Wednesday, July 19 – Hour 2 Podcast


Can’t Fire Workers For Using Medical Pot | The Daily Caller

The  made a landmark ruling on marijuana use Monday, ruling in favor of a woman fired from her job after testing positive for pot.

Govt Will Outlaw Ads With Stereotypes | The Daily Caller

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) said ads reinforcing gender roles or making fun of those who do not uphold them have “costs for individuals, the economy and society,” according to the BBC, which detailed ads previously found problematic by viewers. The ASA performs a regulatory function similar to that of the .

Video Shows Cop Planting Evidence | The Daily Caller

A video released Wednesday reportedly shows a planting drugs on the scene of a crime.

Body camera footage allegedly catches @BaltimorePolicemisconduct. Email from public defender to other city defense attorneys:

Footage shows officer placing drugs in trash; goes out to street, turns on camera, returns. Cams save 30 sec prior to activation, w/o sound

Whether drugs planted as public defender asserts, or drug discovery recreated, vid shows officers aware of how to manipulate body cams…

Public defender says @BaltimoreSAO offered man charged in this case a 3 year plea deal, then time served after being walked thru the video

Fake News: There Was No Secret Second Meeting Between Trump And Putin At G20 – The Burning Truth

This has set the conspiracy theorists ablaze the past 24 hours, but it’s a myth.