Episode 3: Free Lunch Day

Episode 3: Day

The Common ‘s Season 2
Episode 3: Free Lunch
The Common discuss Free Lunch Day. Free Lunch Day is and was Veteran’s Day. The Common Veterans talk their favorite meals and why it is now been adopted by this pet . The dangers of it and the gratitude that comes with getting free meal, or are they free?
I) Free Lunch Day?
a. Discuss the historical significance of Veteran’s Day and how it has evolved into being referred to as “Free Lunch Day” among veterans.
i. Veterans were not always recognized.
ii. Soldiers to expect it.
1. Overdo it – some go to many restaurants, and it becomes a lot
b. Explore the reasons behind this shift in terminology and what it means to the Common Veterans.
II) Favorite Meals and Restaurants
a. Share personal stories from the Common Veterans about their favorite meals on Free Lunch Day.
i. What changes when a Veteran dines with another Veteran?
1. Shared experiences
ii. Traditions that last
1. Common Veterans is a time for us to eat, rehearse, record, then reminisce!
2. Changes hearts and minds.
a. Caleb
i. Best V-Day Ever.
III) Gratis is Awesome, But Does it Attract Scammers?
a. Examine the potential dangers of Free Lunch Day, including overindulgence and exploitation of veterans.
i. Discuss the differences between restaurants that care those that create a “free meal” for
1. Offer no drink.
2. Require to eat in a restaurant rather than eating at home
ii. Does it matter that it is a “free lunch?”
1. Better to have a free lunch or get together as Veterans and brothers/sisters in arms?
b. Discuss the stolen valor people that it attracts.
c. Stigma of being, “Anyone would do what I did” (Not a hero.)
IV) Next : Episode 4: Let’s Talk About War
a. The War, huh, yeah… What is it good for?” The Common Veterans take on war – the amount of Veterans that have fought in combat – or been to a combat zone, and why it is so hard to transition back into a noncombatant once back home…
b. Until next time

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