Wednesday, March 15 – Hour 2 Podcast

Evidence Piles Showing Vaping Is Not Gateway To Cigarettes | The Daily Caller

“The national trends in vaping and cigarette smoking do not support the argument that vaping is leading to smoking,” Kozlowski said in a statement. “From the best evidence to date, e-cigarettes are much less dangerous than cigarettes. The public has become confused about this.”

A major study finding that voter ID laws hurt minorities isn’t standing up well under scrutiny – Vox

But a follow-up study suggests the findings in the original were bunk. According to researchers at Stanford, Yale, and the University of Pennsylvania, the original study was based on surveys of voters that are extremely unreliable — skewing the results. On top of that, several calculation errors led to even more problems. When the errors are corrected, the follow-up researchers found, there’s no evidence in the analyzed data that voter ID laws have a statistically significant impact on voter turnout.

FLASHBACK: What White Liberals Really Think Of Black People – Video – The Burning Truth

Yup. Elitist pasty white liberals exist in a mythical world where they are the ‘white knights’ of the poor, illiterate, inferior black people. They actually fail to see their own racism while frivolously hurling false accusations of racism at those who see everyone as equals.

Wednesday, March 15 – Hour 1 Podcast


After a pretty long windup, Rachel Maddow tonight got around to disclosing the tax information about President Trump she teased on Twitter earlier tonight.

Despite Mockery, MSNBC Spends Hours on Trump Tax Returns

Despite left-wing MSNBC host Rachel Maddow being lampooned on social media and even by her media colleagues Tuesday night over her laughable “scoop” that Donald Trump paid his taxes, on Wednesday, the mockery didn’t deter the network from devoting extensive air time to the story every hour from 6 a.m. through noon ET.

Maddow Wastes Our Time in Delaying Release of Trump Tax Returns; Internet Loses It

Hilariously, she wasted 22 minutes of viewers’ time by rehashing past monologues on the history of presidential tax returns, implying connections between Trump and various Russian oligarches before discussing the contents of the first two pages from Trump’s 1040 form.

Twitter Just SHREDDED Rachel Maddow Over Trump Tax Return ‘Story’ | MRCTV

And which the Wall Street Journal had already reported on – a year ago.

FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Got a Big Break on 2005 Taxes – WSJ

Donald Trump was able to deduct $39.1 million from his 2005 federal income taxes by pledging not to build houses on a New Jersey golf course he owns, according to public records.

White House Reporter Tweets on Trump’s Tax Return and Beclowns Herself; Lacks Basic Economics Skills

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Lies about Trump’s Tax Returns at First Debate (Video)

Hillary Clinton: First, maybe he’s not as rich as he says he is. Second, maybe he’s not as charitable as he claims to be. Or maybe he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’ paid nothing in federal taxes.

NYT Eats Crow After Trump Tax Return Proves Story Wrong | The Daily Caller

The White House released President Trump’s tax return from 2005 on Tuesday, which showed that he paid $38 million on $150 million in income. This disproves the premise of a major New York Times story in the lead-up to the November election.

BREAKING: MSNBC Reveals Trump’s 2005 Tax Return. And It’s An EPIC FAIL. | Daily Wire

Trump paid over $36 million on an income of over $150 million, an effective tax rate of 25%. In the end, as sister organization CNBC put it, Maddow ended up handing Trump “a nice victory.”

Nets Spend 20 Minutes on Trump Tax Return Non-Story ‘But What Is It He’s Trying to Hide?’

Gallaudet Professor: Curing Deafness Is CULTURAL GENOCIDE | The Daily Caller

“This bias of Hearing culture can be seen in the normative claim that it is better to be a member of the dominant, mainstream Hearing cultural community than to be a member of the non-dominant Deaf cultural community,” Burke writes.

Tuesday, March 14 – Hour 3 Podcast

Judge Napolitano: ‘Three Intel Sources’ Say Obama Looked to Brit Agency to Spy on Trump – Breitbart

Fox Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano claimed “three intelligence sources” say President Obama looked to British spy agency GCHQ to obtain transcripts of conversations involving President Donald Trump on “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday.

TRUMP WAS RIGHT: Obama Admin Was Spying on Trump Tower Servers During Election (VIDEO)

Circa News reporter Sara Carter was back on with Sean Hannity on Monday to discuss the government surveillance of Trump Tower during the 2016 election.

Dem IT staffers from hour 1.

This creepy facial recognition app lets users find strangers on Facebook by taking their picture

Dr. Oz Rebuffs First Amendment Challenge by Olive Oil Industry –

Last week, a Georgia state judge dismissed a lawsuit filed against talk-show host Dr. Oz over claims made on his show last year that much of the olive oil sold in U.S. grocery stores is fraudulent. The suit alleged that Oz wrongly disparaged the corrupt olive oil industry.


Tuesday, March 14 – Hour 2 Podcast

Students Called Racist for Wearing Red, White and Blue – Apologize For Offending Refugees

“This is an example of BLATANT racism,” said Ty Leggett, a Valley High School alum, on the Valley High School – WDMCS Facebook page. “ALL participating should have been pulled and banned from ALL VHS extracurricular events for the remainder of the year! As a parent, I’d be mortified that my son or daughter thought this way, acted in this fashion and refrained from taking a stand against this 21st century inexcusable behavior!”

Protestors march to support Pro-Trump students outside high school |

A group of nine people gathered outside Grand Rapids Christian High School Friday to protest a decision made by school administrators to suspend four students who attempted to hold up signs supporting President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.

Female Drake U. Student Initiates Sex with Incapacitated Male, Lies About Key Details. Guess Who Got Expelled? – Hit & Run :

In the eventual hearing, Jane Doe admitted to initiating the oral sex on John Doe without his consent. Further, she defined “consent” to be when she initiated the sexual activity. She also stated during the hearing that she felt she was “just giving him what [she thought] he wanted.”

General: The Irish Made Potatoes Interesting, So Can Troops | The Daily Caller

“The standard of living is spartan — spartan, plus Wi-Fi,” he told the soldiers.

Prison Inmate Who Beat Up The Disgraced Subway Spokesman Has ‘No Regrets’

The disgraced Subway spokesman, who is doing 15 years for child porn and soliciting sex with minors, was apparently treated as a “god” at the Colorado prison by other child molesters. Nigg didn’t like that and says that’s why he attacked him, according to a letter obtained by TMZ.


Tuesday, March 14 – Hour 1 Podcast

House Hacking Suspects Could Read Congressmen’s Emails | The Daily Caller

“They had access to EVERYTHING. Correspondence, emails, confidential files — if it was stored on the Member system, they had access to it,” the former House Information Resources (HIR) technology worker with first-hand knowledge of Imran’s privileges told The Daily Caller Foundation.

Indiana Legislators Once Considered Changing Pi To 3.2 | News – Indiana Public Media

According to Purdue University, Indiana doctor Edwin Goodwin thought he found a new way to calculate Pi in1896 and proposed a bill that would legislate the value as 3.2.

82% of Kids in ‘Netflix Only’ Homes Have No Idea What Commercials Are

82% of kids in Netflix only homes don’t know what commercials are