Daily : Wednesday, June 15

Demings: ‘No question’ 2-year-old boy dead after Disney gator attack – Orlando Sentinel

“There is no question the family will lose a 2-year-old boy,” he said Wednesday.

Alligator Dragged Boy Into Water Near Disney Resort: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Sheriff Demings said the boy’s father tried wrestling with the as it pulled his son further into the water. The parents and lifeguard desperately searched for signs of the boy, but found none.

They recovered the boy’s body during my show today. Horrifying.

Terrified Brit family ‘chased by alligator’ at same Disney resort weeks before beast took toddler – Mirror Online

A British family has told of their terror after being ‘chased’ by an alligator at a luxury World hotel – just weeks before a toddler was attacked at the same resort.

RUSSIAN HACKERS Stole DNC’s Opposition Research on Trump

government hackers penetrated the computer network of the and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.

After Russians hack DNC, White House blames the Republicans | Washington Examiner

The White House reacted to reports that Russian hackers penetrated the Democratic National Committee’s computer network by complaining that Republicans have blocked additional money for funds to enhance the nation’s cybersecurity.


[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/14/public-college-drops-math-requirement-may-replace-it-with-diversity/?utm_campaign=atdailycaller&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social” target=”_blank”]

Hour 2

Man Dressed As Woman Molests Teen In Library Bathroom

Come to find out, the woman was actually a man dressed in women’s clothing – and this is where things took a turn.

Carl’s Jr. ridiculed for using ‘CGI burger’ in commercial


Common Core Does Not Prepare Students for College

A recently released report confirms what critics have suspected all along: Common Core State Standards do not adequately prepare students for college-level work.

Minnesota Man Faces $55K in Fines After Flying Drone

Then, on April 14, the FAA sent Caterina a letter telling him he had violated its regulations and was subject to fines totaling as much as $55,000.

Hour 3

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/alan-grayson-d-fl-is-a-monumental-idiot/” target=”_blank”]

Alan Grayson claims AR-15 rifles can fire ‘700 rounds in a minute’ after Orlando terror attack – Washington Times

“If [Mr. Mateen] was not able to buy a weapon that shoots off 700 rounds in a minute, a lot of those people would still be alive,” the congressman said. “If somebody like him had nothing worse to deal with than a Glock pistol … he might have killed three or four people and not 50. It’s way too easy to kill people in America today, and we have to think long and hard about what to do about that.”

Microsoft Word – CPRC Mass Shooting Analysis Bloomberg Final.docx

Mass public shootings, where the shooter intends to commit mass murder in a public place, has not “exploded” over the last five years, as frequently claimed in the media,

These Are The Guns Used In The Last 30 Years Of Mass Shootings | Co.Design | business + design

50 years of U.S. mass shootings: The victims, sites, killers and weapons – Washington Post

The death tolls change, the places change: Nine in a church, 23 in a restaurant, 26 in an elementary school, now 49 in a nightclub. The faces in the memorial photos change the most.

Gun Facts | Gun Control Facts Concerning Assault Weapons

Fact: A decade long study, covering 84 mass public shootings, found that pistols were used 60% of the time. Rifles were used 27%. But that is all types of rifles, and so-called “ weapons” (such as the or civilian versions of the AK-47) are a subset of these.

THE VIEW: Host Says Trump is Working With ISIS to Kill Americans (VIDEO)

BEHAR: He is basically working with ISIS to kill us. They are working together. Just remember what I’m saying.


Alan Grayson (D-FL) Is A Monumental Idiot

Ok, saying (D-FL) is a monumental idiot goes without saying. Whether it’s his potential ethics violations, his disgusting campaign tactics, his calling women whores, or his Ted Cruz birtherism … Alan Grayson is a disgusting person. Heck, even ethically challenged (Democrats at all costs) Harry Reid (D-NV) doesn’t want Grayson around. That should be all you needed to know about the guy, and I barely scratched the surface.

Grayson is, shall we say, factually challenged most of the time. This latest ludicrous statement, however, may be his most laughable yet.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]@AlanGrayson is, shall we say, factually challenged most of the time. – http://snip.ly/uajxg Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

[contentcards url=”http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/13/alan-grayson-claims-ar-15-rifles-can-fire-700-roun/” target=”_blank”]

Yeah, you read that right. Let’s hear him say.

Grayson, like other anti-Constitution liberals, ran to stand on the graves of the dead in the Orlando attack by a radical Muslim jihadi. In doing so, he made the utterly ridiculous claim that an has a of 700 rounds per minute.

  1. It was not an AR-15 used by the jihadi.
  2. No, the AR-15 can’t shoot anywhere near 700 rounds per minute.
  3. Neither does the actual used by the Homeland Security cleared contractor jihadi.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]@AlanGrayson made utterly ridiculous claim that AR-15 fires 700 rounds per minute. http://snip.ly/uajxg[/Tweet]

A very skilled shooter MIGHT get 60 rounds off in a minute with a magazine change … might. Your average shooter isn’t going to have the skill to do that. There’s a lot that goes into this that must be considered as well. Trigger finger fatigue, how long does it take to access the magazines, then to swap out magazines, aiming, etc.

A listener asked me to evaluate the feasibility of carrying 700 rounds of ammo.

Each 30 round magazine with 5.56 rounds weighs roughly 1lb. Sometimes slightly more, sometimes slightly less depending on the material the magazine is made from, and the types of rounds themselves. Then you have 8-10lbs for the rifle.

It is not only physically impossible to shoot 700 rounds from these rifles because of human anatomy and limitations, but the weapon itself wouldn’t survive the stresses and heat from firing 700 rounds non-stop.

So … Alan Grayson’s claim is utter malarkey, and pure nonsense.

Conrad Close from American Crossroads did offer Grayson a change to redeem himself from his clown act though.

Put your money where your mouth is Grayson. Take the challenge.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]@ConradClose has offered $50k to charity of @AlanGrayson’s choice if he can fire 700 rounds per minute from an AR-15[/Tweet]

I would like to offer props to ‘It’s Not News, It’s’ CNN’s Erin Burnett for mindlessly agreeing with the factually incorrect, and laughable statements Alan Grayson made. That’s true modern journalism right there.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]@CNN’s @ErinBurnett mindlessly agreed with @AlanGrayson’s factually incorrect AR-15 claim. http://snip.ly/uajxg[/Tweet]

Like I always say, these anti-Constitution nuts don’t know the difference between .40 and 40oz.

If you would like to learn more about this subject, and why ‘assault weapon’ bans are silly, watch Indiana Sheriff Ken Campbell demonstrate this very topic at the range.


Added the weight of the ammo per listener request.