Another : Don’t Do Jack Squat – , 3

Hour 3

REPORT: Biden Still Separating Migrant Children from Family Members at Border
Texas surges resources to border amid migration ‘crisis’

Greyhound bus company requesting all migrants be COVID-free while traveling
Arizona Border Sheriff On Border Crisis: Biden ‘Owns This,’ ‘We Had It Under Control’ Under Trump

Andrew Cuomo to sign bill stripping his own emergency COVID powers
Cuomo Misled The Public Using Nursing Home Figures His Top Aides Manipulated
BREAKING: Cuomo administration revealed to have doctored report proving nursing home deaths
Pelosi-ordered review of Jan. 6 riot calls for 24/7 ‘Quick Reaction Force’ at U.S. Capitol, report

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Ferguson Organizers $20 Million From , 5 – 3

Hour 3
Interview: Pastor Lucas Miles about his new book The Christian Left: How Liberal Thought Has Hijacked the Church
COVID Travel Restrictions Now Lifted at Half of US Military Bases
This Is Why YouTube Is Banning Videos of Trump’s CPAC Speech
Large newspaper chain dumps ‘Mallard Fillmore’ for defending girls’ sports against Biden order
Ferguson Organizers Demand $20 Million From Black Lives Matter

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Monday, 1 – 3

Hour 3

The Folly of Lockdowns Exposed in One Simple Graph
Pfizer CEO: ‘Every Year You Will Have to Get Your Annual Shot for COVID’
New York Times Blasted for Citing ‘Unpublished Research’ Inciting Fear About New COVID Variant
A Modest Proposal For Republicans: Use The Word “Class.”

After years of me using ‘political class vs us’ … people are starting to get it.

Virginia School System Bans Dr. Seuss Books from Read Across America Program over ‘Strong Racial Undertones’

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