Episode 3: Free Lunch Day

Episode 3: Day

The Common ‘s Season 2
Episode 3: Free Lunch Day
The Common discuss Free Lunch Day. Free Lunch Day is and was Veteran’s Day. The Common Veterans talk their favorite meals and why is now been adopted by this pet name. The dangers of it and the gratitude that comes with getting free meal, or are they free?
I) Free Lunch Day?
a. Discuss the historical significance of Veteran’s Day and how it has evolved into being referred to as “Free Lunch Day” among veterans.
i. Veterans were not always recognized.
ii. Soldiers start to expect it.
1. Overdo it – some go to many restaurants, and it becomes a
b. Explore the reasons behind this shift in terminology and what it means to the Common Veterans.
II) Favorite Meals and Restaurants
a. Share personal stories from the Common Veterans about their favorite meals on Free Lunch Day.
i. What changes when a Veteran dines with another Veteran?
1. Shared experiences
ii. Traditions that
1. Common Veterans is a time for us to eat, rehearse, record, then reminisce!
2. Changes hearts and minds.
a. Caleb
i. Best V-Day Ever.
III) Gratis is Awesome, But Does it Attract Scammers?
a. Examine the potential dangers of Free Lunch Day, including overindulgence and exploitation of veterans.
i. Discuss the differences between restaurants that care vs those that create a “free meal” for marketing
1. Offer no drink.
2. Require to eat in a restaurant rather than at home
ii. Does it that it is a “free lunch?”
1. Better to have a free lunch or get together as Veterans and brothers/sisters in arms?
b. Discuss the stolen valor people that it attracts.
c. Stigma of being, “Anyone would do what I did” (Not a hero.)
IV) Next Podcast: Episode 4: Let’s Talk About War
a. The War, huh, yeah… What is it good for?” The Common Veterans take on war – the amount of Veterans that have fought in combat – or been to a combat zone, and why it is so hard to transition into a noncombatant once back home…
b. Until next time

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/commonveterans/message

Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, April 17

Daily : , April 17


Longtime NPR Editor Who Exposed Their Bias Resigns, Rips ‘Divisive’ New CEO on the Way Out the Door

Chris Rufo is sharing old tweets from NPR’s new CEO and his summaries are sending me … get in here for the funniest ones 💀

Student Suspended 3 Days For Using Term ‘Illegal Alien’

UPDATE: Whitten, Trustees respond to faculty’s no confidence against administration

SBPD: Gun violence is down 48% in City of South Bend

No mention of reason, but …

Multiple States Witness Crime Rates Fall After Constitutional Carry

CDC Data Shows Constitutional Carry States Have Fewer Total and Gun-Related Homicides

Hour 2

Senate rejects first impeachment article against DHS Secretary Mayorkas

Hollywood Depression: Participant, Studio Behind ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ & More Woke Message Movies, Shuts Down


Target collecting and storing customers’ face and fingerprint scans without consent: class action lawsuit

Hour 3

Watch videos of Dubai under water after they injected chemicals into a storm and got an entire year’s worth of rain

Did you have “Marxist Camel Redistribution to Fight Climate Change” on your 2024 Bingo card? WaPo is here with the deets.

Still Surplus Arctic Ice Mid-April 2024

These two stories were published on the same day a few weeks ago 🥴

You’ll never guess who’s behind the ‘Free Palestine’ bridge-blocking protests …

Breaking: PHM Eliminates DEI Officer Position

Breaking: Eliminates Officer Position

has eliminated its controversial and ineffective DEI officer position.

It has been confirmed PHM school’s first ever diversity, equity and inclusion officer, Derrick White, will be moved to Pennway Alternative Day School, the Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation’s alternative .

Strengthen Our Schools-PHM District, an active parental group, has had the elimination of the DEI position as a priority since it was created 2020. efforts have proven successful.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a doctrine that promotes division and stokes animosity among racially diverse groups using false premises such as current American society institutionally structured to benefit at the expense of non-Whites.


Eliminating the DEI position appears to be a combination of fulfilling a need at Pennway and not filling the DEI officer position after it was vacated. Sorry if it looked like Strengthen Our Schools facilitated the end of the DEI position with a recent action. I was in the parking lot buying a chainsaw when I broke the news. Cut me some slack.

As of the evening of April 15, sources inside PHM confirm no plans to fill the DEI post.

Rumors about possibly merging it with position are out there but my sources say that would be a deviation from the current plan with one jokingly positing if the rumors are true, it’s because I wrote about it.

  • Breaking: conservative directly responsible for appointment of new PHM DEI officer … is a traitor to the cause. News at 11. 😂

Update 2:

Some have taken issue with my using the word ‘eliminated’ since the PHM board hasn’t voted yet. That’s fair. Technically, the position hasn’t been ‘eliminated’ yet. PHM sources say there are no plans to replace Derrick White in that position, leaving it vacant, not eliminated. I regret the confusion.

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, April 4

Daily : , April 4

Hour 1

Nebraska legislators buck Trump by blocking Electoral College vote change — for now

DOJ Sues Utah Prisons System over Inmate Who ‘Removed Her Own Testicles’

Prosecutors in Trump’s classified documents case sharply rebuke judge’s unusual and ‘flawed’ order

: The DOJ previously argued that the President has sole discretion in deciding which records were his and which weren’t. They won in .

“Under the statutory scheme established by the PRA, the decision to segregate personal materials from Presidential records is made by the President, during the President’s and in his sole discretion,” Jackson wrote in her March 2012 decision, which was never appealed.

“Since the President is completely entrusted with the management and even the disposal of Presidential records during his time in office, it would be difficult for this Court to conclude that Congress intended that he would have less authority to do he pleases with what he considers to be his personal records,” she added.

can read the ruling here:

memorandum opinion.pdf

– Judicial Watch vs Archives

Hour 2

Mayor Tom Henry’s Funeral and Viewing Details Announced

The Fort Wayne Mayoral Race Now Has Six Candidates

One Year Later, Officials ‘Still Investigating’ the Missing 30 Tons of Explosive Chemicals

Chinese national forces way onto Marines’ top combat training base in California

CNN Host Roasted for Pushing Anti-Trump ‘Animals’ Hoax

Biden Lies to Gaza Doctor about Seeing Photos She Took Herself

Hour 3

Interview: .

Whitmer Plot 2.0? Provocateur Expelled from Militia for Pushing Violence

White House Announces Plan To Protect Bureaucrats From Being Fired By New Trump Admin

General Mills and other junk-food giants are cashing in on the anti-diet trend that aims to normalize obesity

Flashback: Mike Braun Endorsed Black Lives Matter, Clashed With Tucker Carlson Over Police Shooting

Flashback: , Clashed With Over Shooting

A few ago, Senator Mike Braun was finding himself in hot water over his support of Black Matter, a extremist organization, while criticizing enforcement.

He appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show to respond to a segment Carlson had done about him. This was when Tucker Carlson was still on Fox News.

August 23, 2022 – Atlanta Journal-Constitution

More than two years after Rayshard Brooks was fatally shot by police, against the two officers involved has been dropped.

The special prosecutor announced Tuesday afternoon that he would not pursue charges against the officers. Pete Skandalakis, executive director of the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia, shared the decision during an afternoon news conference.

Rayshard Brooks was drunk, resisted arrest, and took the officer’s Taser and used it against the officer. The use of lethal force by police was justified by any objective observation.

In his current gubernatorial run in Indiana, Braun has received the endorsement of the Alliance.

The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) gave Braun a 100% rating. Mike Braun steadily increased his NAPO rating from 2019, where he earned a mere 33%. Braun got a 60% in 2020 but has maintained a 100% rating since then.

Mike Braun’s current gubernatorial campaign has released a public safety plan for .

The plan includes:

Keeping communities safe

Braun said that if a violent crime is committed, an individual assaults a law enforcement officer or distributes like fentanyl and methamphetamine, they will “face the full weight of Indiana’s justice system.”

Standing with law enforcement

Braun said he would propose “significant salary increases and advanced training opportunities” for law enforcement, “ensuring that… officers have the resources and backing they need to perform their duties…”

Braun said he would also “champion policies” that enhance the recruitment and retention of officers, as well as improve training and support their well-being.

Interestingly enough, his plan also includes protections of qualified immunity.

Protect qualified immunity

Braun said qualified immunity is a “crucial legal doctrine” which protects officers from personal liability while they perform their duties. Braun said his commitment is to provide officers “with the confidence and legal safeguards they need to make decisions in the best interest of public safety.”