Wednesday, Dec. 9 – Hour 3

Hillary: No, I Didn’t Blame the Video in My Meeting With Benghazi Families – Guy Benson

STEPHANOPOULOS: Did you tell them it was about the film? And what’s your response?


Judicial Watch today released a new email from then-Department of Defense Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash to leadership immediately offering “forces that could move to Benghazi” during the attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. In an email sent to top Department of State officials, at 7:19 p.m. ET, only hours after the attack had begun,

US conducting ‘serious review’ of latest Iran missile test | Fox News

The U.S. is conducting a “serious review” of Iran’s second ballistic missile test in as many months in apparent violation of two U.N. Security Council resolutions, according to the State Department and the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.


Show Prep: Wed, Dec. 9

Hunt for a Third Terrorist? Officials Say San Bernardino Attacker Syed Farook Planned Earlier Attack on Specific Target With Someone Else |

According to CNN, one U.S. official said Farook had planned an attack in 2012 but would not say how serious the planning was until it was abandoned. One official said the plan was not carried out due to a series of terrorism-related arrests.

San Bernardino Shooters Spoke Of Attacks In 2013 | The Daily Caller

The shooters spoke of committing a attack as long ago as 2013, says Director James Comey Wednesday.

Records Show Syed Farook Inspected 30 San Bernardino Schools | The Daily Caller

San Bernardino jihadi Syed Rizwan Farook inspected more than 40 elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools in his job as a county health inspector, records show.

The GOP Establishment Is In For A Shock Over Trump’s Muslim Moratorium | The Daily Caller

Meanwhile, the universal condemnation from leaders will do them no favors. While it may appear to be a necessary maneuver to salvage their electoral chances, it’s not going to sit well with the majority of their base. Nor will they appease the incensed liberal press corps.

Senate Republicans Fundraise Off of “I’m With Trump” Holiday Swag — After Bashing Trump Last Month

The fundraising off of Trump shows the NRSC recognizes the strong support Trump has with the Republican base, if not the elites in party power circles like the NRSC.

Entire Midlands Police Force Quits All at Once

For 14 years and through two different mayors, Mark Fallaw was the police chief for the town of North. That career came to an end on December 1 when he resigned, stating issues with the new mayor, Patty Carson.

5 bills Michigan lawmakers are considering, including minimum wage, health insurance tax and more –

lawmakers are considering several bills that could eventually make their way to Gov. ‘s desk.

School Official Keeps His Job After Apologizing for Shocking Statement on White, ‘Christian’ Men |

Piet Lammert, vice principal of Camden Hills Regional High School in Rockport, Maine, posted the comments to Facebook one day following last month’s Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado Springs that left three dead and nine injured.

High School Official Interrupts Conservative Author Ben Shapiro in Middle of Speech After He ‘Crosses the Line’ — Watch How Students React | Video |

Shapiro said Nafarrete told him, not captured on the video, that some of the students in the back were from low income families and were offended by his remarks. According to Shapiro, Nafarrete said his job is to “protect the students” which includes “protecting their feelings.”

University President to Students: ‘Get Your Permit,’ Prevent Next San Bernardino | Mediaite

“It just blows my mind when I see the President of the United States say that the answer to [San Bernardino] is more gun control,” Falwell told students during Friday night’s weekly convocation. “If some of those people in that community center had had what I’ve got in my back pocket right now…”

Hillary Clinton Says Jerry Falwell’s Christian Son Is Aiding ISIS

“He said that, OK? This is the kind of deplorable, not only hateful response to a legitimate security issue but it is giving aid and comfort to ISIS and other radical jihadists,” she insisted.

Liberty University Prez Jerry Falwell Jr Lashes Out at Hillary=> Deplorable “Liar” (Video)

“I’ll tell you what’s deplorable. ‘s a liar. That’s not what I said. I went on to say ‘those Muslims” referring specifically to those part of my comments to the community center incident in California.”

FBI to launch new system to count people killed by police officers | US news | The Guardian

The FBI plans to overhaul its system for counting the number of deaths caused by police in the US, according to federal officials, and will begin releasing information about deadly encounters involving the use of Tasers and other force, in addition to fatal shootings.

Cornell University Warns Mistletoe Isn’t ‘Inclusive’ Enough | The Daily Caller

A guide to “” Christmas decorations created by Cornell University warns that any decorations that remotely evoke religion, which includes stars and mistletoe, are incompatible with the school’s commitment to diversity.

Hillary: No, I Didn’t Blame the Video in My Meeting With Benghazi Families – Guy Benson

STEPHANOPOULOS: Did you tell them it was about the film? And what’s your response?


Judicial Watch: New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Department “Forces that Could Move to Benghazi” Immediately – Specifics Blacked Out in New Document

Judicial Watch today released a new email from then-Department of Defense Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash to leadership immediately offering “forces that could move to Benghazi” during the terrorist attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. In an email sent to top Department of State officials, at 7:19 p.m. ET, only hours after the attack had begun,

US conducting ‘serious review’ of latest Iran missile test | Fox News

The U.S. is conducting a “serious review” of Iran’s second ballistic missile test in as many months in apparent violation of two U.N. Security Council resolutions, according to the State Department and the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

Show Prep: Thurs, Dec. 3

San Bernardino Killers: Used Rifles Purchased by Someone Else (Video)

Two handguns recovered have been traced back to Farook. He purchased them legally three or four years ago, an official said. Two rifles were purchased by someone else, possibly a former roommate, also legally three or four years ago.

More Than 1,600 Bullets, Pipe Bombs and Failed Remote-Control Detonator — New Grim Details on San Bernardino Massacre |

The two attackers who killed 14 people in a rampage at a banquet fired as many as 75 rifle rounds at the scene, left behind three rigged-together pipe bombs with a remote-control device that apparently malfunctioned, and had over 1,600 more bullets with them when they were gunned down in their SUV, authorities said Thursday.

DISGUSTING! NY Daily News MOCKS REPUBLICANS for Prayers after Cali Terror Attack

Yesterday afternoon after the attacks by a devout couple several Republicans asked for prayers for terrorist victims.×712.jpg

(2) Casey Hendrickson

Liberals are right, prayers aren’t enough. It’s time to put political correctness aside, profile likely terrorists, remove those who have contact with known terrorists, monitor those who travel to terrorist havens, increase screening of anyone coming into the country, require assimilation into the American culture, and for the love of God … seal the damn borders up!

Suspicious Neighbor Didn’t Report — Fear Of Being Called RACIST!

Authorities on Wednesday night continued to investigate a Redlands home tied to , a suspect identified in connection with the mass shootings that killed at least 14 people and injured at least 17 people at a social services center in San Bernardino on Wednesday morning.

Muslim San Bernardino gunman was ‘radicalized by known terrorists’ before he and Pakistani-born wife collected masses of ammunition, built more a than dozen pipe bombs and left their baby behind to slaughter 14 people at a holiday party | Daily Mail Online

On Wednesday morning, California health inspector and US citizen Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and his Saudi wife of two years, Tashfeen Malik, 27, dropped off their six-month-old baby with Farook’s mother, saying they were going to a doctor’s appointment.

Horowitz: The President and Liberals Have a Lot to Answer For: San Bernardino Was Entirely Predictable

On the heels of the Paris attacks, ISIS issues threats against the United States. A Muslim couple highly trained and armed to the teeth, with an IED factory in their house, with GoPro cameras on board, murders 14 and wounds 17 members of a seasonal gathering in San Bernardino, and a day later no one in the media will say it’s a terrorist attack. Even on Fox, the word is “No one will say whether it’s workplace violence or a terrorist attack.” Really. Who leaves a meeting goes back home, as the killer did, gathers up his wife, drops his six-month-old child with the grandmother, dons battle fatigues and drives back to the meeting to carry out his mayhem? The obvious answer is no one.

St. Joseph County fight over transparency in spending could escalate – South Bend Tribune: Politics

“I don’t know what the enforcement mechanism in the ordinance is,” Kostielney said, noting the ordinance says nothing about what would happen if commissioners fail to implement it. “Do they sue us? Take us to court? I don’t know. The council can pass any ordinance they like but commissioners are not bound by it.”

Public hearing on NIPSCO rate case set for mid-December in Hammond –

The Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor is encouraging customers of Northern Indiana Public Service Co. to comment on the utility’s pending electric rate case.

Pizzeria Drops 3% Obamacare Surcharge for Customers

A pizza shop scrapped a surcharge of 3 percent on customers’ checks to cover Affordable Care Act fees for employees a day after adding it.

Report: Hillary May Have Been The Architect of the BENGHAZI YOUTUBE VIDEO LIE – Progressives Today

Her schedule, the Washington Examiner has reported, shows that Clinton met with Rice in Clinton’s office from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Sept. 14, 2012 — two days before Rice misled the American people.

Arpaio calls on 250K armed citizens to stop terrorism and mass s – CBS 5 – KPHO

On Tuesday, the so-called “Toughest Sheriff in America” said he cannot guarantee the public’s safety and called on them to take matters into their own hands if necessary.

Sheriff Joe said this a day before the attacks in San Bernardino.

Police chief says armed Detroit would cut terror risk

“A lot of Detroiters have CPLs (concealed pistol licenses), and the same rules apply to terrorists as they do to some gun-toting thug,” Chief said. “If you’re a terrorist, or a carjacker, you want unarmed citizens.”

Again, a day before San Bernardino.

CPRC in Fox News: Police are extremely Law-abiding, but concealed handgun permit holders are even more so – Crime Prevention Research CenterCrime Prevention Research Center

This is an annual rate of 12.5 per 100,000 permit holders — a mere tenth of the rate at which officers commit misdemeanors and felonies. In Texas in 2012, the last year the data is available, 120 permit holders were convicted of misdemeanors or felonies – a rate of 20.5 per 100,000, still just a sixth of the rate for police. . . .

Judge grants preliminary injunction banning Nativity scene in Concord High School Christmas program –

U.S. District Jon DeGuilio issued an order Wednesday saying that based on the manner on which the scene is depicted, it “impermissibly conveys an endorsement of religion and thus runs afoul of the Establishment Clause,” which prohibits government from endorsing a religion.

Show Prep: Mon, Nov. 2

Notre Dame coach shoves assistant, says he did so to prevent penalty –

“David was going to get us a 15-yard penalty,” Kelly said after the game, via Tyler James of NDInsider. “I had to control the sideline. I wasn’t going to let that happen. He got a little too close and I backed him up out of the way to make sure we didn’t get a 15-yard penalty.”

Notre Dame tutor set up athletes and daughter for sex: suit – NY Daily News

The maintains its innocence against the allegations, dismissing the lawsuit as “unfounded” and a mere publicity stunt, spokesman Paul Browne said.

Notre Dame academic coach accused of sexual harassment fired by the university before lawsuit was filed –

The student received a letter from Notre Dame alerting him that their internal review found that the woman violated Notre Dame’s values and sexual harassment policy, the Tribune reported. The letter was dated Oct. 16 and was signed by Karrah Miller, Notre Dame’s Title IX coordinator and director of Notre Dame’s Office of Institutional Equity.

Veterans group pushes for Blue Angels ban – U.S. – Stripes

“They scare me,” said Keenan, a combat veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder and president of the Northern chapter of for Peace.

FBI Knew Jared Fogle Was a Pedophile, Let Him Continue Molesting Children for Years | The Free Thought Project

For at least four years, the FBI had evidence of Fogle’s criminal behavior and chose to let the abuse continue. As Herman-Walrond asked, why did it take so long to stop him?

Chipotle E. Coli Outbreak Closes Stores | The Daily Caller

A nasty outbreak of E. Coli has forced to close dozens of stores in multiple states.

167K Pounds of beef recalled due to possible E.Coli contaminatio – Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, Sports

Around 167,000 pounds of ground beef are being recalled because they may be contaminated with a strain of E.Coli.

Saint Louis / Ferguson Church Arsonist Arrested… | The Last Refuge

David Lopez Jackson, 35, was charged Friday afternoon with two in a string of seven church fires this month but authorities say they don’t yet know the motive.

Black Man Thanks Police on Facebook After Traffic Stop – Is Attacked as “Uncle Tom” by Cop-Haters (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

I’m a black man wearing a hoodie and strapped. According to certain social movements, I shouldn’t be alive right now because the police are allegedly out to kill minorities.

REPORT: CNBC Staffers Still Licking Their Wounds After Backlash From AWFUL DEBATE

“We were shell-shocked,” one source said.

BREAKING: Republican Party Cancels NBC Debate Planned For February 2016

“We are suspending the partnership with NBC News for the Republican primary debate at the University of Houston on February 26, 2016,” RNC Chairman Reince Priebus wrote in a letter to NBC News Chairman Andrew Lack.

Warned Not to Blame Benghazi on YOUTUBE Video…

Then-Secretary of State Clinton’s embassy in Tripoli, Libya, warned officials in Washington, D.C., not to blame the Youtube video, Innocence of Muslims, for the attack.

New Clinton Emails Show Tripoli Embassy Warned D.C. Not to ‘Conflate’ Video With Benghazi Attack |

According to the email from the official in Libya on Sept. 14, 2012, “it is becoming increasingly clear that the series of events in Benghazi was much more terrorist attack than a protest which escalated into violence.” The email was released Friday in the first dump since Clinton testified in front of the House Select Committee on Benghazi committee last week.

SURPRISE! White House Now Trying to Hide Emails Between OBAMA AND HILLARY

The White House will try to block the release of a handful of between President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, citing longstanding precedent invoked by presidents of both parties to keep presidential communications confidential, officials said Friday.

Fallout Over Cop Slamming High School Girl | The Daily Caller

Fallout continues after viral video clips surfaced last week showing a police officer at Spring Valley High School in Columbia, S.C. yanking a female student from her desk in a public high school math classroom.

‘GoFundMe’ for SC student arrested in classroom raises $42,000; description says she was just doing math! » The Right Scoop –

Jane Doe was the victim of police brutality. While seated in her desk, doing her math work

Show Prep: Wed, Oct. 21

Joe Biden won’t run for president in 2016 –

Vice President ended months of intense speculation about his political future on Wednesday with a sudden announcement that he wouldn’t seek the presidency, abandoning a dream he’s harbored for decades and putting Clinton in a stronger position to capture the Democratic nomination.

RealClearPolitics – Election 2016 – 2016 Democratic Presidential Nomination

Clinton +22.1

Rick Snyder signs changes in police forfeiture of assets –

Law enforcement will have to adhere to new reporting requirements and meet a higher evidentiary standard for seizing and taking ownership of people’s property under laws signed by Gov. .

‘Unbelievable Is Too Gentle a Word’: Bill O’Reilly Explodes on Left After ‘Kate’s Law’ Dies in Senate | Video |

Fox host Bill O’Reilly skewered the left for actively opposing “Kate’s Law,” which would punish so-called “sanctuary cities” that refuse to cooperate with federal authorities and shield . Senate Democrats blocked the law from advancing on Tuesday.

11 Million Illegal Immigrants Could Help Elect Hillary | The Daily Caller

The electors are distributed among the 50 states according to each state’s population share based upon U.S. Census data. That means that states with a large number of illegal aliens and noncitizen residents end up with an inordinate number of electoral votes, according to Goldman and Rozell. And that helps Blue states, given that they house more residents from those two groups than do states that historically support Republicans.

US ‘clock boy’ Ahmed Mohamed to move to Qatar – BBC News

Ahmed has accepted a scholarship from the Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, where he will study.

How Close Was Back To The Future To Predicting 2015? – The Burning Truth

Now wallow in knowledge that everything that happened in the movie will have happened in the past after today.

BREAKING: State Dept. SUDDENLY DISCOVERS 1,300 Emails from Ambassador Stevens – 2 Days Before Hillary’s Testimony – The Gateway Pundit

The Obama suddenly discovered and turned over 1,300 pages of from former Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Paul Ryan’s demands include ‘non-starter’ – Washington Times

An influential Republican conservative said at least one of Rep. ‘s demands for becoming House speaker is a “non-starter” as the gathered Wednesday morning to figure out if enough members can unite behind the young star.