Liberal Craziness Run Amok – Feb. 25 Hour 3

2 Florida Democrats sue to keep Sanders off primary ballot

WATCH: Chris Matthews Apologizes For Comparing Bernie Sanders Nevada Victory To Nazi Invasion

Conservative UK official tweets photo of himself with container of tea. Of course, woke leftist mob freaks out with threats to boycott brand.

Revenge: Virginia Democrats block pay raise for law enforcement over gun control opposition

Wife Of ‘Proud Boys‘ Member Imprisoned For Self-Defense Pleads For Help For Their Three Children

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, February 25

Hour 1

‘This might be bad’: Top CDC official warns it’s ‘not a question of if but when’ coronavirus spreads in the US and tells parents to prepare kids for school closures and ‘significant disruption in our lives’

Olympic Official We’re ‘Looking At A Cancellation’ Of Tokyo Olympics If Coronavirus Isn’t Contained In Next Few Months


Hour 2

CNN Continues Bizarre Obsession Over Trump’s Eating Habits, This Time Over Food Choices In India

Police Interrogate 7-Year-Old After He Was Falsely Accused Of Bringing A Gun To School

Buttigieg Trolled By Black Lives Matter Activists: ‘Pete Can’t Be Our President’

Cenk Uygur Urged ‘Young Turks’ Staff NOT To Unionize. Ben Shapiro Responds.


Hour 3

2 Florida Democrats sue to keep Sanders off primary ballot

WATCH: Chris Matthews Apologizes For Comparing Bernie Sanders Nevada Victory To Nazi Invasion

Conservative UK official tweets photo of himself with container of tea. Of course, woke leftist mob freaks out with threats to boycott brand.

Revenge: Virginia Democrats block pay raise for law enforcement over gun control opposition

Wife Of ‘‘ Member Imprisoned For Self-Defense Pleads For Help For Their Three Children

Obama’s education secretary: Let’s school until gun laws change

In an interview, Duncan said a provocative approach is needed if gun laws are ever going to change.

Former Education Secretary Arne Duncan pushed a radical idea on Twitter: Parents should pull their children out of school until elected officials pass stricter gun control laws.

Source: Obama’s education secretary: Let’s boycott school until gun laws change

Not only is it not ‘brilliant’ it’s illegal to do this as he suggested. Let’s not forget liberal have fought against and for decades. As a result, the laws in many states wouldn’t legally allow for a mass school withdrawal like he’s calling for. Ironically, because of the same liberals advocating for this radical new idea.

How about parents until appropriate school safety measures are implemented instead of just ignoring the threat assessments done on their facilities like what happened at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School?

Then there’s the fact that the weapons used in the Texas shooting are always ignored in any liberal anti-gun proposal because they aren’t the dreaded AR-15. If fact, anti-gun advocates always say they want to leave shotguns and revolvers alone. Nevermind that shotguns were used in more homicides than all rifles combined annually until 2016.

This is just another dumb attention seeking idea from intellectually deficient radicals.

Monday, June 12 – Hour 2 Podcast


The Survivor Part 1

Australian Candice Hedge had her throat cut in the recent terror attacks in the heart of . She tells her story of strength and survival in an exclusive interview with Sunday Night.

American Express Distances Itself from Public Theater’s ‘Trump’-Stabbing ‘Julius Caesar’

American Express issued a statement Monday saying it does not provide funding to nor condone a controversial in the Park production of in which the -inspired main character is brutally stabbed to death on stage, after two of the production’s sponsors dropped their support this week.

Celebrities Call for Boycott of Delta, Bank of America after Companies Pull Funding from ‘Trump’ Stabbing Theater

Several Hollywood have called for a of Delta Air Lines and Bank of America after the two companies announced Sunday they would no longer sponsor the New York City Public Theater over a controversial staging of Julius Caesar in which a Trump look-alike is brutally murdered on stage.

Councilman Jamie O’Brien

St. Joseph County taxpayers beware . . . . “Bill No. 43-17 ESTABLISHING CUMMULATIVE CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND” is on the County Council’s agenda this coming Tuesday evening. If passed (and I believe it will pass unless there is herculean live opposition) it will result in an increase in the property tax levy and thus an increase in property taxes for many taxpayers in St. Joseph County. I also believe this will result in a reapportionment of the property tax pie that will reduce the amount of property taxes going to several of the school corporations. If you don’t want your taxes to increase then show up at the Council meeting Tuesday, June 13 at 600pm and speak up.

South Bend And St. Joseph County Should Be Ashamed Of Themselves

I don’t write many local articles on my site because so many visitors are from around the country, and world, but this can’t go unsaid, and Facebook wasn’t a worthy forum for what I need to write.

So now elected officials in , who didn’t read the time consuming 4 page (Indiana Religious Freedom & Restoration Act), are referring to supporters of the bill as ‘‘. Irresponsible hyperbole like that leads to actual violence against peaceful people and their property.

Local should be thrilled there’s such broad bipartisan support for a Democrat authored anti-discrimination bill throughout the country. And the RFRA is an ANTI-DISCRIMINATION law. One that’s been on the books for 22 years, and has allowed exactly 0 cases of discrimination.

Ad hominem, and borderline seditious, rhetoric like this serves no useful purpose but to whip the ignorant up into a frenzy built on a bed of lies.

There are 31 states with similar legislation, 20 of which are direct versions of the Democrat law from 1993, is in this latter category.  Several other states are considering this legislation as I write.  The only legal challenge to the federal law came from a church who wanted to expand its building.  Not from a discriminated against party.  There is absolutely zero examples of the alleged evils of this law materializing in its entire 22 year history at either the federal or state level.

Politicians often use aggressive rhetoric to gin up support from their base, but when it crosses the line like this it must be confronted.

Over the past several years we’ve seen a new play added to the playbook of Democrats and special interest groups around the country. This new strategy is just a more aggressive application of existing strategy. Instead of just using the spin machine to apply pressure to the opposition, Democrats, race-hustlers, the gay mafia, and others (who often don’t represent the bulk of their demographics) incite violence by painting a false picture of not just discrimination, but life-threatening discrimination.

When you convince the simple-minded their lives are in danger, human nature of self-preservation kicks in.

We saw it in Sanford, FL, Ferguson, MO, New York City, NY, Michigan (during their RFRA battle), and to a lesser extent right here in South Bend recently (Breathe Easy). In all cases, violence, death, and/or property destruction resulted from community organizers and elected politicians spreading falsehoods/lies/myths to foment fear and hate in order to register voters, win elections, and bully good innocent people into submission. Their MSM allies obliged in spreading their message of hate. All based on a false premise of saving lives through civil rights.

Well, Sanford wasn’t about whites hunting blacks in the dead of night.  Ferguson wasn’t about innocent blacks being hunted down by white cops.  Michigan wasn’t going to let gays be discriminated against or die in the streets.  New York wasn’t about racist white cops choking innocent black men.  South Bend wasn’t about racist white cops supporting choking out black citizens.  Indiana is NOT about legalizing any form of discrimination.

Yet politicians issue press releases calling for boycotts of their constituents who haven’t done anything but continue to do business as usual without a sticker on their business’s door? Businesses that have never discriminated against anyone since this law’s passage 22 years ago.  Constituents who are still subject to the same anti-discrimination laws they were a week ago.

9  MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  March 26th ...   Tim Scott 1st District South Bend  Indiana


Calling for boycotts of constituents is bad enough, but labeling them as ‘violent’ is beyond any intellectually honest person. Not only has there been no discrimination, but none of the ‘violent’ constituents have committed any acts of violence.

And no, there is no plausible deniability that supporters of this bill weren’t referred to as violent.  If you label the law violent, then you are labeling its supporters as violent by association.

9  Henry Davis Jr.


The great irony with this post from a councilman, and mayoral candidate, is that he consistently defended the Ferguson rioters.  Oh I know, he only defended the peaceful protesters, not the large number of violent ones.  He just chose not to devote much energy to condemning their actions.  Of course, the truth about what happened in Ferguson didn’t mean much.  There was a narrative to push.  He’s also the same politician who said ‘Breathe Easy’ shirts shouldn’t be sold, and could lead to violence.  He supported ‘I Can’t Breathe’ shirts … again, largely based on a lie.

Meanwhile, these same politicians call for policies that will attract more businesses to South Bend.  Yeah, nothing says ‘come to South Bend’ like boycotting local businesses who haven’t done anything wrong, and labeling them as ‘violent.’  Sign me up!

While this type of dangerous strategy has been infrequent throughout our history, we have seen it used regularly by tyrants throughout the ages to control populations by pitting them against one another.  You create an enemy where none exist, and you manufacture a threat to one’s safety and rights where none exist.  This rhetoric has no place in a polite civilized society.  It certainly has no place in Indiana, St. Joseph County, or South Bend.

Que the predictably vitriolic, hypocritical and ignorant comments below …


What the Indiana Religious Freedom Law Isn’t

What is the RFRA in Indiana? It’s Religious Freedom.

Indiana Protects Religious Liberty. Why That’s Good Policy.

Indiana’s So-Called ‘Right to Discriminate’ Law Appears Very Similar to Existing Federal Law