Daily Show Prep: Friday, May 3

Daily : , 3


ACLU suing IU over Gaza War protest arrests

IU Faculty and Staff for Israel release statement on student protests

17 protesters arrested at the University of Notre Dame

Interview: Kenny Holmes from FreedomSystem.org

FLASHBACK: My interview with Capt. Chad Fleming

Hour 2

Milloy in NYTimes on corruption of GOP by wind/solar subsidies


To Meet Electric Vehicle Goals, California Must Spend $20 Billion on Grid Updates

Sen. Mike Braun says marijuana legalization is ‘inevitable’

Weaker Than Expected: U.S. Hiring Slows With Economy Adding 175,000 Jobs in April and Unemployment Rose to 3.9%

IRS asks for more money, looks to hire 14,000 more employees


Hour 3

Automakers Confirm Warrantless Location Data Sharing With US Agencies

Biden vows to “do something about gun violence” in his second term, calls Jefferson’s “tree of liberty” quote “a bunch of crap”

A Year After Biden Said We ‘Ended Cancer’ Patients Continue Dying From Shortages of Chemo Drugs

Tuesday, August 1 – 1 Podcast


Foreign workers being used to build auto plants in U.S. – CBS News

Foreign have received billions of dollars and to build factories in U.S. and create American .

Report: At least 45,000 Illegal Votes In 2016 Election – The Burning Truth

new bombshell study released by the shows why President Donald Trump‘s has such an important job ahead of .

Judge mocks opponents of Trump voter commission – Washington Times

A federal judge Tuesday shot down the latest attempt to derail President Trump’s voter integrity commission, saying there wasn’t enough evidence that Americans’ rights are being violated by the request for voters’ information.