Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, August 11

Hour 1



Casey explains some possible treatments for the virus.

Letters: Gov. Holcomb, support no-excuse, mail-in voting for every Hoosier’s safety

Scientists find no link between long lines, coronavirus cases in blow to mail-in voting

Corrupt COVID-19 ‘Death Harvesting’ Distorts Improving Reality in State of Florida

7-year-old boy in Georgia died ‘from COVID-19’? Media leaving out key details

Hour 2

U.K. May Scrap Coronavirus Daily Death Toll After Experts Find Officials ‘Over-Exaggerating’ Count, Report Alleges

Joe Biden chooses Kamala Harris as his running mate


Hour 3


REVEALED: Top Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx’s office has dismissed more than 25,000 felony cases – including murders, shootings, sexual assaults and Jussie Smollett’s ‘hoax’ attack

Man Shot Near White House Had Shouted Threats

Pin Posts

MEDIA BLACKOUT: Black Man Intentionally Swerved SUV into White Boys — No Hate Crime Charges

Study Finds DC Journalists Are Living in a Bubble, Only Talking to Each Other

BACK TO SCHOOL: Study of 100 Institutions in the UK Shows “Pupils Pose Little Risk of Spreading COVID”


Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, April 22

Hour 1






COVID-19 Was Killing Americans Earlier Than We Previously Thought

Coronavirus Kills More Americans in One Month Than the Flu Kills in One Year



Hour 2

Listeners say they’ve never heard of .

California Announces If Crisis Hits, They Have A Point System To Decide Who Survives

FLASHBACK: HHS Says Elderly and Disabled Pandemic Patients Have Equal Rights

WATCH: YouTube CEO: We’ll Remove Any Content That Goes Against WHO Recommendations

Donald Trump: I’ve Ordered Navy to Destroy Iranian Ships if Provoked

Devin Nunes: ‘Obama’s dossier’ a subject of criminal referral to Justice Department

Hour 3

China Falsely Blames U.S. For Multiple Pandemics: Americans ‘All Commend China’

Tucker Unpacks Connections Between Comcast’s Theme Park Deal In China And Favorable Coverage

Update: Gretchen Whitmer Cancels Coronavirus Contract Awarded to Democrat Political Consultant

Ocasio-Cortez Falsely Claims: Republicans Chose To Make Americans Unemployed

White House Hot Mic Catches NYT Photog Joking (?) with Fox’s John Roberts: ‘We’ve All Been Vaccinated Around Here’


Daily Show Prep: Monday, June 10

Hour 1

Helicopter crash on high-rise building in New York City leaves at least 1 dead, officials say

Walmart service to deliver groceries inside customers’ homes

Analysis: Were Mexico’s ‘New’ Concessions Really Agreed to Prior to Trump’s Tariff Threat?


Hour 2

Buttigieg’s big accomplishment that he never mentions on the campaign trail

Watch Mayor Pete drink liquor on the streets in front of kids at a playground from a brown paper bag.

Mexico Claims Some Migrant Caravan Funding Came from U.S., England




Hour 3

Comcast broke law 445,000 times in scheme to inflate bills, judge finds

San Francisco Approves Forced Treatment For Homeless Who Are Mentally Ill

U.S. Commander: Iran ‘Step Back’ Driven by Mideast Forces Buildup


Viral Video: Workers Cause Severe Traffic , Multiple Slide Offs

This video has gone viral, for good reason. Come to think of it, every video involving goes viral, and none of them paint the company in a good light. Hmm …

There’s regulations, then there’s dumbasses in the video who work for Comcast.

In the video, you see a Comcast crew making repairs. They have to park in the middle of the road because it’s snowing. They put a few cones out behind their vehicle to signal traffic to go around. There’s just one big problem … there’s a hill, and people can’t see the cones or the crew until it’s too late. They then have to slam on their brakes which causes multiple slide offs and a serious because of the ice on the road.

When confronted about this, the crew members spew turds out of their mouths instead of making an intelligent point.

This apparently happened in Indianapolis, IN. I’m in South Bend, and I can tell you our roads are jacked from the vortex right now.

Comcast says they are looking into the incident.