Daily : Wed. Oct. 7

Hour 1

Trump: I’m Authorizing Total Declassification Of All Docs Related To Hillary’s Alleged Plan To Smear Me

Intel Chief Declassifies CIA Documents Regarding Alleged Clinton Plan To Link Trump To Russia’s Hacking

Caught Red Handed: Brennan’s Handwritten Notes Prove Obama Was Briefed on Scheme to Set Up Trump

Hillary Clinton behind plan to tie Trump to Russia, CIA warned Comey, Strzok

Memo: Chuck Schumer PAC Spending Millions to Save Gary Peters in Michigan

GOP voter registrations outpace Dems in swing states: report

Poll: Trump Takes the Lead in Maine’s Second District

Hour 2

McCloskeys Indicted By Grand Jury On Felony Weapons, Evidence Tampering Charges

Charges Filed Against Trans Elections Judge ‘Erika’ Bickford in Allentown, Pennsylvania — Including Tampering with Ballots

Restaurant-Goers In California Told To Wear Mask ‘In Between Bites’ By Governor’s Office

NBA will stop pushing BLM message on the court after ratings plummet

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Apologizes To Ilhan Omar For Pushing Voter Fraud Report After Witness Said He Was Bribed

Biden Flees Podium Before Reporters Can Ask Questions After Dark and Divisive Speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (VIDEO)

Biden says there shouldn’t be second debate if Trump still has COVID-19

Massive Hollywood-Style Trump Sign Placed on the 405 in Los Angeles.

Trump poses stand alone bill for $1,200 stimulus checks, after ending talks with House Democrats

Hour 3

BUSTED! USPS Employee Arrested After Election Ballots Found In Dumpster in New Jersey

BREAKING: Republicans in the House Join Senate Republicans- Ask FBI to Investigate Joe Biden, His Son Hunter and His Brother for Criminal Financial Activities

‘Creepy’ Joe Biden, 77, tells group of ‘beautiful young ladies’ he wants to ‘see them dancing when they’re four years older’ during campaign stop in Miami

California Bureaucrats Knocked Down Giant Trump Sign On Private Property, Claimed It Was A Safety Hazard



Daily : Tuesday, Aug. 13

Hour 1

Hong Kong protesters wave American flag, sing national anthem

PANIC IN OZ Sydney stabbing – Knifeman screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ is taken down by Brit and Aussie heroes armed with CHAIR and MILK CRATE

CNN’s PR Head Responds To Cuomo ‘Fredo’ Meltdown. Trump Jr. Nukes Him.

Every Insult Chris Cuomo Doesn’t Like Is The N-Word


Hour 2

VIDEO: Students sign petition to ban ‘offensive’ white man in crosswalk signs

South Bend hiring top policing expert to review department

Chernobyl-style evacuation after Russian nuclear missile test explosion

Chuck Schumer pushes body armor crackdown after mass shootings


Hour 3

‘Man, that was bad’: Pete Buttigieg had an extremely awkward encounter with an Iowa woman

Suspect arrested after firing shots at ICE office in San Antonio

Family of Couple Who Died in El Paso Threatened for Posing with Trump


‘How is this real?’ BBC News publishes chart of how fast weapons can fire, and people have questions


Daily : Thursday, Oct. 19


Vegas Security Guard Describes Shooting | The Daily Caller

, a security guard at the who was shot by earlier this month, gave his first interview on NBC’s “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” Wednesday.

Las Vegas hotel insisted Jesus Campos only appear on Ellen | Daily Mail Online

Mandalay Bay shooting hero Jesus Campos was pressured into giving his only interview to because the giant company that owns the Las Vegas casino feared he would spill the beans about the shooting timeline if he was grilled by real journalists, DailyMail.com has learned exclusively.

Schumer Saved Big Using Deduction He’s T | The Daily Caller

Senate Minority Leader is likely to personally save tens of thousands of dollars if he is able to defeat Republican efforts to eliminate state and local tax deductions.

Hour 2

AMAZING: President Trump’s Stock Market Gains in One Year Top Obama’s Gains in 8 Years!

With Another All Time High in the Dow Today – ‘s Rally Did What ‘s Markets Couldn’t Do in 8 years – Increase the All Time High by More than 4,500 Since the Election.

Fake News: AP Falsely Accused President Trump Of Saying He Was The Only President To Call Slain Soldiers’ Families – The Burning Truth

“If you look at President [Barack] Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls. A lot of them didn’t make calls. I like to call when it’s appropriate, when I think I am able to do it,” said Trump. “They have made the ultimate sacrifice. So generally I would say that I like to call. I’m going to be calling them. I want a little time to pass. I’m going to be calling them.”

Hour 3

The Most Popular Halloween Candy Sold Online In Every State

Feminist Tips For Men Are A Joke | The Daily Caller

“Overcome you transphobia.” Right outta the gate! There it is! Last time I checked not all women were transgender. But this is 2017 and down is up and black is white. So maybe we are all transgender.

Circuit Court Says WWI Cross Must Come Down | Truth Revolt

Thursday, Sept 14 – Hour 1 Podcast


White House Spox Refutes Pelosi-Schumer Statement – Excluding Border Wall Not Agreed To

sent out a tweet after Pelosi and Schumer issued a statement. She said, “While DACA and border security were both discussed, excluding the wall was certainly not agreed to.”

WH leg affairs director Marc Short calls Dems’ DACA statement “misleading,” says no deal on DACA or border wall $$ was reached tonight.

No deal was made last night on DACA. Massive border security would have to be agreed to in exchange for consent. Would be subject to vote.

“Ultimately, we have to have the wall. If we don’t have the wall, we’re doing nothing,” Pres. Trump says http://cbsn.ws/2y8ZpCs 

Trump: ‘The Wall Will Come Later’ | The Daily Caller

“The wall will come later,” Trump told reporters as he prepared to depart for Florida. “We’re right now renovating large sections of wall, massive sections, making it brand new. We’re doing a lot of renovations, we’re building four different samples of the wall to see which one we’re going to choose, and the wall is going to be built, it will be funded a little bit later.”

Trump Says No Citizenship For ‘Dreamers& | The Daily Caller

“We’re not looking at citizenship. We’re not looking at amnesty,” Trump told reporters before traveling to Florida to survey hurricane damage, reports MSNBC. “We’re looking at allowing people to stay here.”

House Agrees To $1.6 Billion For Border | The Daily Caller

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that will provide $1.2 trillion to fund the government past Sept. 30, and will allocate $1.6 billion towards President ‘s border wall.

Trump Has Reduced Immigration Without Lifting | The Daily Caller

Back in April, I reported that the monthly Household Survey report showed year-over-year growth in the immigrant population (legal and illegal, the government Doesn’t Ask) had completely stalled since Trump’s election.