Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Jan. 24

Daily : , Jan. 24


Classified Documents Discovered at Home of Former Vice President Mike Pence

BREAKING: Indiana School Places Counselor Who Leaked Secret Transgender Policy on Leave

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Chip Roy, Sen. Ted Cruz Introduce Legislation To Bar Illegal Immigrants From Voting In DC

EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Introduces Legislation To Impose Term Limits For Congress

Ted Cruz Calls For Search Of Biden’s Senate Papers At University Of Delaware

Hour 2

Parody trans account TCMA DROPS media for treating obvious Aretha Franklin parody as REAL story and LOL

Michigan School Board Member Said Whiteness is ‘Evil,’ White People are More Dangerous Than Animals

Discipline Is Indigestable: Health Official Warns Against Workplace Cake, Compares It to Secondhand Smoke



Hour 3

Horowitz: 12 new safety signals showing devastating dangers from COVID shots

The Recycling Religion

California Destroys Its Independent Truckers

With PRO Act, Congress Readies National Version of California’s AB5 Fiasco

Daily Show Prep: Thurs, June 16

Daily : Thurs, 16



FLASHBACK: Report raises concerns about suboptimal vaccine antibodies erasing natural immunity

URGENT: OMG the Pfizer data for kids under 5

Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER

COVID19 vaccines are killing younger people and killing them sooner

Another US Food Processing Plant Erupts In Flames

Abbott baby formula plant floods in Michigan, halting production for ‘weeks’

Churches, Pro-Life Organizations Attacked 41 Times in Past 6 Weeks

Group claims responsibility for attacks on pregnancy centers

Hour 2

WATCH: Anti-gun protesters at March for Our Lives don’t know what an AR-15 is

They are for your , not just rifles.

A Supreme Court justice’s solution to gun violence: Repeal Second Amendment


If Democrats were actually serious about gun control, they’d repeal the 2nd Amendment

Chalkbeat launches tool for journalists to choose sources based on identity

Oregon’s drug decriminalization effort a ‘tragedy’

Hour 3

Lauren Boebert to sue Democrat PAC that attacked her with ‘blatantly false and disgusting accusations’

ISIS leader captured in U.S.-led raid in Syria

New Money for Troops Ordered to Move Out of Barracks Approved Following Airman’s Suggestion

Here are the veterans who will benefit from Congress’ sweeping toxic exposure bill

Fans told Lizzo a word in her song was offensive. She changed the lyrics.

Thursday, 6

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, May 6

Hour 1

Senator defends bill Holcomb’s veto: Unelected officials shouldn’t be able to close businesses,

: Gretchen Whitmer Used Private Jet Borrowed From Billionaires To Travel To Florida During COVID Crisis

Hour 2

Disabled white farmer sues Biden admin over ‘racist’ COVID relief

State Votes To Add Firing Squad To Execution Methods

Hour 3

Johns Hopkins professor tells not to buy the ‘fearmongering’ that the and are selling as the COVID-19 wanes

‘Don’t Vaccinate the Young and Healthy’: Swedish Doctors Pen Open Letter Against Blanket Inoculation

Is Your ‘Woke Credit Score’ High Enough to Keep You From Being Denied Service by Major Corporations?


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Thursday, 4 – 2 Podcast

SoCal family thrown off overbooked Delta flight over child’s seating | abc7.com

Schear family of Huntington Beach says they were flying from Hawaii to Los Angeles last week when airline staff asked them to give up seat occupied by their 2-year- and carry him on their laps for the duration of the flight.

Stormtrooper costume leads to high school evacuation on Star Wars Day | WSBT

A student who took Star Wars Day a little too far sparked the evacuation of Ashwaubenon High Thursday morning.

New York Principal Investigated for ‘Communist Activities’ | Truth Revolt

Those documents show Bloomberg is investigated for several issues. Among them is an allegation that her husband filmed a documentary for an organization associated with the Progressive Labor Party, and that students and staff at the school “were included in the documentary without their authorization.” The city also says that there may be a conflict of interest, because the documentary was screened at the school.

Purdue Professor Argues Images of Aborted Babies Are ‘Child Pornography’ – Breitbart

Professor David Sanders, an associate professor of Biology at Purdue , accused pro-lifers who use images of aborted fetuses of participating in “child pornography” activities.

Did Bill Nye Strategically Edit his 1996 Episode on Gender to Cover His Tracks? | Truth Revolt

I’m a girl. Could have just as easily been a boy, though, because the probability of becoming a girl is always one in two.

Donald Trump signs religious freedom order to give churches their voices back’ – Washington Times

signed an  Thursday to make easier for churches to participate in politics and to protect faith-based groups from being forced to pay for abortion services under Obamacare, proclaiming, “We are giving our churches their voices back.”