WATCH: CNN Stunned As Their Narrative on Gay Club Shooter Gets Crushed

Concerns raised over Concord School Board election results

Show Prep: Thurs, Nov. 19

Show Prep: Thurs, Nov. 19

Jared Fogle’s Defense At Sentencing: Hey, At Least He Doesn’t MAKE Kiddie Porn | The Daily Caller

You know you’re in trouble when your best defense is that you don’t actually make child pornography.

Jared Fogle pleads guilty, blames diet for his sex crimes | New York Post

The Subway diet made him do it.

Can the TSA find hidden weapons? Rossen Reports goes undercover – TODAY.com

In the wake of the Russian Metrojet crash and the terror attacks, security while flying in the U.S. is of greater concern than ever. Yet in Atlanta, a man said he accidentally carried a loaded gun onto a commercial flight and the TSA never found it.

Our Opinion: A vote against open government in St. Joseph County – South Bend Tribune: Our Opinion

That’s two strikes against good government in . Joseph County.

Doug Flutie Announces That Both Of His Parents Died Today, Less Than An Hour Apart

“They say you can die of a broken heart and I believe it.”

How John Kasich Is Promoting the Worst Idea Of All Time | RedState

would like to add a federal agency if he becomes president: one to promote “Judeo-Christian Western values.”

Official: ‘Syrians Are Less Of A Threat To The Country.’ | The Daily Caller

“If someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but there will be nothing showing up because we have no record of them,” Comey told the House Committee on Homeland Security on Oct. 21.

Video FBI Director It’s Impossible To Vet Every Single Refugee | The Daily Caller

“He has some really grave concerns that this legislation would allow anyone, any refugees” into America, Perez told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Thursday.

Al Qaeda in Kentucky: US May Have Let ‘Dozens’ of Terrorists Into Country as Refugees – ABC News

Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees, according to FBI agents investigating the remnants of roadside bombs recovered from Iraq and Afghanistan.

SIXTH SYRIAN with Fake Passport Captured in Honduras on Way to US

A sixth Syrian man with a similar bogus passport was arrested in Honduras on Friday.

Breaking: 5 Muslim Foreign Nationals Arrested on Ohio Turnpike; Passports Taken (Video)

Five foreign nationals were arrested on the Ohio Turnpike in Braceville Township on Friday.

Report: 8 Syrians Apprehended at Texas-Mexico Border

eight Syrians attempted to cross into the U.S. from Mexico on Monday.

Nearly 70 are arrested in America over ISIS plots and they include refugees

The incidents detailed are among dozens of alleged disrupted by police and federal agents since began to rise from the flames of the Syrian civil war. The earliest arrest was 18 months ago.

Hasna Ait Boulahcen who blew herself up in Paris’ Saint Denis siege pictured

Posing with two fingers up to the camera, this is Europe’s first female suicide bomber whose head flew through a window and landed on the street when she blew herself up during the Saint-Denis siege.

Nativity battle continues: Freedom From Religion Foundation says Concord High School’s changes to 2015 Christmas Spectacular not good enough – Elkhart Truth

Simply adding Hanukkah and Kwanzaa to a holiday celebration does not make the performance constitutional if it still includes a live scene, the Freedom From Religion Foundation argues in the latest salvo in the ongoing legal battle over High ‘s annual Christmas Spectacular.

Nativity battle continues: Freedom From Religion Foundation says Concord High School’s changes to 2015 Christmas Spectacular not good enough – Elkhart Truth

Simply adding Hanukkah and Kwanzaa to a holiday celebration does not make the performance constitutional if it still includes a live Nativity scene, the Freedom From Religion Foundation argues in the latest salvo in the ongoing legal battle over Concord High School’s annual Christmas Spectacular.

Show Prep: Mon, Dec. 14

Mannequins replace live actors in Nativity scene during Concord High School Christmas show – 953MNC.com

After federal judge granted a preliminary injunction banning   Community Schools from including a live Nativity scene as part of its annual show, the school, instead, featured a Nativity scene using mannequins  the program on Saturday, Dec. 12.

Concord High School’s 2015 Christmas Spectacular still a hit despite federal lawsuit – Elkhart Truth

Bill Grossman, a 1988 Concord graduate who performed in four consecutive Christmas Spectaculars during his time as a band and orchestra member, said he did not appreciate what he considered a “lack of respect for authority” in including a Nativity scene of any sort.

Get Money Out Of Politics, Except When Democrats Need To Fund Their Convention – The Burning Truth

Already struggling with finances, the Democratic Party has drafted a plan to have taxpayers help pay about $20 million for next summer’s nominating convention, reversing a change Congress approved just a year ago. Democratic Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who is also a congresswoman from Florida, has drafted a bill to restore money that both parties used to receive from the federal government to help defray the costs of running quadrennial conventions.

Kids cancer fundraiser deemed microaggression by Kansas BLM protesters

Shortly thereafter, the RCIH demonstrators found themselves in conflict with another student group, the Tri Delta sorority, which was selling candy canes to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the same Wescoe Beach area in which the protesters were congregating.

Changes to ISTEP coming after clamor over Indiana scores – 953MNC.com

A top Indiana legislator on education issues says he’s coming up with proposals to adjust how the state uses standardized test scores to determine teacher pay.

Press Release – FAA Announces Small UAS Registration Rule

Owners may register through a web-based system at www.faa.gov/uas/registration

‘Star Wars’ T-shirt lands 7th grader in hot water at Texas school | Fox News

Specifically, that would be a Stormtrooper holding a “rebel ” on a “.

Maybe they were mad because a Storm Trooper was holding a ‘rebel blaster.’

Disney Sending Out DMCA Notices Over Pictures Fans Took Of Their Legally Purchased Star Wars Toy | Techdirt

All of this started not that long ago, in a Walmart not particularly far away, when someone with a Facebook Star Wars fan group walked into a store and legally purchased a Star Wars figurine and then uploaded a photo of it to the Facebook group. Turns out the figurine contains a sort of spoiler within it or something. As such, plenty of other websites, such as Star Wars Unity, linked to it, embedded the photo of the figure, and discussed its implications. You know, like Star Wars fans do on all kinds of sites all the time. Well, that’s when the DMCA notices began rolling in and the images started coming down.

School principal bans Santa, Thanksgiving and Pledge of Allegiance | Fox News

Santa Claus is banned. The Pledge of Allegiance is no longer recited. “Harvest festival” has replaced Thanksgiving, and “winter celebrations” substitute for Christmas parties.

SEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY… Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years – The Gateway Pundit

Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years. Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”

Immigration officials prohibited from looking at visa applicants’ social media | TheHill

Johnson decided to keep the prohibition in place in early 2014 because he feared a civil liberties backlash and “bad public relations,” according to ABC.

Show Prep: Thurs, Nov. 19

Jared Fogle’s Defense At Sentencing: Hey, At Least He Doesn’t MAKE Kiddie Porn | The Daily Caller

You know you’re in trouble when your best defense is that you don’t actually make pornography.

Jared Fogle pleads guilty, blames diet for his sex crimes | New York Post

The diet made him do it.

Can the TSA find hidden weapons? Rossen Reports goes undercover – TODAY.com

In the wake of the Russian Metrojet crash and the terror attacks, security while flying in the U.S. is of greater concern than ever. Yet in Atlanta, a man said he accidentally carried a loaded gun onto a commercial flight and the never found it.

Our Opinion: A vote against open government in St. Joseph County – South Bend Tribune: Our Opinion

That’s two strikes against good government in St. Joseph County.

Doug Flutie Announces That Both Of His Parents Died Today, Less Than An Hour Apart

“They say you can die of a broken heart and I believe it.”

How John Kasich Is Promoting the Worst Idea Of All Time | RedState

would like to add a federal agency if he becomes president: one to promote “Judeo-Christian Western values.”

Official: ‘Syrians Are Less Of A Threat To The Country.’ | The Daily Caller

“If someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but there will be nothing showing up because we have no record of them,” Comey told the House Committee on Homeland Security on Oct. 21.

Video FBI Director It’s Impossible To Vet Every Single Refugee | The Daily Caller

“He has some really grave concerns that this legislation would allow anyone, any refugees” into America, Perez told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Thursday.

Al Qaeda in Kentucky: US May Have Let ‘Dozens’ of Terrorists Into Country as Refugees – ABC News

Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees, according to agents investigating the remnants of roadside bombs recovered from Iraq and Afghanistan.

SIXTH SYRIAN with Fake Passport Captured in Honduras on Way to US

A sixth Syrian man with a similar bogus passport was arrested in Honduras on Friday.

Breaking: 5 Muslim Foreign Nationals Arrested on Ohio Turnpike; Passports Taken (Video)

Five foreign nationals were arrested on the Ohio Turnpike in Braceville Township on Friday.

Report: 8 Syrians Apprehended at Texas-Mexico Border

eight Syrians attempted to cross into the U.S. from Mexico on Monday.

Nearly 70 are arrested in America over ISIS plots and they include refugees

The incidents detailed here are among dozens of alleged disrupted by police and federal agents since ISIS began to rise from the flames of the Syrian civil war. The earliest arrest was 18 months ago.

Hasna Ait Boulahcen who blew herself up in Paris’ Saint Denis siege pictured

Posing with two fingers up to the camera, this is Europe’s first female suicide bomber whose head flew through a window and landed on the street when she blew herself up during the Saint-Denis siege.

Nativity battle continues: Freedom From Religion Foundation says Concord High School’s changes to 2015 Christmas Spectacular not good enough – Elkhart Truth

Simply adding Hanukkah and Kwanzaa to a holiday celebration does not make the performance constitutional if it still includes a live Nativity scene, the Freedom From Religion Foundation argues in the latest salvo in the ongoing legal battle over High School’s annual .

Nativity battle continues: Freedom From Religion Foundation says Concord High School’s changes to 2015 Christmas Spectacular not good enough – Elkhart Truth

Simply adding Hanukkah and Kwanzaa to a holiday celebration does not make the performance constitutional if it still includes a live Nativity scene, the Freedom From Religion Foundation argues in the latest salvo in the ongoing legal battle over Concord High School’s annual Christmas Spectacular.