Thursday, March 2 – Hour 2 Podcast

Jeff Sessions’ live press conference

Attorney General Jeff Sessions: I Will Recuse from Investigations of Donald Trump Campaign – Breitbart

Sessions asserted that he was already meeting with staff to discuss his role in investigations of the 2016 campaign, since he was a surrogate for the candidate.

Trump’s Military Outfit on USS Gerald R. Ford Photos | The Daily Caller

By tonight the media headline will read: ‘Trump gets improper campaign donations for military personnel.’ 

Photo published for President Trump Is Decked Out In A Bad-Ass Military Outfit Today Via @dailycaller

President Trump Is Decked Out In A Bad-Ass Military Outfit Today Via @dailycaller

‘They just gave me this beautiful jacket…’

TV News vs. President Trump: The First 30 Days

While most new presidents enjoy a media honeymoon, the tone of Trump’s coverage was nearly as hostile (88% negative) as we found during last year’s presidential campaign (91% negative).

Analysis: Only 3 percent of reports on CBS, NBC positive for Trump | TheHill

The firm’s analysts watched 370 stories about Trump on the “NBC Nightly News,” “CBS Evening News” and Fox News’s “Special Report” between Jan. 20 and Feb. 17. Trump took office the day the analysis began.

Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett moves in to Kaloroma home | Daily Mail Online

And Obama is being aided in his political crusade by his longtime consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, who has moved into the 8,200-square-foot, $5.3-million Kaloroma mansion with  the former president and Michelle Obama, long time best friends.

CNN Hires Valerie Jarrett’s Daughter to Report on the Trump Admin | Heat Street


Thursday, March 2 – Hour 1 Podcast

Is Jeff Sessions Meeting With Russians A Scandal? – The Burning Truth

Another week, another Washington Post story about how Trump is really a Russian vassal.

Manchin Defends Sessions: I’ve Met With Russian Ambassador | The Daily Caller

Sen. Joe Manchin told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota Thursday that it isn’t unusual for senators to meet with ambassadors of other countries.

Sen. Blunt: ‘Very Normal’ for Sessions to Meet with Russian Ambassador – Breitbart

“I’ve talked to at least twenty ambassadors in the last six weeks. It would have been very normal for Sessions, as a senator, to have talked to the Russian ambassador without discussing the election,” Blunt said in a statement. An aide said the Russian ambassador was not one of the 20.

McCaskill Misleads with Tweet She Had No Contact with Russian Ambassador – Breitbart

Claire McCaskill (D-Mo) sent out a misleading Tweet on Thursday claiming that she had never, “ever” met or spoken with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, while previous Tweets showed she met and spoke to the Russian official in 2013 and again in 2015.

Denied: Indiana BMV rejects Goshen man’s ‘Atheist’ license plate | News |

The Goshen resident wanted a plate that read “Atheist”, but the BMV turned down the request in a letter that does not cite the specific reasoning for the denial. Bontrager says he thinks the denial was religiously motivated and that he didn’t think there would be an issue when he asked for the personalized plate.

Two callers called to say they see this license plate all the time. It’s likely already been issued.



Monday, February 27 – Hour 3 Podcast

Pete Buttigieg drops out of DNC Chair race, Tom Perez elected to the post – 95.3 MNC

South Bend Mayor dropped out of the race for the .

The race for DNC Chairman was, of course, totally “rigged.” Bernie’s guy, like Bernie himself, never had a chance. Clinton demanded Perez!

DNC Chairman Tom Perez Appeared On NBCs Meet The Press | The Daily Caller

Perez defeated Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison in a tight Saturday race for the chairmanship. The vote went to a second round after Perez fell one vote shy of the 214.5 needed to win on the first ballot. Perez defeated Ellison 235 – 200 on the second ballot. After it was clear Perez was going to win, pro-Ellison forces began to chant,”party for the people, not big money.”

WIKILEAKS: Tom Perez Secretly Supported Hillary — Wanted to “Put a Fork” in Bernie’s Latino Support

Emails between former chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, John Podesta, and new DNC Chair  show that Perez was in bed with the Clinton campaign to take out Senator Sanders.

FAKE NEWS: New York Times Caught MAKING-UP False Quote From Trump’s CPAC Speech

On Friday the New York Times published a piece titled Trump’s Blistering Speech at CPAC Follows Bannon’s Blueprint. In the article the New York Times intentionally tried to mislead readers and cause chaos and panic by lying about what President Trump said during his CPAC speech.

FAKE NEWS: Salon Claims Trump Letting ICE ‘Deport Whoever They Want’

The leftist organization, Salon, continued to spread fear of mass deportations in an article on Monday mocking Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agents as “having ‘fun’ again, as Trump sets them free to deport whoever they want.”

EXCLUSIVE: Trump Took Future Green Berets into Oval Office in Q-Course First – Breitbart

President Trump, in his third week in office, met with a class of Green Beret candidates and brought them into the Oval Office for the first time in the course’s history.

White House responds to father of Navy SEAL killed in Yemen raid – AOL News

White House spokesman Sean Spicer responded to the father of US Navy SEAL Chief William “Ryan” Owens, who was killed in action during a raid in Yemen, saying that the Department of Defense would launch three investigations into the operation.

Media Outrage over White House ‘Exclusion’ is Fake News – Breitbart

However, as the New York Times itself reported in 2015, President Barack Obama met privately with liberal reporters and columnists frequently throughout his tenure in office — “more than a dozen” times. And although he occasionally invited conservative columnists, “Liberal-leaning columnists from newspapers tend to dominate at Mr. Obama’s secret sessions.”

FLASHBACK: President Obama Meets with Progressive Bloggers – ABC News

As the clock ticks down to the midterms and the White House tries to rally the base, President Obama this afternoon is meeting with five popular progressive bloggers.

FLASHBACK: Progressive journos hang with Obama: Anything wrong with that? – The Washington Post

when she’s invited to an off-the-record meeting in the White House with President Obama. “Since it was off the record, she’s unable to discuss,” responded Huffington Post spokesman Rhoades Alderson when asked whether his boss could pick up the phone.


Monday, February 27 – Hour 2 Podcast

Sunday alcohol sales bill dies again – ABC21: Your Weather Authority

Another year, another failed Sunday alcohol sale bill.

8 ways to get alcohol on Sundays

1. Get a growler at your local brewery.

Don’t Look Now, But Michigan’s Restricting Wine Shipments Again –

Last month, an Indiana wine retailer and a handful of consumers in Michigan filed suit in federal court to challenge a new Michigan law that bars out-of-state retailers from shipping wine into the state.

Army vet faces trial for posting flags at VA site, Sessions asked to intervene | Fox News

A 74-year-old U.S. Army veteran is set to go on trial next month for the ‘crime’ of posting two American flags on the fence of a Los Angeles VA facility — and the Justice Department is facing calls to drop the case.

Iran confirms: US paid ransom – AEI | Foreign and Defense Policy Blog » AEIdeas

Iranian government perceived the payment received from the United States, Hossein Nejat, deputy Intelligence Director of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps yesterday bragged that Iran forced the United States to pay $1.4 billion ransom to win the release of imprisoned Washington Post correspondent Jason Rezaian.


Monday, February 27 – Hour 1 Podcast

Lockout over at Honeywell plant in South Bend | Business |

“We’re good to go. The lockout is over,” Todd Treber, president of UAW Local 9, said. “We’ll be heading back to work. It’s just a relief. It’s been a lot of stress during negotiations and being locked out of a job for almost 10 months.”

Swelling Delphi investigation prompts new HQ

With nearly two dozen agencies looking into thousands of tips, police in Dephi have established a new home base in the investigation of two slain teenagers.

Media Falsely Report Trump At DC Hotel During Kuwaiti Party | The Daily Caller

Basic reporting errors by Reuters and NPR resulted in journalists falsely reporting that President Trump attended a foreign diplomat’s party at Trump’s D.C. hotel in what was portrayed as a possible pay-to-play scenario.

Fiddler’s Hearth wants you to support sanctuary… – Casey Hendrickson – Radio Talk Show Host

Fiddler’s Hearth wants you to support sanctuary . Your thoughts?

Fake Hate: Racist Note On Restaurant Receipt Is A Hoax … Again – The Burning Truth

A black waitress who received thousands of dollars in donations after she claimed she received a racist note and no tip from a patron last month, fabricated the incident, the customer claims.