Thursday, April 6 – Hour 3 Podcast

Cold beer battle brewing in Indiana | Local |

A battle is brewing at the Statehouse as lawmakers worked Wednesday to keep legislation alive that addresses a legal loophole used by Ricker’s convenience stores to sell .

Eddie’s Steak Shed owner deported.

How World War I Changed America, 100 Years On

One hundred years ago today, April 6, 1917, the United States entered .

Monday, April 3 – Hour 1 Podcast

Indiana House panel to allow Ricker’s to sell cold beer…for now – 95.3 MNC

An House panel has approved a bill allowing Ricker’s convenience stores to temporarily continue selling .

LOL! You don’t have the authority to pass a bill to allow a business to continue to adhere to current law you idiots.

Fake News: Trump Breaking Century-Old Tradition By Not Throwing First Pitch

“The last president to throw out a in Washington in his first post-election spring,” Steinberg observed, “was Richard Nixon — in 1969. That was 48 years ago! That’s almost half the length of this supposed 100-year-old tradition!”

Now the Left Thinks Pence’s Rule to Never Dine Alone With Women Besides His Wife Is Illegal – Leah Barkoukis

On Friday, not only has the dust not settled on this non-story, but Vox ran a piece suggesting Pence’s practice is “probably illegal.”

Of course, the line in question (below) never makes mention of a work environment. Rendering the idiot’s column about legality completely moot.

Karen Pence is the vice president’s ‘prayer warrior,’ gut check and shield – The Washington Post

In 2002, told the Hill that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won’t attend events featuring without her by his side, either.

Friday, March 31 – Hour 1 Podcast

Comey Wanted To Reveal Russian Interference During The 2016 Election, Obama White House Stopped Him – Matt Vespa

Newsweek is saying that Comey wanted to write an op-ed about the Russian interference into the 2016 election, but the Obama administration vetoed it.

New Huma Abedin Emails Reveal Additional Instances of Clinton Sending Classified Information through Unsecured Emails, Special Favors for Clinton Donors – Judicial Watch

In a February 2010 email exchange Jake Sullivan, then-Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton, sent to Clinton’s and Abedin’s unsecure email accounts information that the State Department has classified as the material includes information “to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy; foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources.” The redacted information concerns “former GTMO [Guantanamo] detainee Binyam Mohamed” and Mohamed’s request for “various classified intelligence documents” that contained U.S. intelligence information related to his detention before he was taken to Guantanamo.

Report: Hillary, 6 Aides Had Access to Classified State Dept Info After Leaving Office – Breitbart

Friday on Fox Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” network correspondent Ed Henry reported Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had revealed former Secretary of State , the 2016 presidential nominee for the Democratic Party, and six of her aides retained their access to top secret and classified information after leaving the State Department in 2013.

Hillary Emails: Top Clinton Aide Plotted to ‘Help’ News Media ‘Figure Out How Things Work’

Philippe and I had an offline conversation about this and I agree entirely. I think it makes sense for you to meet with influencers on a regular — though not intrusive — basis. An OTR conversation with you is the best way to help guys like Brooks “figure out” how things work.

Indiana lawmakers finding halting cold beer sales at chain harder than expected – 95.3 MNC

A top Republican is suggesting the Legislature may not be able to stop the chain Ricker’s from selling before the end of session.

Get ready to start paying sales tax on those Amazon purchases « Hot Air

Amazon plans on April 1 to start collecting tax in Hawaii, Idaho, Maine and New Mexico, according to CNBC. Those are the last four states in which Amazon had yet to collect applicable state .