Daily Show Prep: Thurs, June 16

Daily : Thurs, 16



FLASHBACK: Report raises concerns about suboptimal vaccine antibodies erasing natural immunity

URGENT: OMG the Pfizer data for kids under 5

Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER

COVID19 vaccines are killing younger people and killing them sooner

Another US Food Processing Plant Erupts In Flames

Abbott baby formula plant floods in Michigan, halting production for ‘weeks’

Churches, Pro-Life Organizations Attacked 41 Times in Past 6 Weeks

Group claims responsibility for attacks on pregnancy centers

Hour 2

WATCH: Anti-gun protesters at March for Our Lives don’t know what an AR-15 is

They are for your , not just rifles.

A Supreme Court justice’s solution to gun violence: Repeal Second Amendment


If Democrats were actually serious about gun control, they’d repeal the 2nd Amendment

Chalkbeat launches tool for journalists to choose sources based on identity

Oregon’s drug decriminalization effort a ‘tragedy’

Hour 3

Lauren Boebert to sue Democrat PAC that attacked her with ‘blatantly false and disgusting accusations’

ISIS leader captured in U.S.-led raid in Syria

New Money for Troops Ordered to Move Out of Barracks Approved Following Airman’s Suggestion

Here are the veterans who will benefit from Congress’ sweeping toxic exposure bill

Fans told Lizzo a word in her song was offensive. She changed the lyrics.

Daily Show Prep: Monday, June 6

Daily : , 6


78-years ago

Monday Marks The 78-Year Anniversary Of D-Day

Colwell: The only thing that stops a bad guy with a howitzer …

Jack Colwell is a blithering idiot who ‘t even wise enough to know he doesn’t know he’s talking about.

Private Cannon Ownership in Early America

I destroyed stupid Jack Colwell article a while .


Hour 2 & 3


Tampa Bay Rays players decline to wear LGBT logos on uniform for pride event

Texas lawmaker to bring bill to BAN minors from drag shows

My interview with Tudor Dixon
Online magazine tells dads to “ABSOLUTELY” bring kids to Pride parades with “nudity and kink”

Yeah, no. You can kiss my ass.

Elections Security Watchdog Blows the Whistle on Serious Vulnerabilities in Dominion Voting Systems Machines

You don’t say …


Sleep-deprived medical staff ‘pose same danger on roads as drunk drivers’

Kyle Rittenhouse Lawyers Up: Likely Target is Facebook and Ten or Twelve Others

Daily : , 24


SJC Hires Disgraced Doctor For “Birth Equity” Seminar, Study. She had Medical License Suspended, Allegedly Killed Baby and Mother


Jake Tapper Tests Positive for Coronavirus, Infuriates Staffers by Taping His Show Anyway

US Postal Service wants to provide digital ID and collect more biometric data

Hour 2

Australia’s eSafety Commissioner tells Davos it’s time for a “recalibration” on human rights like “free speech”

YouTube CEO at World Economic Forum: “There’ll always be work that we have to do” to censor “misinformation”

China launches an autonomous mothership full of autonomous drones


Sorry, Not Woke Enough! Walmart Pulls Special “Juneteenth” Ice Cream Because They Were Accused Of, You Guessed It, Racism!

Of , it isn’t cultural appropriation. This preexists and red velvet is over -old. If any cultural appropriation , it was the ice cream country stealing a from another .

Hour 3

BREAKING: Mass shooting at Texas elementary school, 14 children and one teacher dead, multiple injuries






Another Edition Of ‘They ‘t For Your

They are. They are coming for your kids.

wants parents to up and get of ‘s way.

A teacher brags about .

A teacher lied to a 12-year-old to trick them into attending an LGBTQ+ event who told the kid to lie to parents about it.

A teacher gave students an assignment about where they could privately at home.

The list goes on.

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Early Show: Another Edition Of ‘They Totally Aren‘t Coming For Your Kids‘

Early : Edition Of ‘They ‘t For Your

They are. They are for your .

A principal wants parents to shut up and get out of teacher’s way.

A teacher about ignoring wishes.

A teacher to a 12--old to trick them into attending an LGBTQ+ who told kid to lie to their parents about it.

A teacher gave an assignment about where they could masturbate privately at .

The list goes on.