AP Stealth-Edits Report on After Omitting Democratic Party of D.C. Official Peddling Conspiracy Theories

I talked this on yesterday’s show. actually omitted several people accused of saying things as Democrats.

The stealth-edited about anti-Semitic conspiracy theories peddled by a Washington, D.C. government official Wednesday after initially omitting he was a Democrat.

Source: AP Stealth-Edits Report on After Omitting Democratic Party ID of D.C. Official Peddling Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories

Fake : Says ‘Gunman Who Shot Congressman Had No Target Mind’


The ‘s headline proclaimed, “Gunman who shot congressman had no target in mind.”

Adrift and nearly out of money after three months of living out of his van in the Washington area, the gunman who shot top House Republican and four people on a Virginia baseball field didn’t have any concrete plans to inflict violence on the Republicans he loathed, officials said Wednesday.

James T. Hodgkinson, 66, was shot and killed by police after he opened fire on Congressional Republicans practicing for their annual charity baseball game against Democrats last week. . Steve Scalise of Lousiana, the House majority whip, was struck in the hip and gravely wounded. Scalise remains hospitalized, and his condition was upgraded to fair on Wednesday. All five people who were shot, including two U.S. Capitol police officers, survived their injuries.

The does some linguistic gymnastics of what said in their press conference. The FBI made clear the was having personal problems, had anger issues, and hated Republicans. They also made clear they haven’t finished their investigation, and couldn’t officially determine motive.

The AP then attempts to paint the shooter as a guy who’s life wasn’t going well, and he randomly snapped at a park and shot strangers.


The AP ignores the history of violent rhetoric from the shooter, his belonging to violent Facebook groups, his having a list of six members of Congress on him during the shooting, and two congressmen saying he inquired about the party affiliation of the players on the field before opening fire.

He may not have had a specific individual in mind, but he absolutely targeted Republicans. The FBI has to avoid conclusions before an investigation is concluded, but the Associated Press is just being silly.

H/t: Truth Revolt


Fake : CNN Stages Photo, And All Use Shot


After terrorist attacks this last weekend, the was doing everything they could to not make radical Islam the bad guy that is.

CNN got caught staging shot of Muslim protesters standing solidarity with London terror victims.

‘s the video:

As you can clearly see, the shot is staged and choreographed. It … is … undeniable. This is a big no no in news reporting.

CNN denies they staged what you just saw them stage:

Whether or not the demonstrators were there is beside the point. The shot was staged to look like more were there than there were, and no context was given.

But wait! There’s more!

They guy who took the video says CNN swapped the officers out based on their race.

Here’s the AP using the shot as well.


FISA says James ‘s was constantly breaking – Podcast

Former FBI Director headed FBI during a when declassified documents and the court says was constantly breaking the law, and violating the constitutional of Americans. The is still yapping about without any evidence, and can’t be bothered to give this any attention.

Casey breaks down the illegal activity that happened Comey’s FBI.

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Nulla facilisi. Etiam euismod tristique ipsum, vitae fringilla orci tempor at. Cras dignissim laoreet ligula. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis faucibus. Donec vitae aliquet , sit amet cursus ante. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut sodales porta lacus, facilisis justo. Curabitur sed leo dui.

Nam nisl ex, pellentesque eget lorem eget, dignissim lobortis nisi. Curabitur elit elit, condimentum non lacus sed, elementum pellentesque . Fusce eget accumsan elit. Integer euismod libero tellus tincidunt venenatis. Vivamus sit amet neque mauris lacinia consequat vel ac orci. Suspendisse posuere velit eu pellentesque vestibulum. Vestibulum sit amet nibh ut nisl luctus facilisis. Vestibulum et posuere massa, ut luctus enim. In id ex dui. Mauris elementum mauris ut mauris luctus gravida. Morbi fermentum mauris sollicitudin scelerisque euismod. Nulla tincidunt suscipit accumsan.

Cras eleifend magna et consequat ultrices. Phasellus sodales placerat ullamcorper. Vivamus sed scelerisque augue, a ultricies erat. Aenean felis nibh, aliquam non turpis et, tincidunt commodo tellus. Quisque tellus nisi, congue vitae mi a, ullamcorper luctus nunc. Nulla vel urna tellus. Aliquam non elementum enim. Maecenas volutpat ex ut nibh rhoncus, quis finibus orci venenatis.

“Etiam nec libero volutpat nisi pellentesque iaculis lobortis ac dui. Duis porta justo metus, eleifend vulputate ipsum volutpat vel.”

Nullam felis leo, tincidunt et facilisis a, gravida non . In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse id laoreet nulla. Nullam sodales convallis pellentesque. Donec sed ipsum eget urna ultrices accumsan nec id dui. Vestibulum egestas, ex eu venenatis feugiat, risus neque congue odio, a suscipit lorem nisl non nunc. Maecenas quis metus et lectus luctus hendrerit. Nunc maximus, enim sed condimentum varius, eros nulla ultricies arcu, non lobortis orci lacus at neque. Nunc pellentesque tincidunt quam, nec gravida neque lacinia vitae. Ut finibus mi eu ante egestas, ut luctus nisl condimentum. Aenean consequat finibus sapien id porttitor.

Integer eu nulla ut purus blandit dapibus ac in quam. Nulla maximus ornare justo, vel luctus metus feugiat sit amet. Pellentesque elit dui, fringilla et sem non, malesuada blandit dui. Quisque sodales mollis elementum.

1. Nam sodales enim nec purus efficitur sodales.
2. Suspendisse rhoncus viverra scelerisque.
3. Nam id interdum nisl, non tempor elit.
4. Suspendisse eget maximus elit. Morbi ut vulputate nisi…

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis elementum nisl mi, facilisis dignissim ante cursus vitae. Donec tempus elit at ex tempus, in maximus augue rutrum. Cras vitae vehicula elit, posuere lacinia felis. Phasellus ligula nibh, mattis ac lobortis vel, vehicula dignissim tellus. Fusce orci purus, congue ac diam vel, tempor vestibulum nibh. Cras dictum elit a aliquam dictum.

Mauris condimentum vehicula erat, vitae dignissim turpis mattis non. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec porttitor, diam vel bibendum maximus, leo justo ornare lacus, nec tempus velit tortor sit amet risus. Pellentesque erat risus, dictum eu magna in, porttitor aliquam augue. Cras suscipit, turpis sit amet gravida iaculis, libero metus ultricies massa, eu condimentum magna erat nec tellus. Quisque ac finibus ipsum. Maecenas auctor sapien tellus, non auctor libero maximus eget. Phasellus iaculis magna non dignissim pulvinar.