Tuesday, January 12 – 1

Hour 1
‘It’s all fallen apart’: Newsom scrambles to save California — and his career
Amid record-high reported mask usage, Fauci urges Americans to ‘wear a mask’
California has record, two-day death toll as result of coronavirus

Why the new COVID-19 mutations might not be as scary as you think
Child Marriage Still Practiced Across Canada, With an Increase in Common-Law Unions: Study
U.N. Chief Guterres Promises ‘Rebuilt’ World in Coronavirus Wake

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It’s Political The , Jan. 2

For years, I’ve been telling you it isn’t left vs right, it’s the political class vs the people.
I’m the only person willing to tell you how this all works in news, politics, and the media. I’ve been telling you for years. It’s time for people to start heading my warning.

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No, Capacities Now Are Not Unprecedented – , Jan. 5 – 3

LA County Orders Ambulance Crews Not to Transport Patients With ‘Little Chance of Survival’
Pharmacist Who Tried to Destroy COVID Vaccines Believed They Could Change People’s DNA: Officials
Anyone receiving Covid vaccine should AVOID alcohol, experts warn
WATCH: Minnesota Lawmakers Call For Nationwide Audit of COVID-19 Death Totals – Headline USA

CDC reports record-low positive flu tests
The missing flu riddle: ‘Influenza has been renamed COVID,’ maverick epidemiologist says
Months ago you heard me condemn Tik Tok nurses who were constantly posting viral videos in empty hospitals we were all told were being overwhelmed. Well, they’ve returned.
UK Woman Arrested For Filming Inside Empty Hospital
Reports: Emergency Hospitals Dismantled Despite Claim Hospitalisations Worse Than ‘First Wave’
From San Diego – Dr. Wilma Wooten doesn’t know what ICU capacity was in 2019
US sets new coronavirus hospitalization record on NYE with 125,379
CDC estimates about 808k flu hospitalizations 2017-2018 flu season (not the year).
2018 – Flu patients leave Texas hospitals strapped
Jan 2018 – Spotlight on flu season: Where hospitals are slammed hardest
2018 – Flu outbreak: Hospitals facing ICU bed shortages, visitor restrictions
Tell me if this sounds familiar:
2018 – Hospitals Overwhelmed by Flu Patients Are Treating Them in Tents
2018 – A severe flu season is stretching hospitals thin. That is a very bad omen – STAT

A severe flu season is stretching hospitals thin. That is a very bad omen

2019 – Bad flu seasons test US hospitals
COVID is not the flu … but … why have we heard this all before? Why are we pretending we haven’t?
Remember earlier when I asked … again … why there was such a huge push to get people to get the flu shot when there are no flu cases this year?
Rubio: Elites ‘Tricking’ Americans Into Taking Vaccine

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Trump And Facts On Deaths

Hour 3
This Chinese propaganda starts at the university level.
Cincinnati professor on leave after calling COVID-19 the ‘Chinese virus’
Guess what school has direct ties to the Chinese government?
UC plans to open campus in China
It’s all over social media.
China used internet troll ‘army’ to shape coronavirus narrative: report
Trump Says US COVID-19 Deaths ‘Far Exaggerated,’ Blames CDC for Bad Statistics
Fauci on Trump Claim Coronavirus Casualty Count Is Exaggerated: ‘Deaths Are Real Deaths,’ ‘That’s Not Fake’
Friendly reminder, Fauci just admitted to lying to all of you in order to manipulate you into doing what he wanted you to do.
Can you ever trust a health official who, not only has been wrong the entire pandemic, but admitted to lying to you about it?
Remember when Brian Tabor, president of the Indiana Hospital Association, staight up lied to you all by saying: “”Hospitals do not receive more money when a death is coded as COVID,” he said, calling the claim a myth.
USA Today did a fact-check on this claim and found that hospitals do, in fact, get more money for COVID deaths. Dr. Redfield at the CDC testified that this does happen while highlighting there’s no evidence proving widespread manipulation of the death total for additional funds.
Bottom line is health officials keep lying to you. The media keeps lying to you. They keep getting caught. You can’t be surprised by outrage.
I’ve already highlighted dozens of stories involving thousands of non-COVID deaths being listed as COVID in the US. 
I’m not saying hospitals are doing this mislabeling on purpose. Paperwork errors happen all the time. However, let’s be honest. The American hospital apparatus has a LONG rich history of inflating bills to maximize profits. This is an uncontroversial claim that is universally know and derided. Suddenly, we are to expect those same people magically become the arbiters of truth and honestly?
FLASHBACK: CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted 130,000 Heart Attacks, Flu and Bacterial Pneumonia As COVID-19 Deaths

CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted 130,000 Heart Attacks, Flu and Bacterial Pneumonia As COVID-19 Deaths

Well, Trump isn’t alone …
2 Minnesota Lawmakers Say State’s COVID-19 Deaths Inaccurate, Call for Nationwide Audit
WATCH: Minnesota Lawmakers Call For Nationwide Audit of COVID-19 Death Totals

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The Is Controlled By , ‘s How

Hour 2:
While Getting Blasted on the Field, Notre Dame Doubles Down on BLM Support
GREAT AGAIN: Donald Trump Will Leave a Legacy of Unprecedented Achievement

GREAT AGAIN: Donald Trump Will Leave a Legacy of Unprecedented Achievement

Secretary Pompeo Lists Foreign Policy Achievements of Trump Administration
Top 15 MAGA Moments for President Donald Trump in 2020
No kidding. The examples of fake news over the Trump presidency is staggering.
Here’s some things the media is now admitting this week that they pretended wasn’t true (minus the Hunter Biden scandal):
Rep. Swalwell was banging Fang Fang who is a Chinese spy.
CNN’s Zakaria: ‘Dirty Little Secret’—Trump Was Tough on Russia!
Again … duh!
REPORT: Media Admits China Engaged in COVID Cover-Up; Reporters Tailed, Samples Confiscated
If only a radio host whose name rhymes with Casey had told you all of this YEARS AGO!
Full List Of Western Media Outlets Participating In Chinese Communist Propaganda Events

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