Daily Prep: , Dec. 15


Arizona Does What All States Should Do – Issues Subpoenas – Forensic Audit to be Completed in Maricopa County


Dominion Voting Machines Are Trying to Hide Their Relationship with SolarWinds – Why’s That?

IT WAS SYSTEMIC-PURPOSEFUL FRAUD: Clark County Nevada Dominion Machines ALSO Kicked out “About 70% of Ballots” – It Was in the Settings!

REVEALED: SolarWinds Director Sold $45.7 MILLION in Stock Options Last Week Before CISA Announcement Sunday

‘Completely Predatory’: Mother Charged With Over $16,000 Bill From Child’s iPhone Game

Twitter ‘Accident’ Reveals Big Tech’s Ability To Cut Supporters Off from Trump

Hour 2


Study Says New Rings Can Detect Coronavirus In Wearer Before Symptoms Show


Texas Man Arrested for Meth & Heroin Trafficking After Obama Commuted His Sentence


Report: W.H.O. Chief Tedros Could Face Genocide Charges

Hour 3

Updates on hack.


Texas GOP Chairman Allen West Suggests Secession After SCOTUS Allows Complete Lawlessness with 2020 Elections

Acting Secretary of Defense’s Chief of Staff, Kash Patel, Files a $50M Defamation Lawsuit Against CNN