Why Did Shoot Down The Ukrainian ?

Hour 1 of January 9, 2020.

Reports: Downed Ukrainian Flight Was Hit By Anti-Aircraft Missile Over Iran

Iran plane crash: Ukrainian investigators want to search crash site for Russian missile debris

Ukrainian Flight 752 Shot Down by Missile System: Report

Iranian investigators on Thursday said the black boxes that belonged to the plane have been damaged and some parts of their memory were lost

Iran plane crash: burning Boeing was trying to turn back, say Tehran investigators

Ukraine plane did not radio for help before it crashed

Trudeau says Canada has intelligence Iran shot down Ukrainian airliner


Daily Show Prep: Thursday, January 9

Hour 1

Reports: Downed Ukrainian Flight Was Hit By Anti-Aircraft Missile Over Iran

Iran plane crash: Ukrainian investigators want to search crash site for Russian missile debris

Ukrainian Flight 752 Shot Down by Missile System: Report


Iranian investigators on Thursday said the black boxes that belonged to the plane have been damaged and some parts of their memory were lost

Iran plane crash: burning Boeing was trying to turn back, say Tehran investigators

Ukraine plane did not radio for help before it crashed

Trudeau says Canada has intelligence Iran shot down Ukrainian airliner


Hour 2

Indiana panel rejects proposed $291M teacher pay hike

No Charges for Brittany Ingle

Retention ponds a ‘growing threat’? Mishawaka deaths raise questions about barriers, safety


Hour 3

Far-Left Internet Thinks Mayor Pete Is a Secret Agent

Ebola-infected woman crosses America’s open border and dies in a Texas hospital… “human weapons” infected with Ebola are being sent into the USA

Court Approves $3.6 Billion For Border Wall; Trump Responds

Exclusive: Rep. Bradley Byrne Moves to Censure Pelosi for Holding Up Impeachment

Carnival Cruise Line bans ‘offensive’ clothing and accessories
