home Deaths

YIKES! Lincoln Project just LOSES it posting private DMs between Jennifer Horn (she did not consent) and journo Amanda Becker in NASTY thread (screenshots)