Daily : Thursday, Oct. 1

Hour 1




Hour 2

FLASHBACK: Richard Spencer Reiterates Support for Biden

Ben Shapiro calls it ‘journalistic malpractice’ that President Trump’s condemnations of white supremacy have been obscured

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Hour 3


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15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots


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‘WHAT fraud?’ GOP spox Elizabeth Harrington drops a mega-thread exposing Dems’ ‘mail-in ballot scam’

Nearly 100,000 Brooklyn Voters Got Wrong Ballot Return Envelopes

Affidavits Allege Texas Democrat Officials Involved In Mail-In Ballot Harvesting Scheme

FLASHBACK: Mischief in Minnesota? Al Franken’s recount isn’t funny


Seth Mandel shreds the NYT in must-read thread over their meltdown on old embarrassing tweets from journos

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Not only has the liberal MSM behaved this way on old unsavory posts, but they acted exactly the same during the #MeToo meltdown. Eventually, they were forced to finally take down some of their own. Of course, now they are trying to walk back how bad some of their own’s actions really were (i.e. ).


‘s Seth Mandel has a must-read thread on that New York Times article we told you about earlier where they have a meltdown over Trump allies archiving embarrassing tweets from journos.


Click here to view original web page at twitchy.com

Daily : Tuesday, June 4

Pete Buttigieg defends Al Franken: Democrats ‘held him to a higher standard’


Buttigieg Dodges Question On Naming A Living Republican He ‘Respects’

Prosecutor Removed In Eddie Gallagher Case

Judge Tosses House Dems’ Lawsuit Trying to Block Trump’s Use of Military Funds for Border Wall


Hour 2

Goshen homeless camp empties after eviction notice

A Man Has Quickly Become A Meme For Calmly Telling A Woman “It’s Above Me” After She Called Him A Racial Slur

Doxed Forklift Driver Starts Legal Fund to Sue Facebook, Daily Beast

The Armed School Resource Officer Who Failed To Confront The Parkland Shooter Has Been Arrested

DoJ: Key Mueller Witness Arrested For Transporting Child Pornography … Again


Hour 3

FDA: Sampling finds toxic nonstick compounds in some food


Soy Boy Academics: Dodgeball is an “Unethical Tool of Oppression’


Daily : Thursday, Dec. 7


Live stream from today’s show:

Sen. Al Franken Resigns from Senate=> Attacks President Trump and Judge Roy Moore On the Way Out the Door (VIDEO)

Senator resigned from the US Senate today.

Pulse nightclub shooter’s wife to stand trial in Orlando | Fox News

The wife of Omar Mateen, the gunman who killed 49 people at an Orlando last year in the name of ISIS, will stand trial in the city, a judge ordered Wednesday.

Corey Feldman’s 1993 audio files naming alleged sexual predators found by Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office | Fox News

Has been vindicated?

Hour 2

Tidalgate: Climate Alarmists Caught Faking Sea Level Rise

Alarmist scientists have been caught red-handed tampering with raw data in order to exaggerate .

Obama Thanks Himself For Econ Recovery | The Daily Caller

Former President thanked himself in a speech at the Chicago climate summit Tuesday, saying his administration’s policies were the reason for America’s increased job creation and economic growth.

Hmm … you can’t take credit for jobs you said were never going to come back, and you admitted you had no idea how you could get them back just last year bub.

FLASHBACK: Obama Says Manufacturing Jobs Aren’t Coming Back – Then Trump Sets Record of 40,000 Manufacturing Jobs in One Month

“When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for, that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exectly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s uh-uh no answer to it. He just says. “I’m going to negotiate a better deal.” Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.

Top DOJ official demoted amid probe of contacts with Trump dossier firm | Fox News

A senior Justice Department official was demoted this week amid an ongoing investigation into his contacts with the opposition research firm responsible for the anti-Trump “dossier,” the department confirmed to Fox .

DOJ Reviewing More Than 10,000 Strzok Texts | The Daily Caller

Fox News reports that the bureau is reviewing “several months” worth of messages that the agent, Peter Strzok, exchanged with Lisa Page, an FBI attorney with whom he was having an affair.

Hour 3

Franken Accuser Calls Out His Non-Apology | The Daily Caller

The Democrat from Minnesota announced Thursday that he would be resigning from the Senate over sexual harassment allegations, but he never apologized to the women who accused him. Franken also took time to call out President and Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore over their own alleged sexual misconduct.

Swamp Working Hard For Pence’s Bro | The Daily Caller

A sense of loyalty to Vice President Mike Pence among establishment Republicans is proving a difficult obstacle for one challenger to his brother Greg Pence in the upcoming Republican primary for Indiana’s sixth congressional district.

House Passes National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill – Matt Vespa

Shocker—the Democratic reaction has been well…unhinged.

Good Woman with a Gun Shoots Man Allegedly Assaulting Officer – Breitbart

On Tuesday an unidentified good woman with a gun saw a law enforcement officer being attacked and shot his alleged attacker with her .

Transgender Sues Parents Over Treatment | The Daily Caller

Ohio social workers are siding with a teen against her parents, asking that she receive treatment at a hospital instead of the Christian-based therapy the parents desire.