Daily Show Prep: Monday, February 17

Hour 1

DOJ opens new investigation into James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, former top DOJ official says

Virginia lawmakers reject Northam’s assault-weapons ban, as Dems balk

Woman in Seat Recline Controversy Wants Flight Attendant Fired, Demands Name of Seat-Puncher


Hour 2

Coronavirus Tracker

60-day law license suspension suggested for Indiana Attorney General


‘Cool story, bro’: Barack Obama celebrates Presidents’ Day by taking credit for economic growth under Donald Trump

Pete Buttigieg releases plan for ‘housing justice’ and combating homelessness


Hour 3

WATCH: A Look Back At All The Media Praise For Michael Avenatti

Bloomberg triggers bipartisan backlash for condescending remarks about farmers

Bloomberg’s let ’em die shocker: If you get cancer at 95, we should say ‘you’ve lived a long life, we can’t do anything’

Shady AF: Sen. Chris Murphy held a secret meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif LAST WEEK (and he’s not talking about it)



Daily Show Prep: Friday, Oct. 11

Hour 1

Sports betting at Indiana casinos attracts $34M in first month

Why Purdue Faces Major Obstacles Legally, Logistically in Sports Betting Ban

New York Times Reporter Reveals That James Comey Had a Spy In Loretta Lynch’s Office, and Knew That She Had Declared She Would Not Permit the Clinton Email Scandal to Go Very Far

FLASHBACK: FISA court says James Comey’s FBI was constantly breaking the law – Podcast

FLASHBACK: James Comey Sued By Former Intelligence Contractor For Hiding Illegal Surveillance

Court Rules FBI Searches For Info On Americans Went Against Surveillance Law

Andrew McCabe admits Steele told FBI he couldn’t vouch for all materials in the dossier


Hour 2

Trump says US has come to a substantial phase one deal with China

Shepard Smith exits Fox News after 23 years: Read his statement

Conservatism, Inc.: Free Beacon Fires Reporter Bill Gertz Over Undisclosed Financial Arrangement With an Individual He Also Covered

Biden’s Campaign Is Asking Major Media Outlets, Big Tech To Black Out Trump’s Ads On Ukraine

‘STRONG LETTER TO FOLLOW’! Joe Biden’s campaign has reportedly warned Dems about what NOT to dare mention at the debate

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden’s Campaign Tells Networks Not to Book Rudy Guliani; Trump’s Lawyer Hits Back

Ukraine Envoy Blasts ‘Concerted Effort’ By Ukrainians And Trump Allies To Take Her Down

BREAKING: Trump Administration Threatens Sanctions on Turkey

Pentagon to send more troops, fighter jets to Saudi Arabia to confront threat from Iran


Hour 3

Open Lines

Communism: Cuba Urges Citizens to Eat Banana Peels to Improve ‘Humor’

Pete Buttigieg wants South Bend police reform recommendations before he leaves office


Tuesday, Sept. 17 – Hour 1

Hour 1

“The Real Bombshell”: CBS News Hits NYT Over Kavanaugh Story To Focus On Witness Tampering

CBS Evening


A new sexual misconduct allegation against SCOTUS Justice fueled impeachment calls from Democratic presidential candidates; former Yale classmates claim he exposed himself to a woman at a college party, @nytimes reports.

Here’s @JanCBS https://cbsn.ws/2lVfUjK 

Embedded video

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Trump Makes Major Demand Of Everyone Involved In Kavanaugh Smear At The New York Times

NYT Reporters: We Included Exculpatory Info On Kavanaugh — But Editors Removed It; Update: Another Omitted Detail?

The plot THICKENS! Co-writer of NYT piece on Kavanaugh, Robin Pogrebin, left out HUGE detail that could be a game-changer

BOOM –> Thread detailing steps Sen. Judiciary Committee took while investigating Ramirez’s claims about Kavanaugh SHREDS NYT

No, There Aren’t Seven Corroborating Witnesses To Deborah Ramirez’s Claims Against Brett Kavanaugh

‘LMAO’! Becket Adams breaks down Politico’s list of potential ‘character witnesses’ for Andrew McCabe

$52 million plan would result in 250 jobs in Elkhart

‘Ill-Gotten Funds’: US Sues Edward Snowden For Book Proceeds

Study: Atheists, agnostics dislike prayers from Christians so much they’re willing to pay money to avoid them

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Sept. 17

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Hour 1

“The Real Bombshell”: CBS News Hits NYT Over Kavanaugh Story To Focus On Witness Tampering

Trump Makes Major Demand Of Everyone Involved In Kavanaugh Smear At The New York Times

NYT Reporters: We Included Exculpatory Info On Kavanaugh — But Editors Removed It; Update: Another Omitted Detail?

The plot THICKENS! Co-writer of NYT piece on Kavanaugh, Robin Pogrebin, left out HUGE detail that could be a game-changer

BOOM –> Thread detailing steps Sen. Judiciary Committee took while investigating Ramirez’s claims about Kavanaugh SHREDS NYT

No, There Aren’t Seven Corroborating Witnesses To Deborah Ramirez’s Claims Against Brett Kavanaugh

‘LMAO’! Becket Adams breaks down Politico’s list of potential ‘character witnesses’ for Andrew McCabe

$52 million plan would result in 250 jobs in Elkhart

‘Ill-Gotten Funds’: US Sues Edward Snowden For Book Proceeds

Study: Atheists, agnostics dislike prayers from Christians so much they’re willing to pay money to avoid them


Hour 2

The Navy Says Those UFO Videos Are Real

High School Cheerleaders Put On Probation For Posing With Trump 2020 Banner

Sketchy AF –> Why OH WHY would Ilhan Omar delete an innocent Father’s Day tweet from 2013? (hint: her brother)


Hour 3

Attorneys General in Indiana, Illinois plan probes into Klopfer fetal remains

Indiana school cancels slave ship lesson after public outcry

Broke: Bake The Cake. Woke: Make The Invitations

Viral video shows Marine stop two HS students during fight — and parents are not happy

IMPEACH: Trump Accused Of Stealing Pancakes At Family Event