Casey Calls Out Who Job After Being Told To Stop Trashing – Podcast


has resigned his position because he was repeatedly told to stop trashing President on his radio show. He refused, and chose to instead. He then ran to social media to plead his case for resigning.

Casey responds to Bruce Bond quitting, and claiming his liberal views are the reason behind the censorship.

Sorry Bruce, take it from another radio professional, you are in the wrong here.

Radio Host Quits Job After Being Told To Stop Criticizing Trump | The Daily Caller

The radio host shared photos on his Facebook wall of the letter the management sent him that told him that it is “not permissible” to talk disrespectfully of the president. Receiving backlash in the forms of emails, phone calls, and threats of boycotts, WTPA threatened Bond with the discontinuation of his show if he refused to comply.