Liberal Craziness Run Amok – Feb. 25 Hour 3

2 Florida Democrats sue to keep Sanders off primary ballot

WATCH: Chris Matthews Apologizes For Comparing Bernie Sanders Nevada Victory To Nazi Invasion

Conservative UK official tweets photo of himself with container of tea. Of course, woke leftist mob freaks out with threats to boycott brand.

Revenge: Virginia Democrats block pay raise for law enforcement over gun control opposition

Wife Of ‘Proud Boys‘ Member Imprisoned For Self-Defense Pleads For Help For Their Three Children

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, February 25

Hour 1

‘This might be bad’: Top CDC official warns it’s ‘not a question of if but when’ coronavirus spreads in the US and tells parents to prepare kids for school closures and ‘significant disruption in our lives’

Olympic Official We’re ‘Looking At A Cancellation’ Of Tokyo Olympics If Coronavirus Isn’t Contained In Next Few Months


Hour 2

CNN Continues Bizarre Obsession Over Trump’s Eating Habits, This Time Over Food Choices In India

Police Interrogate 7-Year-Old After He Was Falsely Accused Of Bringing A Gun To School

Buttigieg Trolled By Black Lives Matter Activists: ‘Pete Can’t Be Our President’

Cenk Uygur Urged ‘Young Turks’ Staff NOT To Unionize. Ben Shapiro Responds.


Hour 3

2 Florida Democrats sue to keep Sanders off primary ballot

WATCH: Chris Matthews Apologizes For Comparing Bernie Sanders Nevada Victory To Nazi Invasion

Conservative UK official tweets photo of himself with container of tea. Of course, woke leftist mob freaks out with threats to boycott brand.

Revenge: Virginia Democrats block pay raise for law enforcement over gun control opposition

Wife Of ‘‘ Member Imprisoned For Self-Defense Pleads For Help For Their Three Children

Flashback: That Time MSNBC’s Said Didn’t Use Chemical Weapons

While the whole country had a hissy fit over the silly comments of Sean Spicer saying didn’t use , almost no one stopped to remind them had done the same exact thing.

Of course, anyone with more than one brain cell knows Spicer meant chemical weapons weren’t used on the battlefield. Matthews meant the same. The difference is that everyone accepted what Matthews meant, while ignoring what Spicer meant in order to demonize him.

Isn’t tribalism great?

Chris Matthews: “If you basically put down a red line and say don’t use chemical weapons, and it’s been enforced in the Western community, around the world–international community for decades. Don’t use chemical weapons. We didn’t use them in World War II, Hitler didn’t use them, we don’t use chemical weapons, that’s no deal.”