Fake : LIES About Checking His Watch

Yes, ‘s LIE.

It doesn’t matter how much Daniel Funke says it was a mistake and now has been corrected, he lied. We know he lied because multiple family members publicly said repeatedly looked at his watch before ‘fact check’ went live.

Not only did Biden repeatedly look at his watch during the ceremony, but he also got into confrontations with the Gold Star families while he was there.

Another Gold Star Mom Blasts Biden: He ‘Rolled’ His ‘F***ing Eyes’ Like He Was ‘Annoyed With Me’

‘I hope you burn in hell! That was my brother!’ What sister of Marine killed in Afghanistan screamed at Biden during Dover casket ceremony where he ‘wouldn’t even look’ relatives in the eye

Family of Marine killed in Afghanistan slams Biden meeting as scripted, a ‘total disregard’ to Marine’s death

Not only are the deaths of those Americans Kabul Biden’s fault, but his contemptible treatment of their families is also unacceptable.

No wonder football fans broke out in ‘f-ck Biden’ chants all weekend.