Rantz: tried to deny service to celebrating Kavanaugh

The College hoped to celebrate the confirmation of Justice Brett by enjoying beers at Shultzy’s Bar and Grill this past Saturday. But their plans were stalled after the bar asked them to find another venue “due to the political nature” of their get-together.

The UWCR’s called the informal gathering “Beers 4 Brett”, a reference after Kavanaugh’s famous “I liked beer” line from the confirmation hearings.

“Let’s celebrate our newest Supreme Court Justice, and the failure of the lies and false claims against him!” the Facebook invite read.

Soon after the posting, some Progressive activists contacted the bar to complain. Chevy Swanson, president of the UWCR’s knew it would mean trouble for them.

In response, Shultzy’s Bar and Grill posted on Facebook: “Shultzy’s is a sports-themed bar & grill that welcomes everyone. We do not promote or endorse any one religious or political viewpoint. As such, due to the political nature of your planned event, we request that you find another venue to celebrate.”

In other words, they welcome everyone — except Republicans celebrating a major SCOTUS victory.

Source: Rantz: Seattle bar tried to deny service to Republicans celebrating Kavanaugh