Daily : Friday, Nov. 3


Breaking: Bergdahl gets no prison time; Update: “A complete and total disgrace” – Hot Air Hot Air

Was five years in captivity enough punishment? The judge in Bowe Bergdahl’s court-martial for desertion and misbehavior before the enemy has apparently reached that conclusion. Bergdahl will get a at a lower rank and forfeit his back pay, but will leave the military a free man otherwise:

Las Vegas shooting: Paddock’s girlfriend may be hiding something, sheriff suggests | Fox News

Stephen ‘s girlfriend may be hiding something from investigators who are trying to piece together the motive behind the Las Vegas massacre, the city’s sheriff suggested in a wide-ranging interview with a local television station.

Moronic MSNBC Contributor Rips POTUS Trump For Not Demanding Death Penalty For Already Dead Vegas Shooter (VIDEO)

On Thursday afternoon, Wall Street Journal reporter and MSNBC contributor  ripped into President for not demanding the death penalty for already dead Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock.

#FakeNews in Action: CNN Split Screens 2 Reporters Standing Right Next to Each Other (Video)

The used a split screen to fool their audience that two reporters standing right next to each other were worlds apart.

Walmart shoppers drew their own handguns during shooting | Daily Mail Online

The shoppers’ immediate response to the violent event ‘absolutely slowed’ investigation as it left authorities scanning through tapes in pursuit of the single armed attacker.

Gas prices in Michigan could soon rise to $3, analyst says | MLive.com

, and the Great Lakes region, could soon rise to their highest levels since 2015 thanks to a number of issues, according to a GasBuddy analyst.

Students Were Offended By a Play That Mocks Political Correctness, So Brandeis Cancelled It – Hit & Run : Reason.com

Don’t think political correctness is a problem on campus? Try producing a play about it.

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier – Hot Air Hot Air

Just think what $168,000 could have done for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. She could have flown a few times to Wisconsin and Michigan, for instance, or possibly have paid for some Facebook memes. The possibilities are endless! Instead, as Fusion GPS disclosed in a statement today, paid almost the same amount of money that Russian trolls paid Facebook to Christopher Steele for the infamous “dossier” on Donald Trump — and then failed to make use of it:

Disabled Navy vet refuses to receive award from Saints over national anthem protests | Fox News

“Although I am touched and honored to be selected for such an award, the ongoing controversy with NFL players’ disrespect for the national flag forces me to decline to participate in the presentation,” Wells said. “I am unable, in good conscience, to enter an NFL stadium while this discourtesy prevails. Since this award is tainted with the dishonorable actions of the NFL and its players, I cannot accept it.”


Monday, October 16 – Hour 3 Podcast


New FBI Docs About Clinton-Lynch Meeting | The Daily Caller

has found 30 pages of documents related to the June 2016 meeting between and then-Attorney General , even after the bureau claimed to not have any records related to the matter.

This Grandma Waved to These Students Every Day, When She Wasn’t There, They Had to Find Her – Caveman Circus | Caveman Circus

Amazon Wants To Deliver Packages To Your Car’s Trunk To Thwart Porch Pirates

It’s Official: Bowe Bergdahl Enters a Guilty Plea For Desertion – Katie Pavlich

Army Sgt.  has officially pleaded guilty to and bad behavior charges after walking away from his base in 2009. He was captured by the and held for five years.

Arizona restaurant closes following backlash from its pro-Trump Facebook post | Fox News

An was forced to close its doors indefinitely this week after a politically charged Facebook post the eatery’s owners wrote prompted mass criticism from social media users.

Officials Suspect Mexican Cartel Arsonists Behind Historic Fires as California Pot Farms Burn to the Ground

Law enforcement authorities – including senior Department of Homeland Security officials – and key people within the legal marijuana business quickly noticed that the areas hit hardest by the fires are the same places that ‘s marijuana industry legally grows cannabis, and are now starting to suspect foul play.

Gun-control measures in Colorado and Washington about as effective as you’d expect – Hot Air Hot Air

In Colorado and Washington state, advocates spent millions of dollars, and two Colorado Democrats lost their seats, in the effort to pass laws requiring criminal background checks on every single gun sale.


Tuesday, May 17 – Hour 3 Podcast

‘s former platoon-mates

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl trial postponed to next year

The start of the trial of Army Sgt. , who faces and misbehavior charges for abandoning his post in , has been postponed until next year to give his defense team time to sift though thousands of pages of secret documents.

High School Bans Flying Flags on Vehicles, Threatens Violators’ Graduation Rites | Truth Revolt

NBC 11 reports that Colt Chatfield came to school with a flying from his truck and was told to take it down because some students found it offensive. He complied even though he said he has flown it many times before without complaint. However, the next day he came back with both the Confederate flag and the American flag waiving. The school then told him to remove both of them or lose his graduation rite to walk and receive his diploma.

Govt surveillance exposed in Bay Area…

Hidden microphones that are part of a clandestine government program that has been operating around the Bay Area has been exposed.

I can explain porn sites on my screenshot, says politician – really, I can | Technology | The Guardian

An American congressional candidate wants you to know that the porn tabs he had open in a screenshot posted to his Facebook page are absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

Electric Vehicles Emit More Pollutants Than Fossil Fuel-Burning Cars, Says Study

A study from the University of Edinburgh shows that electric and hybrid vehicles emit as many, if not more, atmospheric toxins than fossil fuel-burning vehicles.

Parent Sends Self-Made Permission Slip to School: Let My Kids Run, Play, Climb Trees | Truth Revolt

“Obviously, some safety measures make complete sense. Bike helmets? Absolutely! No playing tag on the playground because you might tag too hard and cause someone to fall and hurt themselves? Give me a break.”


Daily : Tuesday, May 17

Despite Supply Disruptions, Summer Gasoline Prices Should Stay Relatively Low | Indiana 105 | THE Country Station from Chicago to South Bend | Northwest Indiana

Gasoline prices have gone up in recent months but despite disruptions in supply, an energy economist at Purdue says prices at the pump should still be 40 to 60 cents below last summer’s prices.

Gas prices around Michiana expected to jump yet again – 953MNC.com

For the second time in a week, in are jumping, and this time they’re expected to get to the highest price of 2016 so far.

Trump trusted over Ryan to lead GOP, poll says – Talk Media News

The majority of Republican voters to lead the Republican party over House Speaker (R-Wis.), according to a new NBC/Survey Monkey released Tuesday.

Birthday Cake Hate Hoax Crumbles, But Without Legal Consequences To The Hoaxer | VDARE – premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

Anderson Cooper Gets Busted Lying To Protect Hillary Clinton

‘It’s not , it’s’ must REALLY like egg on their faces. I’m thinking it’s some kind of internal beauty secret.

Higher Min Wage, Smaller Military Leads to More Male Unemployment

policies may have played a role in the significant jump in unemployment and imprisonment among , according to a new report.

Should we be storing the DNA of newborns indefinitely? « Hot Air

And in Indiana, the of a 9-year-old suburban Indianapolis girl are seeking the same for up to 2.5 million samples collected over two decades and stored in 600 boxes at a state warehouse.

‘s former platoon-mates Donald

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl trial postponed to next year

The start of the trial of Army Sgt. , who faces and misbehavior charges for abandoning his post in , has been postponed until next year to give his defense team time to sift though thousands of pages of secret documents.

High School Bans Flying Flags on Vehicles, Threatens Violators’ Graduation Rites | Truth Revolt

NBC 11 reports that Colt Chatfield came to school with a flying from his truck and was told to take it down because some students found it offensive. He complied even though he said he has flown it many times before without complaint. However, the next day he came back with both the and the American flag waiving. The school then told him to remove both of them or lose his graduation rite to walk and receive his diploma.

Govt surveillance exposed in Bay Area…

Hidden microphones that are part of a clandestine government program that has been operating around the Bay Area has been exposed.

I can explain porn sites on my screenshot, says politician – really, I can | Technology | The Guardian

An American congressional candidate wants you to know that the porn tabs he had open in a screenshot posted to his Facebook page are absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

Electric Vehicles Emit More Pollutants Than Fossil Fuel-Burning Cars, Says Study

A study from the University of Edinburgh shows that electric and hybrid vehicles emit as many, if not more, atmospheric toxins than fossil fuel-burning vehicles.

Parent Sends Self-Made Permission Slip to School: Let My Kids Run, Play, Climb Trees | Truth Revolt

“Obviously, some safety measures make complete sense. Bike helmets? Absolutely! No playing tag on the playground because you might tag too hard and cause someone to fall and hurt themselves? Give me a break.”