Show Prep: Tues, Oct. 20

Jim Webb May Run As An Independent | Truth Revolt

Bernie Sanders: let’s turn the Post Office into a bank! « Hot Air

Bernie Sanders wants to turn U.S. Postal Service into a bank can put out loans. He told last week how awesome of an idea it’d be because it would fight back those dirty, rotten payday lenders.

Ballot ‘selfies’ law in Indiana cannot be enforced, judge rules –

A federal judge has barred the state of Indiana from enforcing a new law that prohibits voters from taking photos of their election ballots and sharing the images on social media.

Students Say They Are Absolutely Dumbfounded by Reason School Is Punishing Them for ‘Racial Insensitivity’ | Video |

On Friday, students from Atascocita gave Summer Creek students a decorated Halloween bucket along with a watermelon, coconut, pineapple and watermelon gum.

US Army forced to borrow British helicopters amid budget cuts – Telegraph

no longer has any tanks in Europe, and the number of US troops stationed has decreased by more than a third since 2012. Many of the weapons used for Nato exercises rotate between bases in the US and in Europe.

Federal Spending Increased $183.9B in FY15—But Spending on Defense, Homeland Security, Justice Declined

Even as overall federal increased by $183,890,000,000 from fiscal 2014 to fiscal 2015, spending for the departments of Defense, Homeland Security and Justice declined, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement for September.

S.F., Nevada reach tentative settlement in patient-dumping case – SFGate

Nevada has agreed to pay $400,000 to San Francisco for the costs of caring for 24 homeless, indigent former mental patients who were sent to the city with one-way bus tickets from a Nevada state psychiatric hospital.

Federal court tells the DEA to stop harassing medical marijuana providers – The Washington Post

In a scathing decision, a federal court in California has ruled that the Drug Enforcement Administration’s interpretation of a recent medical marijuana bill “defies language and logic,” “tortures the plain meaning of the statute” and is “at odds with fundamental notions of the rule of law.” The ruling could have a broad impact on the DEA’s ability to prosecute federal medical marijuana cases going forward.

Illinois School Teaches 12 Yr-Old Kids 9-11 Attacks Had Nothing to do with Islam – The Gateway Pundit

“We have to present, with 9/11 or anything, it wasn’t a religion that did that. It was bad that did that. I think you have to take moments like that and use them as teachable moments,” he said. “You have to look at the group and your students, and to me you can talk about different things in the world and teach about tolerance.”

Many Low-Income Workers Say ‘No’ to Health Insurance

“Based on what we’ve seen in the marketplace, we’re advising some of our clients to expect single-digit take rates,” said Michael A. Bodack, an insurance broker in Harrison, N.Y. “One to 2 percent isn’t unusual.”

Vulgar Personality Quiz Angers Parents Arizona | The Daily Caller

“Would you go to a wife-swapping party?”

High School Bans 21-Gun Salute Honoring Vets Because it ‘Promotes Gun Violence’ | Truth Revolt

Veterans firing rifles at the school assembly has been a fun, safe tradition for as long as some students can remember. But even though the vets are firing blanks, and since all guns under any circumstances are viewed as being possessed by Satan now, the tradition has been nixed.

Sears Ditches ‘Infidel’ Hat For CAIR | The Daily Caller

John Brennan email hacked, U.S. investigates –

The FBI and Secret Service are investigating reports that non-government personal accounts associated with Director John Brennan as well as Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson were hacked, law enforcement officials told CNN.

How You Pay Bills May Affect Your Credit | The Daily Caller

Lenders are no longer just interested in whether you pay your bills or not. Increasingly, they are looking at how you pay those bills to determine whether they want you as a customer.

Show Prep: Fri, Oct. 16

The Moment MSNBC Anchor Has to Correct Reporter On-Air When He Makes False Leading Assertion About Palestinian Terrorist | Video |

“Both of his hands were open and both of his hands did not have knife,” Mohyeldin said.

‘I’m Coming Home’: Ahmed ‘Clock Kid’ Mohamed Meets With President Accused of War Crimes, Orchestrating Genocide |

Ahmed Mohamed, the 14-year-old Texas student arrested last month bringing a “homemade” clock to school, met Wednesday evening with President Omer Hassan -Bashir of Sudan, is accused of crimes and orchestrating genocide.

Fact Checker: Hillary Clinton’s Pro-Gun Control Claim ‘Does Not Stand Up to Scrutiny’ by ‘Any Reasonable Measure’ |

So where does the 40 percent figure come from? It is derived from studies that were based on data collected from a survey in 1994, the same year that the Brady Act requirements for background checks came into effect. In , the questions concerned purchases dating as far back as 1991, and the Brady Act went into effect in early 1994 — meaning that some, if not many, of the guns were bought in a pre-Brady environment.

Elkhart County Sheriff Brad Rogers talked about gun control on Fox and Friends on Friday morning –

Following his appearance on WNIT’s Politically Speaking (along with 95.3 MNC’s Casey Hendrickson) last week, Elkhart County Sheriff Brad Rogers appeared on Fox and Friends on Friday morning, Oct. 16, to explain his position on gun control.

Wayne Simmons, recurring Fox News guest, charged with lying about CIA ties – Oct. 15, 2015

Wayne Simmons, a recurring guest on Fox who claimed to have 27 years of experience with the , was arrested Thursday after being indicted by a federal grand jury on charges that he lied about his service.

Army Captain Will Receive Medal Of Honor After Tackling A Suicide Bomber [VIDEO]

Captain Florent “Flo” Groberg will be awarded the Medal of Honor Nov. 12 for tackling a suicide bomber in the Kunar province of Afghanistan.

Michigan Family Sues Cop Who Fatally Shot Teen During Traffic Stop — and It All Started When the 17-Year-Old Flashed His High Beams | Video |

The family of a teen fatally shot by a sheriff’s sergeant during a traffic stop filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against Eaton County and the officer who shot 17-year-old Deven Guilford in February.

Lucky Charms to Release Marshmallow Only Boxes for Limited Time – Great Ideas :

Show Prep: Thurs, Oct. 15

Army Secretary’s Comments on Equality Spark Debate Over Female Draft Registration – Ben Swann’s Truth In Media

“If we find ourselves as a military at large where men and women have equal opportunity, as I happen to believe they should, serving in combat positions at least on a formal basis … then ultimately question of extending the selective service requirements to women as well will have to at least be discussed,” said Sec. McHugh

Texas football coach denies ordering players to hit referee | Fox News

Texas high sports officials have punished two football players and coaches involved in an intentional hit on a referee, showing some leniency to a former assistant who denied allegations he ordered the players to blindside the game umpire.

Aunt who sued nephew over exuberant hug: It’s a claim against the insurance company, nothing more « Hot Air

“This was meant to be a simple homeowners insurance case,” she said. “Connecticut is such that I was advised by counsel that this is the way a suit is meant to be worded.”…

Congressional Review Of Copyright Law May Threaten Drudge | The Daily Caller

Congress may update digital affecting aggregator sites, like the and Real Clear , along with news sites in the near future.

FAA Now Has The Tech To Hijack Your Drone In The Air | The Daily Caller

The Federal Aviation Administration now has the technology to hijack drones in the middle of the air, adopted as part of an effort to keep personal and commercial drones away from sensitive areas.

Here’s What Americans Are Most Afraid Of | TIME

Corruption of government officials (58.0%)

Follow the Money: Biggest Campaign Contributors 2016, by Company and Industry | The Daily Caller

“The importance of money flows from being a between the present and the future.” ~ Economist John Maynard Keynes (1883-1943) Campaign contributors 2016: Politicians famously fail to follow through on their campaign promises once elected. Just look at the track record of our current leadership…

Lobbyists for Clinton’s ‘Enemies’ Are Bankrolling Her Campaign

Asked to name the enemies that she is most proud of during Tuesday’s Democratic presidential , Hillary Clinton cited industries represented by lobbyists who are among her top campaign fundraisers.

A Veteran Publicly Confronted Someone He Thought Was Committing an Act of Stolen Valor, but Now He’s Facing a Disciplinary Investigation | Video |

A Wisconsin graduate student and Iraq war veteran is surprised that he is under disciplinary review, barred from campus outside of attending classes, after a confrontation in which he accused a classmate of stolen valor.

California Trains Kids To Ask For Consent Every 10 Minutes During Sex

A look at the new landscape of sex education published by The New York Times contains an eye-opening anecdote: In California, teachers are telling kids to get consent every ten minutes during sex to avoid committing .

Anti-Rape Activist Resigns After Raping Somebody | The Daily Caller

A racial equality officer, gay rights, and anti-rape activist at Oxford University is resigning her positions after admitting she engaged in “not consensual” sex while at a student conference.

Al- Was Perfectly Legal

The debate has raged for some days now … was the killing of al-Awlaki in Yemen illegal?

Rep. Ron Paul says it was, but he says everything is illegal.

There are two arguments alleging the illegality of al-Awlaki’s killing.

First, he was a US citizen, and as such, was due a trial.

Second, the US violated international by assassinating him in Yemen.

Neither argument holds up, both morally or legally.

First I’ll address international law.

Neither the Hague Convention of 1899, or the Protocol Addition to the Geneva Convention of 1949 forbid al-Awlaki’s killing by international law.  Right off the get go, proponents of this argument are off to a bad start.  In fact, the international law community has often taken the stance that killing an adversary can often fall within the confines of international law.

Harvard Law addressed the issue a few years back.

The clauses that traditionally have been construed as prohibiting “targeted killings” are far from clear prohibitions. In the Hague Convention (II) with Respect to the Laws and Customs of War on Land (29 July 1899), Article 23b states that it is prohibited “to kill or wound treacherously individuals belonging to the hostile nation or army.” Treachery is not explicitly defined, and it can be argued that using missiles to attack a car in which a target is traveling, while brutal and having a high probability of injuring bystanders, does not fall within the purview of treachery. Similarly, targeted killings can be argued to fall outside the Protocol I Article 37 prohibition on killing, injuring, or capturing “an adversary by resort to perfidy”—described as “acts inviting the confidence of an adversary to him to believe that he is entitled to, or is obliged to accord, protection under the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict, with intent to betray that confidence.” Article 37 gives examples of perfidy including “the feigning of an intent to negotiate under a flag of truce or surrender” and “the feigning of civilian, non-combatant status.”

Basically, you can’t ‘assassinate’ under false-flag circumstances.  No such circumstance existed with the al-Awlaki killing.  It should be noted that this provision addresses someone belonging to a hostile nation OR army. While al-Awlaki did not belong to a hostile nation, he did belong to a hostile army.  This is important later when I argue the relevance of his US citizenship.

In addition to this international law, the US has NO LAW forbidding foreign assassinations.  We do, however, have a policy of not undertaking assassinations.  Policy does not equal law.

The second component to this operation is that Yemen fully approved, and supported the killing of al-Awlaki. no argument can be made that we violated the sovereignty of a foreign nation.

The other argument making its way around is that al-Awlaki’s killing was illegal because he was a US citizen. As such, an assassination order by the President of the United States would violate his constitutional right of due process.  It should also be noted that al-Awlaki was not the only American killed in the attack.

Al-Awlaki’s ties to terrorism are not in dispute, his actual influence is.  So can the president order his killing, or not?

8 U.S.C. § 1481 addresses the issue of US citizenship in situations like this.

(a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality –

(1) obtaining naturalization in a foreign upon his own application or upon an application filed by a duly authorized agent, after having attained the age of eighteen years; or

(2) taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after having attained the age of eighteen

The law also addresses taking up arms against the United States in section 7. Considering al-Awlaki’s Yemeni citizenship, which does not recognize dual-citizenship, and his taking up arms against the US, it would appear that he renounced his US citizenship long ago.

Section 7 automatically revokes his citizenship because of his terrorist activities, but requires capture and tribunal. Since he was in Yemen, we revert to international law which permits his killing in order to prevent a further loss of .   relevant is local Yemen law.  Again, they assisted in the killing of al-Awlaki.

Is his killing a gray area?  Only in the perpetually unrefined laws of US citizenship.  Laws that most Americans agree need to be revamped, but the law nonetheless.

The only component missing to classify al-Awlaki as a non-citizen appears to be a mere formality of choreographed theater that would only serve to satisfy the selfish needs of third party , not the parties directly involved.  It’s pretty clear that al-Awlaki, the US, and Yemen were all on the same page.

Both al-Alwaki and Yemen agree that he is a citizen of Yemen.  The US agrees that he revoked his citizenship. Who are you to swoop in and negate those facts?

The only sources of outcry appear to come from the ignorant, and those with a vested interest in ideological pacifism.  Not from a position of morality or legality.

Ultimately, this is a debate that will fall upon opinion.  If you think al-Awlaki’s killing was illegal, you’ll likely never change your mind.  Same goes for those who think it was legally justified.  Each individual will have to decide for themselves if international law, US law, or Yemeni law should reign supreme.

Of , you can always consider al-Awlaki’s wishes too.