Biden Buyer’s Remorse Continues To Expand – , Feb. 1 – 3

Hour 3
Judges go easy on fed workers convicted of crimes linked to Russia collusion lies
Report: Biden administration can’t account for as many as 20 million vaccine doses that were sent to states
#BidenLied trends on Twitter as critics demand the $2,000 stimulus checks they claim he promised to deliver during campaign

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Woman Behind Sanders’ Mittens Says High Her , Jan. 26 – 2

Hour 2
Kyrsten Sinema Won’t Support Eliminating Filibuster, ‘Not Open To Changing Her Mind’
Pfizer Vaccine Claimed a Runaway Success in Israel with 0.015% Infection Rate
Coronavirus Vaccine Patch Could Protect Against All COVID Strains
Researchers are developing color-changing stickers for masks to detect COVID-19
Regeneron: Antibody Cocktail 100 Percent Effective Against Symptomatic COVID-19 Infections
Regeneron: Antibody Cocktail 100 Percent Effective Against Symptomatic COVID-19 Infections
Woman Behind Bernie Sanders’ Iconic Mittens Quit Making Them Because High Taxes Killed Her Business
DDoSers are abusing Microsoft RDP to make attacks more powerful

FLASHBACK: Dead Parkland Student Brought Back to Life in Creepy Anti-Gun PAC Commercial

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Hour 1

Nunes: ‘There should be a racketeering investigation’ about big tech targeting of Parler
“Very Incriminating”: Hacker Archives Every Deleted Parler Post | ZeroHedge

Big Tech Launches Massive Coordinated Cyber Attack on 74,000,000 Trump Voters — GOP SILENT

The Lincoln Project’s Predator | The American Conservative

71 Arrested In Tampa Human Trafficking Operation Ahead of Super Bowl

THERE IT IS: Evil Pelosi Admits in “60 Minutes” Tongue-Bath Interview that Motivation for Impeachment Is To Ensure “He Never Runs Again” (VIDEO)

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