Daily : Monday, August 28


Panhandling in downtown South Bend’s crosshairs | Local | southbendtribune.com

Downtown Inc. has erected new signs urging people not to give panhandlers money, and to instead donate to homeless service providers.

Facebook Messenger hoax uses your friends to trick you | Daily Mail Online

If you get a suspicious Facebook message from one of your closest friends, be careful what you click.

Amazon to Cut Prices at Whole Foods Following Takeover – Breitbart

Amazon plans to use its deep pockets to make big changes at Whole Foods, saying it will cut prices on bananas, eggs, salmon, beef and more when it completes its $13.7 billion takeover next week.

Carney: Amazon Just Crushed the Anti-Trump Food Price Fear Mongerers – Breitbart

“You could soon pay more for worse food. Thanks, ,” blared a Washington Post headline on December 6.

Amazon Cuts Whole Foods Prices as Much as 43% on First Day – Bloomberg

Inc. spent its first day as the owner of a brick-and-mortar grocery chain cutting prices at as much as 43 percent.

Stephen King bans Trump from seeing ‘It’ as revenge for Twitter blocking: ‘No clowns for you, Donald’ | Boston Herald

“Donald Trump blocked me on Twitter. I am hereby blocking him from seeing IT or . No clowns for you, Donald. Go float yourself,” King tweeted late Thursday.

King’s It Promotes White Male Privilege | The Daily Caller

For all the virtue signaling does on Twitter, not even his work is free from progressive scrutiny. A Boston scholar claims that his classic horror novel, “It,” and the upcoming movie adaptation, are problematic because its protagonists are “white, straight, and able-bodied.”

Fake Hate: Man Lied About Being Stabbed For ‘Neo-Nazi’ Haircut – The Burning Truth

I told my audience to be cautious about this story because it seemed like your typical fake hate accusation.

Tennessee Theater Cancels ‘Gone With the Wind’ Screening After 34 Years Over ‘Racist’ Content Complaints

The Orpheum Theatre in Memphis, Tennessee, will no longer screen Gone With the Wind after the theater’s board said it had received “numerous comments” from viewers who called the 1939 film “insensitive” and “racist.”

The New Obamacare Tax You’re About to Pay if The GOP Congress Doesn’t Stop It | NTK Network

American Action Forum is noted for years that the hardest hit by the tax will be Americans making less than $50,000 per year.

Exclusive – Brent Bozell: The Slow Death of the Republican Party – Breitbart

We are watching the GOP systematically committing suicide.

Indiana Teacher Demands Parents Tell Kids to Stop Talking About God in Class

“With McCordsville Elementary being a public school, we have many different religions and beliefs, and I do not want to upset a child/parent because of these words being used,” the teacher’s said. “If you go to church or discuss these things at home, please have a talk with your child about there being an appropriate time and place of talking about it.”

Additional Videos in the Channel 12 Memorial Vandalism Report | Mike Broomhead | 550 KFYI

Bryan West from Channel 12 did an “exclusive” story.  He went to a Confederate memorial at Wesley Bolin Plaza to talk about defaced memorials. When he got there he found the memorial defaced and a guy on a bicycle fleeing the scene. He called police and then reported on it.

Forget Lee, Washington; Christ Statue Must Go from Catholic School

, a nominally Catholic institution in San Anselmo, California, has removed the vast majority of its statues and icons as “an effort to be inclusive of all faiths.”

Wednesday, March 29 – Hour 2 Podcast

Police: Man tased after striking officer, yelling ‘Allah Akbar’ in Goodwill scuffle | WISH-TV

Reports stated that Bilal was yelling “Allah Akbar” throughout the ordeal.

Christian student SUSPENDED For Confronting Muslim Professor Over Comments: “Crucifixion was a hoax” and “Jesus’ disciples didn’t believe he was God”

Early on in the class, Polston said he realized the was harboring Anti- beliefs, demonstrated by the professor’s assertion that the crucifixion of Jesus was a hoax and that his disciples did not believe he was .

Missouri State Feminists Ponder How To Misspell ‘Woman’ | The Daily Caller

Student has grade docked for using ‘mankind’ in English paper

A Northern Arizona lost credit on an English paper for using the word “mankind” instead of a gender-neutral alternative.

Restoring Our Constitutional Freedoms For Concealed Carry | The Daily Caller

New Hampshire recently became the 12th state in the United States to strengthen the 2nd Amendment rights of lawful gun owners by getting rid of the unnecessary and redundant barrier of obtaining a permit. This reform, known as constitutional carry, is sweeping the country, cutting the red tape away from responsible gun ownership.

Concealed Weapon Detection System Being Implemented For The First Time. Coming To A Neighborhood Near You? – Concealed Nation

Patriot One Technologies, Inc. is about to kick off an experiment of it’s new detection system. They’ve partnered with Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino to implement the system in public for the first time. But what does it do?

Show Prep: Mon, Nov. 30

Taking Sunday back – The Herald Palladium : Local News

Some know Willie Lark as owner of Lark’s Bar-B-Que in Benton Harbor, known as one of the best places to get barbecue in the area.

Officer Jason Van Dyke faced 20 complaints, lawsuits – CNN.com

To put the complaints against Van Dyke in perspective, the Chicago Police Department has about 12,000 officers. Like Van Dyke, 402 officers have 20 or more complaints on file in the database. The most complaints against any officer, according to the database, is 68.

Police Won’t Release Motive in Planned Parenthood Shooting | TheBlaze.com

Colorado Springs police say they will not disclose why a gunman opened fire at a clinic, killing three people.

This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University! – Oklahoma Wesleyan University

This is not a day care. This is a !

Dog gets stick wedged in its ‘manhood’ in million-to-one accident – Boston Standard

‘No, you nitwits’: The Hill ‘totally misrepresents’ Ted Cruz’s remarks about Colo. shooting suspect – twitchy.com twitchy.com

“It’s also been reported that he was registered as an independent and a woman and a transgendered leftist activist. If that’s what he is, I don’t think it’s fair to blame the rhetoric on the left. This is a murderer,” Cruz continued.

Eight US “Refugees” in ONE MONTH Indicted, Sentenced for Joining-Arming ISIS and Al-Qaeda

In February of this year eight US “refugees” were arrested and indicted for aiding terror groups including ISIS.

VIDEO=> Czech Television Exposes Many Syrian ‘Refugees’ Are Actually Jihadist Fighters – The Gateway Pundit

Czech independent television exposed “refugees” were actually jihadist fighters.

‘Muslim-Free Zone’: Gun-shop owner wins case

AFLC Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi said, “This dismissal was yet another AFLC victory against CAIR and its jihadi lawfare against patriotic Americans across the country. This victory follows on the heels of a recent victory against CAIR in a Michigan federal court where CAIR’s subpoenas were quashed and CAIR’s nefarious client sanctioned for abusive practices.”

Judge: Muslim-free gun store is legal | WNCN

However, a United States District Court dismissed the case this month. Judge Beth Bloom said CAIR did not prove its members were harmed by the gun store’s policy.

Internet rails against Medina Walmart for asking Marine to collect Toys for Tots donations outside – newsnet5.com Cleveland

Local Walmart Stores Pull Toys for Tots Donation Boxes – KTVN Channel 2 – Reno Tahoe News Weather, Video –

The Marine Corps League, organizing the annual ‘‘ toy drive for families in need in the Reno/Sparks area, says local stores have removed donation boxes from area locations.

VA spends millions promoting Obamacare, little cutting wait times | Washington Examiner

owever, a spokesperson said the more than 29,000 combat veterans who are still waiting for their benefits because they did not include income verification on their applications will receive letters asking them to update their applications the week of Nov. 25.

VA Spends More Promoting Obamacare Than CUTTING WAIT TIME FOR VETS – Progressives Today

This story is a perfect illustration of progressivism. The left is spending more money to advance their agenda than they are on people who actually deserve benefits.