Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Jan. 12

Hour 1

‘It’s all fallen apart’: Newsom scrambles to save California — and his career

Amid record-high reported mask usage, Fauci urges Americans to ‘wear a mask’

California has record, two-day death toll as result of coronavirus


Why the new COVID-19 mutations might not be as scary as you think

Child Marriage Still Practiced Across Canada, With an Increase in Common-Law Unions: Study

U.N. Chief Guterres Promises ‘Rebuilt’ World in Coronavirus Wake

Hour 2

Idaho Internet Provider Blocks Facebook, Twitter

Newly sworn in Indiana attorney general takes a stand on free speech, says he’ll investigate tech censorship

Michigan Capitol Commission bans open carry of guns inside state Capitol

AG Dana Nessel: Michigan Capitol remains unsafe, despite ban on open carry of guns

Amazon Partner GoDaddy Allegedly Kicks Pro-Gun Site Off Servers

ABC, CBS Reporters Delete Hot Tweets — One on ‘Cleansing’ and One on DeVos Quitting

WaPo’s Robinson: Trump Supporters ‘Need to Be Deprogrammed’

Hour 3

James O’Keefe Strikes Again: PBS Counsel Michael Beller Caught on Video Promoting Violence, ” Americans F**king Dumb – Take Their Children” (VIDEO)

There’s Still a Ballot Drop Box on the Street in Conservative-Leaning Lone Pine, CA and Local Officials Refuse to Come Pick It Up

Organizations Linked to Chinese Military Are a Cash Cow for American Colleges


Daily Show Prep: Monday, Jan. 4 – Edition

Hour 1:

Why won’t those unAmerican liberal Democrats in LA wear their damn masks?

WHEN THE ‘SCIENCE’ ISN’T: Locked-down California runs out of reasons for surprising surge.


‘STOP whatever ‘re doing!’ Richard Grenell tears into LA county official pushing lockdowns when they’re only making things WORSE


CALIFORNIA: Despite strict lockdowns, ICUs are filling up.

Note, however, that the NYT changed its headline from this:


So, why are cases surging in pro-science cult of mask liberal California, especially in LA?

Pennsylvania might have the answer:

Pennsylvania warns that attending an orgy without a mask is unsafe



Then again, maybe it’s not orgies.

South Korean Coronavirus Cases Spike After Social Distancing Measures


New Analysis Finds Mask Mandates Not Stopping CCP Virus Surge



Someone listens to my show!

‘Admitting mask/ policy was a fail would be political SUICIDE’: Receipt-filled thread takes COVID/hospital fear-mongering APART


More on the ICU statistics later today.

South Bend still can’t accept that Eric Logan was a bad guy


Hour 2:

While Getting Blasted on the Field, Notre Dame Doubles Down on BLM Support


GREAT AGAIN: Donald Will Leave a Legacy of Unprecedented Achievement


Secretary Pompeo Lists Foreign Policy Achievements of Trump Administration


Top 15 MAGA Moments for President Donald Trump in 2020




No kidding. The examples of fake news over the Trump presidency is staggering.

Here’s some things the media is now admitting this week that they pretended wasn’t true (minus the scandal):

Rep. Swalwell was banging Fang Fang who is a Chinese spy.

CNN’s Zakaria: ‘Dirty Little Secret’—Trump Was Tough on Russia!


Again … duh!

REPORT: Media Admits Engaged in COVID Cover-Up; Reporters Tailed, Samples Confiscated


If only a radio host whose name rhymes with Casey had told you all of this YEARS AGO!

Full List Of Western Media Outlets Participating In Chinese Communist Propaganda Events


Hour 3

This Chinese propaganda starts at the university level.

Cincinnati professor on leave after calling COVID-19 the ‘Chinese virus’


Guess school has direct ties to the Chinese government?

UC plans to open campus in China


It’s all over .

China used internet troll ‘army’ to shape coronavirus narrative: report


Trump Says US COVID-19 Deaths ‘Far Exaggerated,’ Blames CDC for Bad Statistics


Fauci on Trump Claim Coronavirus Casualty Count Is Exaggerated: ‘Deaths Are Real Deaths,’ ‘That’s Not Fake’


Friendly reminder, Fauci just admitted to lying to all of you in order to manipulate you into doing what he wanted you to do.

Can you ever trust a health official who, not only has been wrong the entire pandemic, but admitted to lying to you about it?

Remember when Brian Tabor, president of the Indiana Hospital Association, staight up lied to you all by saying: “”Hospitals do not receive more money when a death is coded as COVID,” he said, calling the claim a myth.

USA Today did a fact-check on this claim and found that hospitals do, in fact, get more money for COVID deaths. Dr. Redfield at the CDC testified that this does happen while highlighting there’s no evidence proving widespread manipulation of the death total for additional funds.

Bottom line is health officials keep lying to you. The media keeps lying to you. They keep getting caught. You can’t be surprised by outrage.

I’ve already highlighted dozens of stories involving thousands of non-COVID deaths being listed as COVID in the US. 

I’m not saying hospitals are doing this mislabeling on purpose. Paperwork errors happen all the . However, let’s be honest. The American hospital apparatus has a LONG rich history of inflating bills to maximize profits. This is an uncontroversial claim that is universally know and derided. Suddenly, we are to expect those same magically become the arbiters of truth and honestly?

FLASHBACK: CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted 130,000 Heart Attacks, Flu and Bacterial Pneumonia As COVID-19 Deaths


Well, Trump isn’t alone …

2 Minnesota Lawmakers Say State’s COVID-19 Deaths Inaccurate, Call for Nationwide Audit


WATCH: Minnesota Lawmakers Call For Nationwide Audit of COVID-19 Death Totals


More Liberal Causes Just Scamming Out Of Money – Monday, Nov. 30 – Hour 1

Joe Biden Suffers Multiple Fractures to His Foot While Playing With His Dog

Los Angeles County Banned Outdoor Dining. There’s Zero Evidence It Spreads COVID-19.

Kentucky Coffee Shop Owner Loses License After Bucking Coronavirus Restrictions

It’s Not ‘Woke’ To Be Broke: Major Liberal Cause Turns Out To Be Just Scheme Enriching A Few

FLASHBACK: Biden’s cancer charity, to honor son, spent 3 million on staff salaries but zero on research, taxes show

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Nov. 30

Joe Biden Suffers Multiple Fractures to His Foot While Playing With His Dog


Los Angeles County Banned Outdoor Dining. There’s Zero Evidence It Spreads COVID-19.

Kentucky Coffee Shop Owner Loses License After Bucking Coronavirus Restrictions

It’s Not ‘Woke’ To Be Broke: Major Liberal Cause Turns Out To Be Just Scheme Enriching A Few

FLASHBACK: Biden’s cancer charity, to honor son, spent 3 million on staff salaries but zero on research, taxes show


Hour 2

Judge Blocks Georgia Officials From ‘Erasing’ Data On Dominion Voting Machines After Sidney Powell Lawsuit

Sidney Powell Suit Makes 30 Allegations in Bid to Invalidate Georgia Election Results

Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturns judge’s ruling raising constitutional questions about election

Georgia Lawsuit: Witness Testifies About Use of Different Paper For ‘Counterfeit’ Ballots, ‘Watermark Solid Grey Instead of Transparent’ – 100% For Joe Biden



For the , I don’t buy into this story.

Remember When Democrats Alleged Fraud — This Year?

UPDATED: Johns Hopkins Study Saying COVID-19 Has ‘Relatively No Effect on Deaths’ in U.S. Spiked After Publication

Johns Hopkins Takes Down Article Showing US Deaths in 2020 No Different than Prior Years – It Doesn’t Fit their ‘We’re All Gonna Die’ Narrative

Chinese scientists claim that COVID-19 did not originate in China

Hour 3


Matt Braynard: FBI Has Requested Vote Fraud Research

Candace Owens Challenges Fact-Checker, And Wins

McDonald’s is accused of ‘cultural appropriation at its finest’ over its new Jerk Chicken Sandwich

Globalist Elites at World Economic Forum Tell Public to Start Eating Weeds

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai will step down on Jan 20

Study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations for patients treated with controversial drug hydroxychloroquine


My Letter To The St. Joseph On Mask Fines

I was asked to write a letter to the St. Joseph County Commission (Indiana) ahead of their vote on mask mandate fines for local businesses. This is what I sent them.



Most of you know who I am. I wanted to send you just a small sample of actual scientific research on masks and their effectiveness on viral spread as well as real-world data ahead of your vote on the mask fine ordinance.

My goal is to present a small sample of the abundant research showing masks aren’t nearly as effective as many suggest. I that you set aside any confirmation bias you may already hold and just look at what I’ve included here.

I suppose the first thing is to look at the real-world data.

Experts originally opposed mask requirements because people would inevitably not use them correctly. They would abandon the other, more effective, measures to prevent . They would no longer wash their hands or socially distance themselves or stay home. Those warnings have all come true.

In early March, Dr. Anthony Fauci told “60 Minutes” face masks were not necessary for the general population, noting that while masks might make people “feel a little bit better,” they don’t provide the protection folks believe they do and might create “unintended consequences.”

Fauci wasn’t alone. I covered dozens of infectious disease experts at the time who said the same thing. Virologist Dmitry Lvov is another expert to look at. He said in March you can wear them but they don’t provide much protection. I don’t want to provide a list of experts who don’t buy into the mask hype. My point is that there is no scientific consensus on masks being effective.

A great starting point is to look at this study by Dr. Brosseau, a national expert on respiratory protection and infectious diseases and professor (retired), . Dr. Sietsema is also an expert on respiratory protection and an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.​


Masks went from the least important, least effective measure you can take to becoming the primary means of preventing yourself from getting infected. ​The CDC’s own data shows that the overwhelming number of people who get COVID wear the mask in accordance with mask mandates in the US. If masks worked the way some local health officials have said, the infection rate for mask wearers shouldn’t be so high (over 3/4 of those infected wear masks regularly).

In August, the AP said declining COVID cases in the U.S. were due to mask mandates. Gov. Holcomb said the same about Indiana. Look what’s happened since then. Massive spikes. That shouldn’t be possible according to the mask hype from local health officials. A study showing masks reduced COVID infections was just retracted because the areas used in the study all had spikes after the study was completed.

It’s not just the United States. Mask mandates have been in effect going back to January of 2020 in some countries. All have spikes in COVID infections. Below are the countries having spikes and when their mask mandate went into effect:

  • Germany – mask mandate went into effect April 22
  • France – mask mandate May 10
  • – mask mandate went into effect August 16
  • South Korea – mandate May 26
  • Rwanda spike – mandate April 9
  • Switzerland spike – mandate first week of June
  • Japan has had near 100% mask-wearing from the beginning of the outbreak but have a huge spike now. NYT headline on June 6: Japan’s coronavirus numbers are low, are masks the reason why?
  • Austria spike – mandate April 6
  • has a massive spike but was one of the first countries to have a mask mandate
  • Israel spike – mandate April 12 and had some of the strictest quarantine policies in the world.
  • Spain spike – mandate May 20
Here’s some visual graphs to illustrate the data above. All of which you can confirm with a simple search in a few seconds.
In other words, everywhere in the world that mask mandates have been in effect, the virus has continued to spread. Why? Because COVID is airborne. We originally didn’t think it was and focused on droplets. Masks can work on droplets by reducing the distance a droplet travels. No mask, not even N95, work on airborne viruses. The CDC’s website even states that masks don’t filter the COVID virus. They also sent a statement to Tucker Carlson in October saying: “At no time has CDC guidance suggested that masks were intended to protect the wearers.”
During the recent wildfires in California, people were using their COVID masks as protection from the smoke particles. The CDC had to point out cloth masks don’t work on those particles. The size of those particles are .4 to .7 microns in size. COVID is .12 microns in size.
Some recent studies on masks and viral transmission:
  • Jacobs, J. L. et al. (2009) – Face mask use in HCW was not demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds.
  • Cowling, B. et al. (2010) – None of the studies reviewed showed a benefit from wearing a mask to prevent spread of influenze, in either HCW or community members in households.
  • bin-Reza et al. (2012) – “There were 17 eligible studies. … None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.”​
  • Radonovich, L.J. et al. (2019) – “Among 2862 randomized participants, 2371 completed the study and accounted for 5180 HCW-seasons. … Among outpatient health care personnel, N95 respirators vs medical masks as worn by participants in this trial resulted in no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”
There are others, but you get the idea. Up until this pandemic, the scientific community understood that masks of all kinds do not prevent viral spread or infection. Suddenly, without real evidence, they do now.
There exists no peer-reviewed clinical trial showing masks are effective. Only preliminary lab results, some of which have problematic methodology. Never in history has a preliminary lab result been considered scientifically viable evidence. Until now.
I don’t write to you to debate the efficacy of masks. I write you to point out that, without a doubt, masks have not worked as some had portrayed them to. In Michiana, people are abiding by mask mandates en masse with very few exceptions. Not only is it not based on sound science or the real-world data to enforce mask mandates under penalty of , but it is counterproductive considering the widespread adherence to the mandates in place now.
Furthermore, violating a ‘s property rights to require them to be an enforcer of these mandates under penalty of fines would be a gross . Encroaching on their rights in this fashion would always be problematic, but to do so knowing the ordinance is enforcing, with penalties, mandates that have proven beyond the shadow of the doubt to be ineffective would be a .
I understand the immense pressure government and public health officials are under to make it seem like they are trying to fight this virus and protect citizens. I understand it is easier to just go along to get along so you can say at least you tried at election time. However, to allow such government abuse over a mandate that isn’t working under the false guise that it would somehow magically start working now because there are penalties would be a violation of your oath of office. Surely, there is another way without setting the government up to abuse citizens just to appease the mob that has produced no evidence this would work to begin with.
Casey Hendrickson
Radio Talk Show Host – 95.3 MNC
UPDATE: Corrected some grammatical errors since I was rushing to get this letter sent before my show.
UPDATE 2: Added context of why I wrote this letter to the top of the post.