Friday, March 31 – Hour 1 Podcast

Comey Wanted To Reveal Russian Interference During The 2016 Election, Obama White House Stopped Him – Matt Vespa

Newsweek is saying that Comey wanted to write an op-ed about the Russian interference into the 2016 election, but the administration vetoed it.

New Huma Abedin Emails Reveal Additional Instances of Clinton Sending Classified Information through Unsecured Emails, Special Favors for Clinton Donors – Judicial Watch

In a February 2010 email exchange Jake Sullivan, then-Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton, sent to Clinton’s and Abedin’s unsecure email accounts information that the State Department has classified as the material includes information “to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy; foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources.” The redacted information concerns “former GTMO [Guantanamo] detainee Binyam Mohamed” and Mohamed’s request for “various classified intelligence documents” that contained U.S. intelligence information related to his detention before he was taken to Guantanamo.

Report: Hillary, 6 Aides Had Access to Classified State Dept Info After Leaving Office – Breitbart

Friday on Fox Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” network correspondent Ed Henry reported Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had revealed former Secretary of State , the 2016 presidential nominee for the Democratic Party, and six of her aides retained their access to top secret and classified information after leaving the State Department in 2013.

Hillary Emails: Top Clinton Aide Plotted to ‘Help’ News Media ‘Figure Out How Things Work’

Philippe and I had an offline conversation about this and I agree entirely. I think it makes sense for you to meet with influencers on a regular — though not intrusive — basis. An OTR conversation with you is the best way to help guys like Brooks “figure out” how things work.

Indiana lawmakers finding halting cold beer sales at chain harder than expected – 95.3 MNC

A top Republican is suggesting the Legislature may not be able to stop the chain Ricker’s from selling before the end of session.

Get ready to start paying sales tax on those Amazon purchases « Hot Air

Amazon plans on April 1 to start collecting tax in Hawaii, Idaho, Maine and New Mexico, according to CNBC. Those are the last four states in which Amazon had yet to collect applicable state .

Thursday, March 30 – Hour 3 Podcast

Reporter Compares Mike Pence To Sharia Law | The Daily Caller

Xeni Jardin, a journalist with Boing Boing, attempted to compare ‘s eating habits to those of a practitioner on Wednesday, for which Twitter users hit her over the head with a metaphorical hammer.

Perfect Twitter response:

Clintons = Timeless love story
Weiners = Proof love conquers all
Pences = Sick depraved weirdos

Second best Twitter response:

Everybody remembers where they were when Mike Pence stoned a woman to death for talking to him

Coffee shop loyalty card shows hole-punch through Trump’s head | Fox News

The front of the card has the typical 10-count with its logo to punch, but on the back – pictures of 10 people management does not like: Donald , Rick Santorum, Ann Coulter, Mike Pence, Martin Shkreli, Pat Robertson, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz.

You Can Get A Free Cup Of Starbucks Just For Talking To A Liberal | The Daily Caller

Here’s how it works: Users can sign up for the app via Facebook and are then paired with someone nearby who identifies with the opposing political party. Each user then receives half of the information necessary to unlock a gift card. Then, once both participants meet up, they can work together to unlock the gift cards and receive a complimentary cup of java.

Teacher who Called Trump’s Election ‘Act of Terrorism” Awarded Faculty of the Year | Truth Revolt

Nearly four months and one semester later, in a development that is sure to infuriate her critics, Cox has been named OCC’s Faculty Member of the Year.

Thursday, March 30 – Hour 2 Podcast

J Scott Armstrong: Fewer Than 1 Percent Of Papers in Scientific Journals Follow Scientific Method – Breitbart

FLASHBACK: Cell Phones & Cancer: Two Weeks, Two Studies, Two Different Conclusions – The Burning Truth

One week a # will be released showing one result, and the next week another study showing the opposite result gets published. It’s been that way for years. Coffee is healthy, coffee is unhealthy. Eggs are healthy, eggs are unhealthy. It’s become so predictable that I routinely mock ‘studies’ like this on the program.

News from The Associated Press

A bill approved Wednesday by the GOP-controlled House would require that data used to support new regulations to protect human health and the environment be released to the public.

McDonald’s Quarter Pounders will soon be made of fresh beef

In a move that appears aimed at taking on the quality movement sweeping fast food, McDonald’s announced Thursday that it will start making one of its signature hamburgers, the , with fresh beef patties.

Woman snaps photo of IHOP server helping disabled customer – Story | WAGA

“A man and disabled woman were dining and your server sat down with them and proceeded to help feed the disabled woman while her companion enjoyed his food,” Dotson told . “My faith in humanity has been restored a little today.”

Fingerprints of Refugee Admitted To U.S. Were Found In An Iraq Bunker Used To Hold Hostages In Terrible Conditions – Katie Pavlich

Two Iraqi men in the United States as , brothers Yousif Al Mashhandani and Adil Hasan, were arrested and charged Monday with immigration fraud after federal authorities found they lied about their biological connection to Majid Al Mashhadani. Mashhadani is an Iraqi who kidnapped an American in 2004 and held them in horrible conditions for nearly a year.

Thursday, March 30 – Hour 1 Podcast

Elkhart police officers deny wrongdoing in Jazzelyn Crase civil lawsuit | Elkhart |

Two officers cleared of criminal wrongdoing in a fatal Dec. 4 incident are also denying any improper actions in a civil stemming from the incident.

Microsoft Word – 165812

WASHINGTON, March 27, 2017 – The Federal Communications Commission is alerting consumers to be on the lookout for callers seeking to get victims to say the word “yes” during a call and later use a recording of the response to authorize unwanted charges on the victim’s utility or credit card account. According to complaints the has received and public reports, the fraudulent callers impersonate representatives from organizations that provide a service and may be familiar to the person receiving the call, such as a mortgage lender or utility, to establish a legitimate reason for trying to reach the consumer. T

Wednesday, March 29 – Hour 3 Podcast

Road funding plan advances out of Indiana Senate committee – 95.3 MNC

A provision allowing the governor to seek interstate tolling also remains. One new provision is a $5 fee that would be charged on the sale of each tire sold in the state. More “User Fees” Added To Indiana Road Funding Plan –

However, senators in the committee amended the bill to now include a $5 fee to be charged on the sale of each tire sold in . A $100 commercial vehicle license plate fee was also added.

Obama’s Former Asst. Defense Secretary ADMITS ON MSNBC Obama Admin Spied on Trump (VIDEO)

Former Assistant Defense Secretary under the administration, admitted that the Obama administration was trying to collect as much intelligence as possible on the administration.

Homeowner’s Son Shoots, Kills 3 Burglars… With AR-15 | Truth Revolt

liberals, pay attention. In Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, three people decided to burgle a house on Monday. At around 12:30 p.m., they picked their target house, entered through the back door, and came face to face with the homeowner’s nineteen-year-old son. Words were exchanged, and shots were fired. When the Wagoner County sheriff’s deputies arrived at the site of the burglary, they were surprised to find three dead bodies upon arrival — all belonging to the would-be thieves. According to Fox , two of the suspected burglars died in the kitchen and one in the driveway. The two homeowners were unhurt.

President Trump Signs Vietnam War Veterans Day Act; Honor Nam Vets By Flying Flag on March 29

The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 designates every March 29 as National Vietnam War Veterans Day and calls for the U.S. flag to be flown that day to honor those who served in Vietnam. The bill was co-sponsored by Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN). The bill passed the Senate last month and cleared the House last week.